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해당년도를 클릭하시면 상세내용을 확인 하실 수 있습니다.

◆ 2024년도 제4차 정기학술발표회 (경영관련학회 융합학술대회)

    • - 일시 : 2024. 8. 14(수)
    • - 장소 : 경주 화백컨벤션센터
    • - 발표논문 : 11편
  • 제1분과: 투자론과 금융기관
  • 사회자: 정성훈(대구가톨릭대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Understanding Short-Term Return Reversals: Analysis of Investor Behavior and Psychological Price Barriers in Asian Stock Markets 김소명(부산대)*
Religion and Branch Banking 이준용(국민대)*
The Usefulness of Piotroski F-Score in Quantitative Investment Strategy 신희정(동의대)* 김수지(고려대)
Intended Consequences of Frequent Portfolio Disclosure 정지웅(고려대)*
Koren Jo(한국뉴욕쥬립대)
강세진(Ohio State Univ.)
  • 제2분과: ESG와 기업가치
  • 사회자: 김진산(경북대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Does a Firm's Green Management Improve its GHG Emissions Perfomance? 박진혁(부산대)*
은행의 화석연료 금융이 기업가치에 미치는 영향 이아선(인하대)*
기후정책 불확실성이 기업투자에 미치는 영향에 대한 실증 연구: 한국 상장 기업을 중심으로 한병훈(KAIST)*
The Firm-Value Effect of ETS: Evidence from the Korean Market 조진형(카카오)*
  • 제3분과: 기업재무정책
  • 사회자: 전진규(동국대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Corporate Social Responsibility and R&D Risk Premium: Evidence from Korea 조원호(광운대)*
Meiyan Jin(연세대)
Social Ties in Business Groups: Evidence from CEO Turnovers 김수지(고려대)*
Are Environmental and Socially Responsible Firms More Resilient? Korean Firms during the COVID-19 Crash 정성준(한국은행)*

◆ 2024년도 제3차 정기학술발표회 (Summer Finance Roundtable)

    • - 일시 : 2024. 6. 24(월)~25(화)
    • - 장소 : 2024. 8. 14(수)
    • - 발표논문 : 9편
  • Inaugural Early Idea Session
  • 사회자: Jie Jay Cao (HK PolyU)
논문제목 발표자
Optimal stopping Decisions and the Disposition Effect 안용길(서울과학기술대)
Information Acquisition and Bank Lending 최동범(서울대)
The Economics of PIPEs in SPACs 박뵤경(NTU Taiwan)
  • 제1분과: Corporate Finance
  • 사회자: 도현수(한양대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Carbon Offsets: Decarbonization or Transition-Washing? 김세훈(Univ. of Florida) 이희범(고려대)
Capital Structure and ESG Integration 이기영(성균관대) 오지열(성균관대)
Liquidity Provision and Bank Opacity 박준호(명지대) 오종민(성균관대)
  • 제2분과: Asset Pricing
  • 사회자: 한정석(서울대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
The Effect of Uneven Nonbank Growth on Local Housing 최현수(KAIST) 이해강(Univ. of South Carolina)
Haircut, Interest Rate, and Collateral Quality in the Repo Market: Evidence and Theory 최상엽(연세대) 어준경(연세대)
Uninformed Private Debt Market with Liquid Credit Derivatives 오준호(한국외국어대) 박해랑(고려대)

◆ 2024년도 제2차 정기학술발표회(한국재무관리학회, 한국재무학회, 한국증권학회, 한국파생상품학회, 한미재무학회 공동)

    • - 일시 : 2024. 5. 18(금)
    • - 장소 : The PLAZA Hotel Seoul
    • - 발표논문 : 44편
  • 제1분과: Investment 1
  • 사회자: 이준서(동국대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Resurrecting Lottery-Related Anomalies 민병규(한양대학교)*
Brand Value and Long-Run Stock Returns Hamid Boustanifar(EDHEC Business School)
Intermediate Cross-sectional Prospect Theory Value in Stock Markets: A Novel Method 엄철준(부산대학교)*
Interest Rate Risk, Inflation, and the Cross Section of Stock Returns 박흥주(성균관대학교)
  • 제2분과: Environment Finance
  • 사회자: 강형구(한양대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Climate Change and Shareholder Value: Evidence from Textual Analysis and Trump’s Unexpected Victory Pattanaporn Chatjuthamard(Chulalongkorn Univ.)
이상묵(Pennsylvania State Univ.)
김영상(Northern Kentucky Univ.)*
Pornsit Jiraporn(Pennsylvania State Univ.)
Tug of War in Corporate Environmental Lobbying 안병제(Nanyang Technological Univ.)
김회광(Univ. of South Carolina)
Every Emission You Create-Every Dollar You’ll Donate: The Effect of Regulation-induced Pollution on Corporate Philanthropy 최승호(Queensland Univ. of Technology)*
박종현(Univ. of Techonology Sydney)
Simon Xu(Univ. of California at Berkeley)
Environmental Regulation, Pollution, and Shareholder Wealth 최승호(Queensland Univ. of Technology)
박종현(Univ. of Techonology Sydney)*
Simon Xu(Univ. of California at Berkeley)
  • 제3분과: Human Capital
  • 사회자: 권재현(인천대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Labor-Management Relational Capital 황선우(고려대학교)*
Unintended Benefits of Employment Protection: Households’ Stock Market Participation 조찬익(The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)* 김태훈(경희대학교)
High CEO Compensation: Incentives for CEO or Managers? 송명구(산업연구원)* 석우남(한국ESG기준원)
Gender Tenure Gap and Equity Prices 배재완(동국대학교)*
  • 제4분과: Corporate Finance
  • 사회자: 정준영(중앙대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
현금부족이 외부자본 조달 결정에 미치는 영향 김소연(조선대학교)
Profiting from Rival Firms’ Cyberattacks: Evidence from Informed Trading by Insiders with Social Ties 강준구(Nanyang Technological Univ.)
김정민(The Hong Kong Polytechinic Univ.)*
Fangbo Si(Jinan Univ.)
금융산업에서 대리인의 위험 성향이 주인의 자산에 영향을 미치는 증거 강형구(한양대학교)
The Sensitivity of Cash Savings to the Cost of Capital Viral V. Acharya(New York Univ.)
변석구(Baylor Univ.)*
Zhaoxia Xu(UNSW)
  • 제5분과: Corporate Governance
  • 사회자: 박기봉(한국외국어대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Create Your Own Valuation 강민모(Cornell Univ.)* 김순호(부경대학교)
Riding off into the Sunset: Dual-Class Structure in the Age of Unicorns Going Public Hao Liang(Singapore Management Univ.)
Wei Zhang(Singapore Management Univ.)
Old Soldiers Never Die: Life of Former CEOs Named Kaicho 최희정(선문대학교)
김종훈(Senshu Univ.)
Konari Uchida(Kyushu Univ.)
  • 제6분과: Financial Markets
  • 사회자: 김누리(한양대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Buy-Sell Imbalances Around Round Numbers and High-Frequency Trading Albert J. Lee(한양대학교)* 김대진(성균관대학교)
Foreign Direct Investment during Financial Crises: Evidence from Korea 이준용(KAIST)*
Global Banking Network and Syndicated Loan Prices 박아영(조선대학교)*
  • 제7분과: Investment 2
  • 사회자: 선정훈(성균관대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
The Composition of Market Participants and Asset Dynamics 조찬익(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)* 서상원(중앙대학교)
GDA Preferences and Heavy Tails in Portfolio Construction Casper G. de Vrise(Erasmus Univ. Ratterdam)
확정급여형 퇴직연금의 동적 자산배분 이동행(미래에셋자산운용)*
  • 제8분과: Doctoral Student Consortium 1
  • 사회자: 최동범(서울대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Salience Theory and Stock Returns: The Role of Reference-Dependent Preferences 김동훈(KAIST)*
Market Manipulation in NFT Markets 오세범(Temple Univ.)* 이종섭(서울대학교)
레버리지 ETF를 활용한 투기심리지수와 시장수익률 사이의 관계에 대한 연구 박하연(서울대학교)* 장호규(충남대학교)
Portfolio Optimization with Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks 최명수(한양대학교)*
  • 제9분과: Capital Markets
  • 사회자: 권경민(홍익대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
고빈도 알고리즘 전략의 투자성과 분석 우민철(한국거래소)* 이우백(한국방송통신대학교)
Corporate Governance and Firm Risk: Role of Mandatory Corporate Governance Disclosure 김해성(한국거래소)*
시가 단일가매매 호가접수시간 단축과 가격발견 효과 관계 분석 박영석(서강대학교)
  • 제10분과: Blockchain and Machine Learning
  • 사회자: 한재훈(연세대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
DAO Governance 한정석(서울대학교)
Tao Li(Univ. of Florida)
Forecasting Returns and Optimizing Global Portfolios with Machine Learning: Evidence from the Korean and U.S. Stock Markets 천도현(강원대학교)*
Affine Term Structure Model with a Large Number of Factors and Machine Learning 장가영(한양대학교)
  • 제11분과: Environment and Hedge Fund
  • 사회자: 박광우(KAIST)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
How do Carbon Prices Impact the Carbon Premium? Eric Tham(James Cook Univ.)
Controlling Ownership and Environmental Sustainability around the World 김지미(Univ. of New South Wales)
최종무(Temple Univ.)*
조호제(Santa Clara Univ.)
Hedge Fund Awards: Do Investors and Managers Care, and Should They? 최형규(NeuracleGenetics)
강병욱(Hong Kong Polytechinc Univ.)
박성규(Willamette Univ.)*
  • 제12분과: M&A and Share Repurchase
  • 사회자: M&A and Share Repurchase
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Learning Production Process Heterogeneity Across Industries: Implications of Deep Learning for Corporate M&A Decisions 이종섭(서울대학교)
윤하용(Michigan State Univ.)*
The Persistence and Consequences of Share Repurchases Sadok El Ghoul(Univ. of Alverta)
Omrane Guedhami
(Univ. of South Carolina)
Attention to Detail: Learning About Mergers Adam L. Aiken(Elon Univ.)
이춘식(Univ. of Rhode Island)*
  • 제13분과: Doctoral Student Consortium 2
  • 사회자: 이동욱(고려대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Industry-level Confusion in ESG Ratings Alex G. Kim(The Univ. of Chicago)
Outside Director Tenure Length: Expertise-Enhancement vs. Entrenchment 김민재(고려대학교)*
깜깜이 배당제도의 비효율성에 대한 실증분석 – 코스닥 시장의 사전, 사후 공시기업에 대한 패널 이중차분법 분석 오종석(서울대학교)* 김경현(고려대학교)

◆ 2024년도 제1차 정기학술발표회

    • - 일시 : 2024. 2. 23(금)
    • - 장소 : 연세대학교 상남경영원
    • - 발표논문 : 25편
  • 제1분과: Methodology
  • 사회자: 이진호(한남대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Global Flight-to-Quality and Asset Pricing: Evidence from Factor Returns 강창모(한양대)
김준용(Univ. of North Carolina at Pembroke)
Optimal Stopping Decisions and the Disposition Effect: Evidence from Lab-in-the-Field Experiments 안용길(서울과학기술대) 박해랑(고려대)
Exploring Heterogeneity of Fixed-rate Loan Prepayment Behavior through Application of Survival Analysis and K-means Clustering 윤정환(한국주택금융공사) 유승동(상명대)
옵션가격 기반 선도 기대수익 기간구조 분석 홍가연(서울대) 황인준(전주대)
  • 제2분과: Risk
  • 사회자: 오승현(서울여대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
부채만기구조와 신용등급 장호규(충남대)
안전자산 선호도를 나타내는 EMBI 스프레드의 관한 연구 조용구(신영증권)*
금융기관 경기대응완충자본(CCyB) 적립 효과에 관한 연구 조태진(목포대)*
  • 제3분과: Institutional Investors
  • 사회자:박광우(KAIST)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
벤처캐피탈의 투자가 SPAC합병기업의 회계처리에 미치는 영향 강유정(배화여대) 박경희(한남대)
IPO 수요 예측시 기관투자자의 투자의사결정 요인에 관한 실증 분석 김명현(로프티록인베스트먼트)*
Analyzing ESG Follow Through of Pension Funds: Evidence from Korea National P 김세희(서울대)
Aaron Yoon(Northwestern Univ.)
  • 특별세션 1: FnGuide 연구지원사업
  • 사회자 : 선정훈(건국대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
주식 수익률에 대한 어림수 가격의 영향 우민철(한국거래소)
펀드 평가의 새로운 접근법: 한국 펀드 산업 분석 이웅기(고려대) 정도영(한양대)
Dark Side of Analyst Coverage? The Case of Cash Holding Adjustment toward the Optimal Level 최수영(인하대)
SPAC IPO의 성과는 동종산업 경쟁자보다 우수한가? 정찬식(동아대)*
  • 제4분과: Digitalization
  • 사회자:빈기범(명지대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Innovation in Financial Inclusion Policies with Digital Transformation: Evidence from South Korea 변기웅(고려대)*
홍주성(LG CNS Entrue Consulting)
박제현(PwC Consulting)
Common Factors in the Returns of Cryptocurrencies 박해랑(고려대) 황수성(성균관대)
Cryptocurrency Prices and News Sentiment: Which Exerts Influence on the Other? 강려명(성균관대)
  • 제5분과: ESG
  • 사회자 : 한상범(경기대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Price of Clean Air: Evidence from Chinese Climate-focused Mutual Funds Hoje Jo(Santa Clara Univ.)
Xin Xu(Guangdong Univ. of Finance and Economics)
The Carbon Neutral Management and Firm's Stock Value: The Chinese Experience Sarula Bai(단국대)*
Anti-Takeover Provisions and Environmental, Social, and Governance Performance: Evidence form Korea Boxian Wang(연세대)*
  • 제6분과: Debt
  • 사회자 : 안희준(성균관대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
The Impact of Insider Share Pledging on Financial Performance and Firm Value: Empirical Evidence from Korea 안소정(연세대)*
Uninformed Private Debt Market with Liquid Credit Derivatives 이종섭(서울대)
Andy Naranjo(Univ. of Florida)
Chonsei as Leveraged Financing: Real Options Theory and Evidence in Korea 유승동(상명대) 윤정환(한국주택금융공사)
  • 특별세션2: 미래에셋자산운용 연구지원사업
  • 사회자 : 정무권(국민대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Correcting Market Mispricing of Accounting Information: The Role of ESG Report 신희정(동의대)
Relaxation of Antitrust Regulation and Shareholder Return: Evidence from the Korean Market 조상준(중앙대)*

◆ 2023년도 제5차 정기학술발표회"18th Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM2023)"

    • - 일시 : 2023. 12. 8(금)~9(토)
    • - 장소 : 포시즌스 호텔 서울
    • - 발표논문 : 60편
  • Session 1: Personal and Household Finance
  • Chair: Yun Woo Park (Chung-Ang University)
Title Author Discussant
Adaptation to Climate Change Through Mortgage Default and Prepayment Yongheng Deng(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Congyan Han(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Teng Li (Sun Yat-sen University)
Timothy Riddiough*(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Jihun Kim(Yonsei University)
Reference Price Updating in the Housing Market Shengwei Guo*(University of Wisconsin-Madison) Timothy Riddiough(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Understanding the Relationship between Gambling and Investment Jake An(University of Technology Sydeny)
Baek Jung Kim(University of British Columbia)
Sung Kwan Lee*(Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Kihoon Hong(Hongik University)
  • Session 2: Information and Stock Prices
  • Chair: Inmoo Lee (KAIST)
Title Author Discussant
Beauty Contests aroung News Releases Tarun Chordia (Emory University)
Bin Miao(Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Joonki Noh*(Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Da Hea Kim(Sungkyunkwan Universtiy)
Attention to Information, Attention to Prices Anirudh Dhawan*(Indian Institute of Management Bangalore)
Talis J. Putnins(University of Technology Sydney, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga)
Byungmo Kim(Dankook University)
Do Large Customers Help Price Discovery of Supplier Stocks? Dajin Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
Ryoonhee Kim* (KAIST)
George Jiang(Washington State University)
  • Session 3: Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Chair: David Schoenherr (Seoul National University)
Title Author Discussant
The Effect of Mandatory Climate Risk Disclosure on Environmentally Responsible Investing: Evidence from the U.S. insurance Industry Jiang Cheng (Lingnan University)
Jia Guo(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Jeffery Ng(The University of Hong Kong)
Tjomme Rusticus*(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Jiyoon Lee(Yonsei University)
Shale Gas Booms and Environmental CSR Changhwan Choi* (UIBE Business School)
Chune Young Chung (Chung-Ang University)
Darwin Choi(Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Measuring Business Social Irresponsibility: The Case of Sin stocks Hamid Boustanifar (EDHEC Business School)
Patrick Schwarz*(University of Duisburg-Essen)
Xintong Zhan(Fudna University)
  • Session 4: Behavioral Finance
  • Chair: Young S. Park (Sogang University)
Title Author Discussant
Revisiting the Cross-section of Expected Stock Returns: Evidence from a Textual Analysis of Buy Recommendations Hailiang Chen(The University of Hong Kong)
Byoung-Hyoun Hwang*(Nanyang Technological University)
Zhuozhen Peng(Nanyang Technological University)
Minki Kim(Korea Capital Market Institute)
Resurrecting Lottery-Related Anomalies Minki Kim(Korea Capital Market Institute)
Byoung-Kyu Min* (Hanyang University)
Do Seong Kim(Sogang University)
Minority CEOs, Discrimination, and IPO Underpricing Jun-Koo Kang(Nanyang Technological University)
Angie Low(Nanyang Technological University)
Quan Zhang*(Wenzhoou-Kean University)
Youngjoo Lee(Sogang University)
  • Session 5: International Finance
  • Chair: Kee-Hong Bae (York University)
Title Author Discussant
Global Insolvency and Cross-border Capital Flows Yeejin Jang*(Unviersity of New South Wales)
Ji Hyun Tak(University of New South Wales)
Wei Wang (Queen’s University)
David Schoenherr(Seoul National University)
Interbank Credit Information-Sharing and Trade Credit: Worldwide Evidence Xiaoqi Chen (Xiamen University)
Yangyang Chen*(City University of Hong Kong)
Jeong-Bon Kim(City University of Hong Kong)
Junqi Liu (Xiamen University)
Woojong Lee(Seoul National University)
Production, Trade, and Cross-Border Date Flows Qing Chang*(Central University of Finance and Economics)
Lin William Cong (Cornell University)
Liyong Wang(Central University of Finance and Economics)
Longtian Zhang(Central University of Finance and Economics)
Jessica Li(University of Chicago)
  • Session 6: Market Efficiency and Anomalies
  • Chair: Bong-Chan Kho (Seoul National University)
Title Author Discussant
Value Premium, Network Adoption, and Factor Pricing of Crypto Assets Lin William Cong (Cornell University)
G. Andrew Karolyi (Cornell University)
Ke Tang (Tshinghua University)
Weiyi Zhao* (Tsinghua University)
Hyoung-Goo Kang(Hanyang University)
Informed Securities Lending and the Cross-section of Stock Returns Yizhi Wang*(Shandong University of Finance and Economics)
Qiaoqiao Zhu (Australian National University)
Shu-Feng Wang(Ajou University)
Fundamental Skewness, Creative Destruction, and Post-earnings-Announcement Drift(PEAD) Zhanhui Chen(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Baek-Chun Kim* (Xiamen University)
Jun Kyung Auh(Yonsei University)
  • Session 7: Firm Value and Project Choice
  • Chair: Junghoon Seon (Konkuk University)
Title Author Discussant
Labor-Management Relational Capital Sunwoo Hwang* (Korea University)
Biwon Lee (Korea University)
Jin Q. Jeon(Dongguk University)
The Effects of Information Asymmetry on Shareholder Participation: Effective Monitoring or Disruption? Jiyoon Lee* (Yonsei University)
Jiyoung Park (Yonsei University)
Ryoonhee Kim(KAIST)
Does Corporate Employment Adjust to the Cost of Capital and Cash Flows? Soku Byoun (Baylor University)
Kai Wu* (Central University of Finance and Economics)
Zhaoxia Xu (UNSW Business School)
Sunwoo Hwang(Korea University)
  • Session 8: Corporate Governance
  • Chair: Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological University)
Title Author Discussant
Dancing with Family Owners: Is Shareholder Activism Effective in Family Firms? Jun-Koo Kang(Nanyang Technological University)
Hyemin Kim (Hanyang University)
Jungmin Kim*(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Raphael Jonghyeon Park(University of Technology Sydney)
When the EPA is in Play, Risk-taking Goes Away: The Effect of Environmental Regulations on CEO Compensation Seungho Choi(Queensland University of Technology, Hanyang University)
Ross Levine (Stanford University)
Raphael Jonghyeon Park*(University of Technology Sydney)
Simon Xu (Havard University)
Jungmin Kim(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
A Study of Anti-Hedge Policies: Determinants and Consequences Paul Brockman(Lehigh University)
Raluca Chiorean(Lehigh University)
Jae Bum Kim*(Lehigh University)
Dawoon Kim(Nanyang Technological University)
  • Session 9: Big data and Finance
  • Chair: Myung-Jig Kim (Hanyang University)
Title Author Discussant
Regulatory Fragmentation Joseph Kalmenovitz (University of Rochester)
Michelle Lowry (Drexel University)
Ekaterina Volkova* (University of Melbourne)
Kisung Yang(Soongsil University)
Consumers Reaction to Corporate ESG Performance: Evidence from Store Visits Tinghua Duan (IESEG School of Management)
Frank Weikai Li*(Singapore Management University)
Roni Michaely (University of Hong Kong)
Jeong Hwan Lee(Hanyang University)
Does High Frequency Market Manipulation Harm Market Quality? Jonathan Brogaard (University of Utah)
Dan Li* (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Jeffrey Yang (University of Utah)
Albert Lee(Hanyang University)
  • Session 10: ESG and Finance
  • Chair: Joonghyuk Kim (Korea University)
Title Author Discussant
Environmental, Social, and Governance(ESG) Integration under Asymmetric Information Dongkyu Chang(City University of Hong Kong)
Keeyoung Rhee*(Sungkyunkwan University)
Aaron Yoon (Northwestern University)
Taejin Kim(Korea University)
What Does ESG Investing Mean and Does It Matter Yet? Abed El Karim Farroukh (Indiana Unviersity)
Jarrad Harford (University of Washington)
David Shin* (University of Oklahoma)
Ji-Woong Chung(Korea University)
Tax Avoidance and ESG Disclosure Mandate: International Evidence Sadok El Ghoul (University of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami (University of South Carolina)
Yongtae Kim (Santa Clara University)
Hyo Jin Yoon* (University of Texas)
Jiyoon Lee(Yonsei University)
  • Session 11: Mutual Funds
  • Chair: Jong-Bom Chay (Sungkyunkwan University)
Title Author Discussant
Asset Market Liquidity, Strategic Complementarity, and Bond Fund Flows Xiaolu Hu(Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)
Jung Hoon Lee*(Office of Financial Research, US Treasury)
Shyam Venkatesan(University of Westeern Ontario)
Yu Sung Ha(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Investors' Interest Rate Risk Exposure: Evidence from Corporate Bond Mutual Fund Flows Jing-Zhi Huang (Penn State University)
Peipei Li*(Southern University of Science and Technology)
Yuan Wang(Southern University of Science and Technology)
Xiangkun Yao (Nankai University)
Lichen Zhang(Southern University of Science and Technology)
Yongjun Kim(University of Seoul)
Mutual Fund Tournaments for Distribution Yu Sung Ha*(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Byoung Uk Kang(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Hogyu Jang(Chungnam National University)
  • Session 12: Liquidity
  • Chair: Daejin Kim (Sungkyunkwan University
Title Author Discussant
Trade Credit within a Business Group Jinzhao Du*(University of New South Wales)
Peter Pham (University of Sydney)
Ji Hyun Tak(University of New South Wales)
Ron Masulis(University of New South Wales)
Taehyun Kim(Chung-Ang University)
Strategic Bargaining and Portfolio Choice in Intermediated Markets Jessica Shi Li* (University of Chicago) Jungsuk Han(Seoul National University)
Trade Credit, Demand Shocks, and Liquidity Management Vojislac Maksimovic (University of Maryland) Youngsuk Yook* (Federal Reserve Board) Hyun Joong Im(University of Seoul)
  • Session 13: Empirical Corporate FinanceEmpirical Corporate Finance
  • Chair: Jinho Byun (Ewha Womans University)
Title Author Discussant
Ferreting Out Growth Through Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions Kee-Hong Bae* (York University)
Jun-Koo Kang(Nanyang Technological University)
XiaoQiao Wang(Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Nan Xiong (Durham University)
Jangwook Lee(Ewha Wamans University)
The Impact of High-Pressure Political Reforms on State-Owned Enterprises: Evidence from China Sung C. Bae*(Bowling Green State University)Taek Ho Kwon(Chungnam National University)
Chenyang Liu(Chungnam National University)
Jieun Im(Hansung University)
Riding off into the Sunset: Dual-Class Structure in the Age of Unicorns Going Public Hao Liang(Singapore Management University)
Junho Park* (Myongji University)
Wei Zhang (Singapore Management University)
Hope Hyeun Han(UNIST)
  • Session 14: Empirical Research in Finance
  • Chair: Kyoung Min Kwon (Hongik University)
Title Author Discussant
Tech Giants and New Entry Threats Yang Pan (Tulane University)
Wei-Ling Song* (Louisiana State University)
Syungjin Han(Hongik University)
Bank Capital and Bank Stock Performance: When Times are Tough, Capital is King Christa H. S. Bouwman (Texas A&M University)
Hwagyun Kim (Texas A&M University)
Sang-Ook Shin* (UNIST)
Yong Kyu Gam(University College Dublin)
Sharpening the Sharpe Style Analysis with Machine-Learning - Evidence of Mutual Fund Style-Shifting Skill George J. Jiang (Washington State University)
Bing Liang (University of Massachusetts)
Huachneg Zhang* (University of Edinburgh)
Donghyun Kim(Chung-Ang University)/td>
  • Session 15: Empirical Asset Pricing
  • Chair: Byoung-Hyoun Hwang (Nanyang Technological University)
Title Author Discussant
Reverse Timing of Insider Trading George J. Jiang (Washington State University)
Yun Ma (Washington State University)
David A. Whidbee (Washington State University)
Frank Weikai Li(Singapore Management University)
Excess Hiring Rates and Stock Returns Jaewan Bae* (Dongguk University)
Jangkoo Kang (KAIST)
Janghoon Shon(University of New South Wales)
Corporate Bond Heterogeneity Gi H. Kim* (University of Warwick)
Massimo Massa (INSEAD)
Haekwon Lee(University of Sydney)
  • Doctoral Student Consortium I
  • Chair: Jaewon Choi(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Title Author
Default Clustering Risk Premium and its Cross-market Asset Pricing Implications Kiwoong Byun* (Korea University)
Baeho Kim (Korea University)
Dong Hwan Oh (Federal Reserve Board)
International Monetary Policy, Credit Supply, and Bank Lending Channels Hamid Yahyaei* (Macquarie University)
Abhay Singh (Macquarie University)
Tom Smith (Macquarie University)
Understanding Dynamic Volatility Spillovers Amongst Major Commodity Futures and the US Stock Market Shietal Ramesh* (Bond University)
Rand Kwong Yew Low (Bond University)
  • Session 16: Korean Financial Market
  • Chair: Sung Wook Joh (Seoul National University)
Title Author Discussant
Outside Director Tenure Limit: Expertise-Enhancement versus Entrenchment Minjae Kim (Korea University)
Sojung Kim* (National Pension Fund Management Special Committee)
Woochan Kim (Korea University)
Dohyun Chun(Kangwon National University)
Retail Trading Intensity and the Overnight-Intraday Return Gap Alfred Qi Fan (Singapore Management University)
Don Noh*(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Stella Park(Singapore Management University)
JinGi Ha(Soongsil University)
Capital Gains Tax and Market Quality: Evidence from the Korean Derivatives Market Gunther Capelle-Blancard*(University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne)
Emma Khemakhem(University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne)
Hogyu Jhang(Chungnam National University)
  • Session 17: Fintech
  • Chair: Hyounh-Goo Kang (Hanyang University)
Title Author Discussant
The Rise of E-Wallets and Buy-Now-Pay-Later: Payment Competition, Credit Expansion, and Consumer Behavior Wenlong Bian* (Sungkyunkwan University)
Lin William Cong (Cornell University)
Yang Ji (Xiamen University)
Eunjung Shin(Baekseok University)
Information Technology, Competition for Attention, and Corporate Efficiency Zhiqiang Ye* (IESE Business School) Byung Hwa Lim(Sungkyunkwan University)
The Real Effects of Peer-to-Peer Lending Yong Kyu Gam* (University College Dublin)
Kai Lu(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
Chang-Mo Kang(Hanyang University)
  • Session 18: Financial Intermediation
  • Chair: Financial Intermediation
Title Author Discussant
Information Asymmetry in Syndicated Lending Veljiko Fotak (University at Buffalo)
Iftekhar Hasan (Fordham University)
Haekwon Lee* (University of Sydney)
Anthony Saunders (New York University)
Junho Park(Myongji University)
Exchange Rates, US Monetary Policy and the Global Portfolio Flows Xiaoliang Wang (HKUST)
Mengbo Zhang*(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
Keeyoung Rhee(Sungkyunkwan University)
Amplifying the Fiscal Multiplier: The Role of Banks Jim Goldman* (University of Warwick)
Rajkamal Iyer (Imperial College London)
Ramana Nanda (Imperial College London)
Martin Dierker(KAIST)
  • Doctoral Student Consortium II
  • Chair: Jongsub Lee (Seoul National University)
Title Author
Financing Intangibles Bianca He* (University of Chicago)
Friends versus Funding: Unpacking the Dynamics of Social Connections and Staged Financing in VC Investment Fanqi Meng* (University of Melbourne)
Shareholder Dissent, Gender, and Director Commitment Maryam Shariatmadari*(The University of Western Australia)
Martin Bugeja(University of Technology Sydney)
Kam Chan (The University of Western Australia)
Raymond a Silva Rosa(The University of Western Australia)
Yaowen Shan(University of Technology Sydney)

◆ 2023년도 제4차 정기학술발표회 (Summer Finance Roundtable)

    • - 일시 : 2023. 8. 20(일)~22(화)
    • - 장소 : 파라다이스시티 인천
    • - 발표논문 : 11편
    • - 산학세션 : 1편
  • Early Idea Session
  • 사회자: Byoung-Hyoun Hwang(Nanyang Technological Univ.)
    David Schoenherr(Princeton Univ.)
논문제목 발표자
Are Retail Investors More Price-Elastic Than Institutions? 이희범(고려대학교)
Cryptocurrency Sentiment and Option Prices 김다혜(성균관대학교)
Managerial Career Concerns and Corporate Environmental Policies 김태현(중앙대학교)
  • 학술세션 1: Asset Pricing
  • 사회자: 어준경(연세대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Interest Rate Risk, Inflation, and the Cross Section of Stock Returns 손성빈(서강대학교) 조원호(성균관대학교)
Global Flight-to-Quality and Asset Pricing: Evidence from Factor Returns 김동현(중앙대학교) 민병규(한양대학교)
What Drives the TIPS-Treasury Bond Mispricing 안용길(서울과학기술대학교) 장희수(숭실대학교)
  • 학술세션 2: Corporate Finance
  • 사회자: 이종섭(서울대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Environmental, Social, and Governance(ESG) Integration under Asymmetric Information 이기영(POSTECH) 이장우(홍콩중문대학교)
Debt Rollover Risk and Lagged Credit Ratings 도현수(한양대학교) 오지열(성균관대학교)
Riding off into the Sunset: Dual-Class Structure in the Age of Unicorns Going Public 박준호(명지대학교) 오종민(성균관대학교)
  • 산학세션
  • 패널토론 사회자: 이지윤(연세대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
한국의 녹색 프리미엄과 ESG 투자에 대한 시사점, 그리고 제언 강영대(한국은행) 박혜진(자본시장연구원)

◆ 2023년도 제3차 정기학술발표회 (경영관련학회 융합학술대회)

    • - 일시 : 2023. 8. 18(금)
    • - 장소 : 부산 벡스코
    • - 발표논문 : 13편
  • 제 1분과: ESG
  • 사회자: 신현한(연세대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Analyst Coverage and Financial Materiality of Corporate Social Performance 이동영(McGill University) 정혜진(세종대학교)
기업의 ESG특성과 가치평가에 관한 연구 김현석(국민연금연구원) 고광수(부산대학교)
ESG가 타인자본비용에 미치는 영향 김학겸(한국거래소) 김봉준(경상국립대학교)
  • 제 2분과: Innovation, Network, and Venture Capital
  • 사회자: 강원(세종대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Examining the Generative Artificial Intelligence Landscape: Current Status and Policy Strategies 강형구(한양대학교) 박준호(명지대학교)
벤처캐피탈의 자금 조달 결정요인: 조세지원제도 변화를 중심으로 나현종(한양대학교) 최희정(선문대학교)
Technological Innovations and the Cost of Debt Capital of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Empirical Evidence from South Korea 임정대(전남대학교) 김도완(한성대학교)
Global Banking Network and Syndicated Loan Prices 박아영(조선대학교) 오준호(한국외국어대학교)
  • 제 3분과: Corporate Finance
  • 사회자: 정무권(국민대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Outside Director Tenure Limit: Expertise-Enhancement versus Entrenchment 김우찬(고려대학교) 강형구(한양대학교)
자사주 보유 및 소각이 기업의 정보비대칭에 미치는 영향에 대한 실증 연구 박진혁(부산대학교) 김학겸(한국거래소)
Equity Issuance and Cash Savings: New Evidence 최희정(선문대학교) 강원(세종대학교)
  • 제 4분과: Risk and Financial Distress
  • 사회자: 이준서(동국대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Credit Default Swaps, Agency Problems, and Management Incentives 오준호(한국외국어대학교) 한희은(UNIST)
우리나라 TDF의 성과 분석 및 TDF 유형별 자산배분의 성과 평가에 대한 연구 최재윤(성균관대학교) 김형준(한국항공대학교)
비소구 담보대출의 전략적 부도를 고려한 금리 산정 모형 김봉준(경상국립대학교) 최재윤(성균관대학교)

◆ 2023년도 제2차 정기학술발표회

    • - 일시 : 2023년 5월 19일 9시~19시
    • - 장소 : The Plaza Hotel Seoul
    • - 발표논문 : 44편
  • 제 1분과: Investment I (Maple Hall(4F))
  • 좌장: 이준서(동국대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Resurrecting Lottery-Related Anomalies 민병규(한양대학교)*
Brand Value and Long-Run Stock Returns Hamid Boustanifar(EDHEC Business School)
Intermediate Cross-sectional Prospect Theory Value in Stock Markets: A Novel Method 엄철준(부산대학교)*
Interest Rate Risk, Inflation, and the Cross Section of Stock Returns 박흥주(성균관대학교)
  • 제 2분과: Environment Finance (Orchid Hall(4F))
  • 좌장: 강형구(한양대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Climate Change and Shareholder Value: Evidence from Textual Analysis and Trump’s Unexpected Victory Pattanaporn Chatjuthamard(Chulalongkorn University)
이상묵(Pennsylvania State University)
김영상(Northern Kentucky University)*
Pornsit Jiraporn(Pennsylvania State University)
Tug of War in Corporate Environmental Lobbying 안병제(Nanyang Technological University)
김회광(University of South Carolina)
Every Emission You Create–Every Dollar You’ll Donate: The Effect of Regulation-induced Pollution on Corporate Philanthropy 최승호(Queensland University of Technology)*
박종현(University of Technology Sydney)
Simon Xu(University of California at Berkeley)
Environmental Regulation, Pollution, and Shareholder Wealth 최승호(Queensland University of Technology)
박종현(University of Technology Sydney)*
Simon Xu(University of California at Berkeley)
  • 제 3분과: Human Capital (Oak Room(4F))
  • 좌장: 권재현(인천대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Labor-Management Relational Capital 황선우(고려대학교)*
Unintended Benefits of Employment Protection: Households’ Stock Market Participation 조찬익(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)* 김태훈(경희대학교)
High CEO Compensation: Incentives for CEO or Managers? 송명구(산업연구원)* 석우남(한국ESG기준원)
Gender Tenure Gap and Equity Prices 배재완(동국대학교)*
  • 제 4분과: Corporate Finance (Business Center(5F))
  • 좌장: 정준영(중앙대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
현금부족이 외부자본 조달 결정에 미치는 영향 김소연(조선대학교)
Profiting from Rival Firms’ Cyberattacks: Evidence from Informed Trading by Insiders with Social Ties 강준구(Nanyang Technological University)
김정민(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)*
Fangbo Si(Jinan University)
금융산업에서 대리인의 위험 성향이 주인의 자산에 영향을 미치는 증거 강형구(한양대학교)
The Sensitivity of Cash Savings to the Cost of Capital Viral V. Acharya(New York University)
변석구(Baylor University)*
Zhaoxia Xu(UNSW)
  • 제 5분과: Corporate Governance (Maple Hall(4F))
  • 좌장: 박기봉(한국외국어대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Create Your Own Valuation 강민모(Cornell University) * 김순호(부경대학교)
Riding off into the Sunset: Dual-Class Structure in the Age of Unicorns Going Public Hao Liang(Singapore Management University)
Wei Zhang(Singapore Management University)
Old Soldiers Never Die: Life of Former CEOs Named Kaicho 최희정(선문대학교)
김종훈(Senshu University)
Konari Uchida(Kyushu University)
  • 제 6분과: Financial Markets (Orchid Hall(4F))
  • 좌장: 김누리(한양대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Buy-Sell Imbalances Around Round Numbers and High-Frequency Trading Albert J. Lee(한양대학교)* 김대진(성균관대학교)
Foreign Direct Investment during Financial Crises: Evidence from Korea 이준용(KAIST)*
Global Banking Network and Syndicated Loan Prices 박아영(조선대학교)*
  • 제 7분과: Investment II (Oak Room(4F))
  • 좌장: 선정훈(건국대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
The Composition of Market Participants and Asset Dynamics 조찬익(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)* 서상원(중앙대학교)
GDA Preferences and Heavy Tails in Portfolio Construction Casper G. de Vries(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
확정급여형 퇴직연금의 동적 자산배분 이동행(미래에셋자산운용)*
  • 제 8분과: Doctoral Student Consortium I (Business Center(5F))
  • 좌장: 최동범(서울대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Salience Theory and Stock Returns: The Role of Reference-Dependent Preferences 김동훈(KAIST)*
Market Manipulation in NFT Markets 오세범(Temple University)* 이종섭(서울대학교)
레버리지 ETF를 활용한 투기심리지수와 시장 수익률 사이의 관계에 대한 연구 박하연(서울대학교)* 장호규(충남대학교)
Portfolio Optimization with Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks 최명수(한양대학교)*
  • 제 9분과: Capital Markets (Ruby Hall(22F))
  • 좌장: 권경민(홍익대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
고빈도 알고리즘 전략의 투자성과 분석 우민철(한국거래소)* 이우백(한국방송통신대학교)
Corporate Governance and Firm Risk: Role of Mandatory Corporate Governance Disclosure 김해성(한국거래소)*
시가 단일가매매 호가접수시간 단축과 가격발견 효과 관계 분석 박영석(서강대학교)
  • 제 10분과: Blockchain and Machine Learning (Maple Hall(4F))
  • 좌장: 한재훈(연세대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
DAO Governance 한정석(서울대학교)
Tao Li(University of Florida)
Forecasting Returns and Optimizing Global Portfolios with Machine Learning: Evidence from the Korean and U.S. Stock Markets 천도현(강원대학교)*
Affine Term Structure Model with a Large Number of Factors and Machine Learning 장가영(한양대학교)
  • 제 11분과: Environment and Hedge Fund (Orchid Hall(4F))
  • 좌장: 박광우(KAIST)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
How do Carbon Prices Impact the Carbon Premium? Eric Tham(James Cook University)
Controlling Ownership and Environmental Sustainability around the World 김지미(University of New South Wales)
최종무(Temple University)*
조호제(Santa Clara University)
Hedge Fund Awards: Do Investors and Managers Care, and Should They? 최형규(NeuracleGenetics)
강병욱(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
박성규(Willamette University)*
  • 제 12분과: M&A and Share Repurchase (Oak Room(4F))
  • 좌장: 김대진(성균관대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Learning Production Process Heterogeneity Across Industries: Implications of Deep Learning for Corporate M&A Decisions 이종섭(서울대학교)
윤하용(Michigan State University)*
The Persistence and Consequences of Share Repurchases Sadok El Ghoul(University of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami(University of South Carolina)
Attention to Detail: Learning About Mergers Adam L. Aiken(Elon University)
이춘식(University of Rhode Island)*
  • 제 13분과: Doctoral Student Consortium II (Business Center(5F))
  • 좌장: 이동욱(고려대학교)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Industry-Level Confusion in ESG Ratings Alex G. Kim(The University of Chicago)
Outside Director Tenure Length: Expertise-Enhancement vs. Entrenchment 김민재(고려대학교)*
깜깜이 배당제도의 비효율성에 대한 실증분석 - 코스닥 시장의 사전, 사후 공시기업에 대한 패널 이중차분법 분석 오종석(서울대학교)* 김경현(고려대학교)

◆ 2023년도 제1차 정기학술발표회

    • - 일시 : 2023. 2. 24(금)
    • - 장소 : 금융투자교육원
    • - 발표논문 : 25편
  • 제 1분과: ESG와 사회적책임투자
  • 사회자: 신현한(연세대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Does ESG Information Mitigate Accounting-based Market Anomaly? Based on Post Earnings Announcement Drift 신희정(동의대) 최수영(인하대)
Determinants and Value Implications of Corporate ESG Bond Issuance: Evidence from South Korea Boxian Wang(연세대)*
포스트 코로나, 코스피에 영향을 주는 주요 변수 연구 김대종(세종대) 이종용(강원대)
ESG 성과와 주가 회복 탄력성: Covid-19 위기 기간을 중심으로 이다원(숙명여대)*
  • 제 2분과: 기업재무
  • 사회자: 이관영(중앙대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Customer Concentration and Firm Risk: The Role of Outside Directors from Customers 김태연(가톨릭대)
국내 기업의 사회적 책임이 배당에 미치는 영향 류두원(국민대) 박세열(연세대)
The Effects of Texation on Corporate Social Responsibility in an Emerging Market: Evidence from a Korean Tax Reform 박혜진(자본시장연구원)
Learning Production Process Heterogeneity Across Industries: Implications of Deep Learning for Corporate M&A Decisions 이종섭(서울대)*
윤하용(Michigan State Univ.)
  • 특별세션 1: 미래에셋자산운용 신진학자 연구지원
  • 사회자: 이준서(동국대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Are Chinese or US Institutional Investors better at Monitoring Corporate Earnings Management? Evidence from Chinese Stocks in the US Cross-listing Market 조상준(중앙대)*
An Affine Term Structure Model with a Large Number of Factors and Machine Learning 장가영(한양대/MI Alpha)
The Role of Liquidity Providers in the Short Strangle Type Exchange-Traded Notes Market 조용복(동아대)
주가 수익률과 머신러닝을 이용한 유상증자 예측모형 서성원(건국대) 김도완(한성대)
  • 제 3분과: 금융정책
  • 사회자: 권재현(인천대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Dividend Taxes and Corporate Choice: Evidence from 2015 Tax Cut in South Korea 이승철(Univ. of Chicago)
Analysis of Short-selling Effects Using KOSPI200 and KOSDAQ150 Indexing 김형준(한국항공대)*
주택담보대출 조기상환 이질성에 관한 연구 윤정환(한국주택금융공사)*
  • 제 4분과: 투자론
  • 사회자: 장국현(건국대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Option Prices and Stock Values 이종용(강원대) 윤병조(건국대)
투자자 정보확인서의 실효성 분석 강형구(한양대)
투자자 정보확인서의 실효성 분석 이웅기(고려대) 이화택(한국예탁결제원)
모태출자펀드 수익성 결정요인에 관한 연구 정우석(한국벤처투자)*
  • 제 5분과: 녹색금융
  • 사회자: 번진호(이화여대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure and Stock Price Crash Risk - Evidence from Korea 조진형(카카오) 김선민(한국ESG기준원)
The Asset-Pricing Implication of Carbon Risk in Korea 박도준(연세대)*
Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Firm Value, and Investor Base: Evidence from Korea 한희은(UNIST)*
Boxian Wang(연세대)
  • 특별세션 2: FnGuide 연구지원사업
  • 사회자: 안희준(성균관대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Organizational Characters and Financial Performance 이한준(명지대)
Seeking Alpha with EVA Long-short Strategy in Korea 강형구(한양대)
공매도 과열종목 지정제도는 적절하게 설계되었는가? 유희석(한국거래소)

◆ 2022년도 제5차 정기학술발표회“17th Annual Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets(CAFM2022)”

    • - 일시 : 2021. 12. 9(금)~10(토)
    • - 장소 : The Westin Josun Hotel
    • - 발표논문 : 60편

Session 1: AI and Cryptoasset in Finance

  • Chair: Bong-Gyu Jang (Postech)
  • Room: Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Understanding the determinants of bond excess returns using explainable AI Lars Beckmann (University of Münster)*
Joern Debener (University of Münster)
Johannes Kriebel (University of Münster)
Gabjin Oh (Chosun University)
An Algorithm to Prevent Being Picked Off by Algorithms: An Examination of IEX’s D-Limit Order Type Seongkyu {Gilbert} Park (Willamette University)*
Patrik Sandas (University of Virgina)
Daejin Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
An Anatomy of Crypto-Enabled Cybercrimes Lin William Cong (Cornell University)
Campbell R. Harvey (Duke University)
Daniel Rabetti (Tel Aviv University)*
Byung Hwa Lim (Sungkyunkwan University)

Session 2: Institutional Investors

  • Chair: Hee-Joon Ahn (Sungkyunkwan University)
  • Room: Tulip
Title Author Discussant
Rational Factor Rotation Lawrence Pohlman (Adaptive Investments)*
Debasish Guha (SP Jain)
Michael Wasson (Pebblewriter)
Chulwoo Han (Sungkyunkwan University)
Outsourced Fund and Risk-taking: A Tale of Two Contracts Jung Hoon Lee (Vanderbilt University)*
Saurin Patel (University of Western Ontario)
Shyam Venkatesan (University of Western Ontario)
Hyung Chul Lee (Chungbuk National University)
Investor Learning and the Aggregate Allocation of Capital to Active Management Jeong Ho {John} Kim (Emory University)* Da-Hea Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)

Session 3: ESG

  • Chair: Chang-Soo Kim (Yonsei University)
  • Room: Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
ESG Commitment and the Value of "Walking the Talk": Evidence from Closed-End Funds Hyun-Soo Choi (KAIST)
Hugh Hoikwang Kim (University of South Carolina)
Yun-Soo Kim (KAIST)*
Jing Xie (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
The Hidden Cost of Going Green: Evidence from Firm-Level Violations & Employee Reviews Arshia Farzambar (York University)
Pouyan Foroughi (York University)
Lilian Ng (York University)*
Linyang Yu (York University)
Hugh Hoikwang Kim (University of South Carolina)
Does ESG negative screening work? Robert Eccles (Oxford University)
Shiva Rajgopal (Columbia University)
Jing Xie (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)*
Lilian Ng (York University)

Doctoral Student Consortium I

  • Chair: Dong Beom Choi (Seoul National University)
  • Room: Violet
Title Author
Bank Competition and Entrepreneurial Gaps: Evidence from Bank Deregulation Xiang Li (Boston College)*
Environmental regulatory risks, firm pollution, and mutual funds' portfolio choices Simon Xu (University of California at Berkeley)*
His Pain Is Your Gain: Inter-Firm Linkages and Exchange Rate Exposure Yancheng Qiu (HKUST)*
December 9, 14:45 - 16:15

Session 4: Behavioral Finance

  • Chair: Keunsoo Kim (Kyung Hee University)
  • Room: Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Earnings Extrapolation and Predictable Stock Market Returns Hongye Guo (Hong Kong University)* Eunjung Yeo (Chung-ang University)
CEO Social Capital and Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosures William McCumber (Louisiana Tech University)
Huan Qiu (Millsaps College)*
Michael Luehlfing (Louisiana Tech University)
Jonghwan Kim (Yonsei University)
Are Researcher CEOs Better Innovators? George J. Jiang (Washington State University)
Wenquan Li (The University of Queensland)
Yaohua Li (University of Glasgow)
He Wang (Southern University of Science and Technology)*
Namjong Kim (Korea Institute of Finance)

Session 5: Bond Premium

  • Chair: Jangkoo Kang (KAIST)
  • Room: Tulip
Title Author Discussant
News Sentiment and Bond Risk Premia Chang-Mo Kang (Hanyang University)
Donghyun Kim (Chung-Ang University)
Hoyoung Park (Hanyang University)*
Hankil Kang (Dankook University)
Different Shades of Green: Estimating the Green Bond Premium using Natural Language Processing Emanuela Benincasa (University of Zurich, Swiss Finance Institute)*
Jonathan Fu (University of Zurich)
Mrinal Mishra (University of Zurich)
Adityavardhan Paranjape (Zurich Insurance Group)
Chulwoo Han (Sungkyunkwan University)
Credit Information Ambiguity Premia Hwagyun Kim (Texas A&M University)
Ju Hyun Kim (Ajou University)
Heungju Park (Sungkyunkwan University)*
Haekwon Lee (University of Sydney)

Session 6: Debt Financing

  • Chair: Young Ho Eom (Yonsei University)
  • Room: Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
Lending at arm’s length: How do sovereign ceiling policies really matter for corporate borrowers? Suk-Joong Kim (University of Sydney)*
Panagioti Politsidis (Audencia Business School)
Eliza Wu (University of Sydney)
Iftekhar Hasan (Fordham University)
Heungju Park (Sungkyunkwan University)
Tariff Uncertainty and Cost of Debt Huasheng Gao (Fudan University)
Yuxi Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)*
Taejin Kim (Korea University)
Debt-equity Conflicts and Efficiency of Distressed Firms: Evidence from Banker-directors in Japan Kentaro Asai (Australian National University) Dong Beom Choi (Seoul National University)* Jiyoon Lee (Yonsei Univesrity)

Session 7: Labor and Finance

  • Chair: Sung Chul Bae (Bowling Green State University)
  • Room: Violet
Title Author Discussant
Inalienable Human Capital and Inevitable Corporate Payouts Kose John (New York University)
Xiaoran Ni (Xiamen University)*
Chi Zhang (UMass Lowell)
Hogyu Jhang (Chungnam National University)
How Does Declining Worker Power Affect Investment Sensitivity to Minimum Wage? Sreedhar Bharath (Arizona State University)
DuckKi Cho (Peking University HSBC Business School)
Michael Hertzel (Arizona State University)*
Jungwon Suh (Sungkyunkwan University)
Growing beyond firm boundaries through strategic alliances: Role of labor market frictions Hyemin Kim (Hanyang University)*
Min Suk Lee (Chulalongkorn University)
Angie Low (Nanyang Technological University)
Heejin Park (Pusan National University)

Session 8: Corporate Governance

  • Chair: Inmoo Lee (KAIST)
  • Room: Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Out of Sight: Employee Safety Following Hedge Fund Activism Mark DesJardine (Pennsylvania State University)
Lixiong Guo (University of Alabama)*
Zhiyan Wang (University of Alabama)
Sunwoo Hwang (Korea University)
Equity Issues and (the Value of) Cash: New International Evidence Sadok El Ghoul (University of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami (University of South Carolina)
Hyunseok Kim (National Pension Research Institute)
Jungwon Suh (Sungkyunkwan University)*
Taehyun Kim (Chung-Ang University)
Boards and Bonds in Bad Times Sadok El Ghoul (University of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami (University of South Carolina)
Sattar Mansi (Virginia Tech)
Jeffrey Pittman (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Hyo Jin Yoon (University of Texas at El Paso)*
Lixiong Guo (University of Alabama)

Session 9: Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Chair: Kyung Suh Park (Korea University)
  • Room: Tulip
Title Author Discussant
Corporate Social Responsibility and Post-merger Labour Restructuring Jiajun Tao (City, University of London)* Daewoong Choi (Louisiana State University)
Corporate social responsibility in family succession: Evidence from Korean business groups Yoona Lee (KCGS)*
Jiyoon Lee (Yonsei University)
Hyejin Park (Korea Capital Market Institute)
Jiajun Tao (City, University of London)
The Mitigation of Reputational Risk via Responsive CSR: Evidence from Securities Class Action Lawsuits Daewoung Choi (Louisiana State University, Shreveport)*
Douglas Cook (University of Alabama)
M. Tony Via (Kent State University)
Weiwei Zhang (James Madison University)
Yoona Lee (KCGS)

Session 10: Empirical Asset Pricing

  • Chair: Baeho Kim (Korea University)
  • Room: Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
Does the options market underreact to firms’ left-tail risk? Bei Chen (Shanghai International Studies University)*
Quan Gan (University of Sydney)
Aurelio Vasquez (ITAM)
Da-Hea Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
The Asset-Pricing Implications of Carbon Risk in Korea Dojoon Park (Yonsei University)
Jiyoon Lee (Yonsei University)
Hyejin Park (Korea Capital Market Institute)*
Hope Hyeun Han (UNIST)
Mutual Fund Flows and Capital Supply in Municipal Financing Manuel Adelino (Duke University)
Sophia Chiyoung Cheong (City University of Hong Kong)
Jaewon Choi (University of Illinois and Yonsei University)
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh (Hanyang University)*
Chang Joo Lee (KAIST)

Doctoral Student Consortium II

  • Chair: Ryoonhee Kim (KAIST)
  • Room: Violet
Title Author
Biased Judges? Judge Characteristics and Bankruptcy Outcomes Donghyun Kang (Copenhagen Business School)*
Global Corporate Default Clustering and Contagion Yanru Lee (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)*
Are All Durable Assets Created Equal? The Impact of Price Appreciation on Investment Soon Hyeok Choi (Cornell University)*

Session 11: Household Finance

  • Chair: Tong Suk Kim (KAIST)
  • Room: Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Long-Term Expectations Richard Sias (University of Arizona)
Laura Starks (University of Texas Austin)
Harry Turtle (Colorado State University)*
Kyoung-Kuk Kim (KAIST)
Optimal Retirement with Long-Run Income Risk Shan Huang (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Seyoung Park (University of Nottingham)*
Jane Yoo (Ajou University)
Inchang Hwang (KIRI)
Politicians' Asset Allocation and Economic Bill Proposals Hyun-Soo Choi (KAIST)
Hugh Hoikwang Kim (University of South Carolina)
Paul Youngwook Kim (KAIST)*
Hyo Seob Lee (Korea Capital Market Institute)

Session 12: Environmental Issues and Corporate Decisions

  • Chair: Jongsub Lee (Seoul National University)
  • Room: Tulip
Title Author Discussant
The Optimal Design of Green Securities Adelina Barbalau (University of Alberta)*
Federica Zeni (World Bank)
Keeyoung Rhee (Postech)
Environmental regulation, pollution, and shareholder wealth Seungho Choi (Queensland University of Technology)
Jonghyeon Park (University of Technology Sydney)*
Simon Xu (University of California at Berkeley)
Heebum Lee (Korea University)

Session 13: Investments

  • Chair: Jong-Bom Chay (Sungkyunkwan University)
  • Room: Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
Mixed Roles of Analysts: Announcement Return Reversal and Information Asymmetry Linda Chen (University of Idaho)
Wei Huang (University of Minnesota, Duluth)
George Jiang (Washington State University)*
Arseny Gorbenko (Monash University)
Short Seller Skills in the Global Context: Public News Processing vs. Private Information Gathering Arseny Gorbenko (Monash University)* Lyungmae Choi (City University of Hong Kong)
The Role of Employees as Information Intermediaries: Evidence from Their Professional Connections DuckKi Cho (Peking University HSBC Business School)
Lyungmae Choi (City University of Hong Kong)*
Stephen A. Hillegeist (Arizona State University)
George Jiang (Washington State University)

Session 14: Innovations in Finance

  • Chair: Junesuh Yi (Dongguk University)
  • Room: Violet
Title Author Discussant
Diffused Errors along Technology Spillovers: Evidence from the 510(k) Medical Device Market Po-Hsuan Hsu (National Tsing Hua University)
Kyungran Lee (University of Hong Kong)
S. Katie Moon (University of Colorado)
Seungjoon Oh (Peking University HSBC Business School)*
Jong-Min Oh (SungKyunKwan University)
Contingent Employment and Innovation Sunwoo Hwang (Korea University)* Hyoung-Goo Kang (Hanyang University)
Financial Development and Innovation: The Role of Market Structure Jaebeom Kim (Oklahoma State University)*
Xiaoyang Zhu (Wichita State University)
Hyun Joong Im (University of Seoul)
December 10, 15:45 - 17:15

Session 15: Financial Intermediation

  • Chair: Joon-Ho Hahm (Yonsei University)
  • Room: Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Bank Reporting Decisions on Problem Loans: Evidence from Natural Disaster Responses Seong Jin Ahn (KAIST)
Yong Kyu Gam (University College Dublin)*
Heung Jin Kwon (Korea Institute of Finance)

Session 16: Climate Finance

  • Chair: Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)
  • Room: Tulip
Title Author Discussant
Climate-related Disclosure Commitment of the Lenders, Credit Rationing, and Borrower Environmental Performance Iftekhar Hasan (Fordham University)
Haekwon Lee (University of Sydney)*
Buhui Qiu (University of Sydney)
Anthony Saunders (New York University)
Junho Park (Myongji University)
Is ESG a Managerial Style? Tianyu Cai (University of New South Wales)
Leo Liu (University of New South Wales)
Jason Zein (University of New South Wales)
Hao Zhang (University of New South Wales)*
Soohun Kim (KAIST)
Corporate Decarbonization under Financial Constraints: International Evidence Lilian Ng (York University)
Xiaoqiong Wang (Indiana University Kokomo)
Jing Yu (The University of Sydney)*
Wei {Victor} Huang (University of Hawaii at Manoa)

Session 17: Information Diffusion

  • Chair: Daejin Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
  • Room: Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
Insider Trading in News Deserts Hangsoo Kyung (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Jonathan Nam (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)*
Junyoup Lee (Ajou University)
Profiting from Rival Firms’ Cyberattacks: Evidence from Informed Trading by Insiders with Social Ties Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological University)
Jungmin Kim (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)*
Fangbo Si (Jinan University)
Chang-Mo Kang (Hanyang University)
Information Diffusion into Multi-(Secretive)-Segment Firms C.S.Agnes Cheng (University of Oklahoma)
Chengwei Wang (Sungkyunkwan University)*
Hyun Seung Na (Korea University)

Session 18: Empirical Corporate Finance

  • Chair: Sang Gyung Jun (Hanyang University)
  • Room: Violet
Title Author Discussant
The Economics of Legal Uncertainty David Schoenherr (Princeton University)*
Jan Starmans (Stockholm School of Economics)
Jiwon Lee (Princeton University)
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh (Hanyang University)
Tax Cuts, Firm Growth, and Worker Earnings: Evidence from Small Business Deductions in Canada Terry {Seok Min} Moon (University of British Columbia)*
Yige Duan (University of British Columbia)
Eun-Jung Shin (Baekseok University)
Cash Flow Duration and M&A Activity Sudheer Chava (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Da-Hea Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)*
Heungju Park (Sungkyunkwan University)
Sun Min Kim (KCGS)

◆ 2022년도 제4차 정기학술발표회 (경영관련학회 융합학술대회)

  • - 일시 : 2022. 8. 18(목)
  • - 장소 : 여수엑스포 컨벤션센터 컨퍼런스홀 1, 2
  • - 발표 논문 : 16편

제1분과 : Financial Market and Policy

  • 사회자 : 선정훈(건국대)
발표자(소속) 토론자(소속) 논문제목
정준영(중앙대) 이경훈(KAIST) The Effects of Antitrust Laws on Horizontal Mergers: International Evidence
이지현(전남대) 김현석(국민연금연구원) 불확실성과 한국의 지급정책
박아영(조선대) 이왕휘(아주대) Bank Network and the Impact on the Syndicated Loan Market
김영욱(KAIST) 이지현(전남대) Politicians’ Asset Allocation and Economic Bill Proposals

제2분과 : Investment

  • 사회자 : 신현한(연세대)
발표자(소속) 토론자(소속) 논문제목
이준용(KAIST) 박호영(한양대) Religion and Foreign Direct Investment
강민정(소상공인정책연구센터) 김윤수(KAIST) 보유 주식을 통한 헤지펀드 매니저의 타이밍 스킬과 주식 선택 능력에 관한 연구
박호영(한양대) 홍민구(한국벤처투자) 뉴스 텍스트 감성분석을 활용한 채권 초과성과 예측
김윤수(KAIST) 김선영(한국벤처투자) ESG Commitment and the Value of “Walking the Talk”: Evidence from Closed-End Funds

제3분과 : Investment

  • 사회자 : 장국현(건국대)
발표자(소속) 토론자(소속) 논문제목
이왕휘(아주대) 박아영(조선대) 기업의 목적: 역사적 변천과 이론적 쟁점
김선영(한국벤처투자) 신현한(연세대) 1인 창조기업의 사회적 자본이 경영성과에 미치는 영향
곽기현(한국벤처투자) 정준영(중앙대) 창업 초기 벤처캐피탈투자가 스타트업의 성장에 미치는 효과
홍민구(한국벤처투자) 선정훈(건국대) 모태출자펀드 수익성 결정요인에 관한 연구

제4분과 : Corporate Finance

  • 사회자 : 양채열(전남대)
발표자(소속) 토론자(소속) 논문제목
박흥주(성균관대) 정찬식(동아대) Cash Flow Duration and M&A Activity
김현석(국민연금연구원) 김영욱(KAIST) The Persistence and Consequences of Share Repurchases
정찬식(동아대) 박흥주(성균관대) 국내기업의 합병 후 장기성과에 관한 연구
이경훈(KAIST) 이준용(KAIST) Corporate Disclosure, Government Bailout, and Liquidity Crisis

◆ 2022년도 제3차 정기학술발표회 (Summer Finance Roundtable)

  • - 일시 : 2022. 6. 27(월) ~ 2022. 6. 27(화)
  • - 장소 : 파라다이스호텔 부산
  • - 발표 논문 : 6편
  • - 산학 세션 : 2개

학술세션 1

  • 사회자: 오종민(성균관대학교)
발표자 제목 토론자
강준구 (Nanyang Technological University)
김혜민 (한양대학교)*
김정민 (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Dancing with Family Owners: Is Shareholder Activism Effective in Family Firms? 이지윤 (연세대학교)
황선우 (고려대학교)* Contingent Employment and Innovation 김륜희 (KAIST)
김세훈 (University of Florida)
Nitish Kumar (University of Florida)
이종섭 (서울대학교)
오준호 (한국외국어대학교)*
ESG Lending 박준호 (명지대학교)

학술세션 2

  • 사회자: 한정석(서울대학교)
발표자 제목 토론자
강병욱 (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)*
Andrew J. Sinclair (University of Hong Kong)
Stig J. Xeno (University of Vaasa)
Does Portfolio Disclosure Make Money Smarter? 김주현 (아주대학교)
J. Anthony Cookson (University of Colorado at Boulder)
S. Katie Moon (University of Colorado at Boulder)
노준기 (Case Western Reserve University)*
Speculative and Informative: Lessons from Market Reactions to Speculation Cues 이재람 (가천대학교)
이정훈 (Vanderbilt University)* Saurin Patel (University of Western Ontario)
Shyam Venkatesan (University of Western Ontario)
Outsourced Fund and Risk-taking: A Tale of Two Contracts 김희은 (명지대학교)

산학세션 1

  • 패널토론 사회: 주상룡 (삼영화학 상임감사)
발제 제목 토론
천창민 (서울과학기술대학교 교수) 유럽 암호자산시장법의 주요내용과 시사점: 업자 규제 등을 중심으로 강형구 (한양대학교 교수)
권재현 (인천대학교 교수)
김인권 (현대자산운용 부사장)
변진호 (이화여자대학교 교수)
정재만 (숭실대학교 교수)

산학세션 2

  • 패널토론 사회: 장국현 (건국대학교 교수)
발제 제목 토론
고광수 (부산대학교 교수)
박희진 (부산대학교 교수)
OCIO시장 발전을 위한 과제 강현철 (NH투자증권 상무)
김성희 (KB증권 상무)
김호진 (미래에셋자산운용 부사장)
배성호 (국토교통부 주택기금과장)
양우석 (미래에셋증권 이사)
이병렬 (신한금융투자 전무)
이준재 (한국투자증권 전무)

◆ 2022년도 제2차 정기학술발표회(한국재무관리학회, 한국재무학회, 한국증권학회, 한국파생상품학회, 한미재무학회 공동)

  • - 일시 : 2022. 5. 27(금)
  • - 장소 : THE PLAZA Hotel Seoul
  • - 발표 논문 : 46편

제1분과 투자론 I (Room 1)

  • 사회자: 최수정 (숭실대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Suzanne S. Lee(Georgia Institute of Technology)*
Minho Wang(Florida International University)
Variances, Jumps, and Cryptocurrency Returns 김동규(KAIST)
Albert J. Lee(Truman State University)*
Kee H. Chung(University at Buffalo-SUNY)
Hidden Liquidity, Market Quality, and Order Submission Strategies 한정석(서울대학교)
Kenneth J. Kopecky(Temple University)
이태협 (SUNY Fredonia)
유세현 (Belmont University)*
Ex post Risk Premium Relationships Between Large and Small Countries: Before, During and after the Great Recession 박종호(숭실대학교)
이현탁 (한국자산관리공사)*
윤희성 (한국해양대학교)
Understanding the Resilience of Bulk Shipping Markets to COVID-19 최혜린(숭실대학교)

제2분과 기업재무 I (Room 2)

  • 사회자: 빈기범 (명지대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Minmo Gahng (University of Florida)*
Jay R. Ritter (University of Florida)
Donghang Zhang(University of South Carolina)
SPACs 김현동(서강대학교)
변석구 (Baylor University)* Firm Leverage and Employment: Are Firms Overborrowing or Overexpanding? 장호규(충남대학교)
이지윤 (연세대학교)
박지영 (연세대학교)*
신제원 (연세대학교)
Corporate Governance, Compensation Mechanisms, and Voluntary Disclosure of Carbon Emissions : Evidence from Korea 이유경(서울대학교)

제3분과 기업재무 II (Room 3)

  • 사회자: 박래수 (숙명여자대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Corporate Disclosure, Government Bailout, and Liquidity Crisis 박선영(동국대학교)
Are Socially Responsible Firms Really Responsible? Main Street Lending during the Great Recession 정찬식(동아대학교)
Lesson from Stock Price Crash: CEO Overconfidence and the Crash Experience 김명애(건국대학교)

제4분과 기업재무 III

  • 사회자: 김누리 (한양대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
최대웅(Louisiana State University Shreveport)
감용규(University College Dublin)
강민정(University of Michigan, Flint)
신호종(California State University, Long Beach)*
The Effect of ESG-motivated Turnover on Firm Financial Risk 이지윤(연세대학교)
조호제(Santa Clara University)
Xin Xu(Guangdong University)
Price of Clean air: Evidence from Chinese ESG Mutual Funds 김용준(서울시립대학교)
최상학 (경북대학교)*
정하일 (UNIST)
김대진 (성균관대학교)
Climate Change Risk and the Value of Cash Holdings 최대웅(Louisiana State University Shreveport)

제5분과 박사과정 I (Room 5)

  • 사회자: 이동욱 (고려대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
김종현(Temple University)*
Ronald Anderson(Temple University)
Narcissism and the Agency Cost of Debt 김태현(중앙대학교)
ESG Performance of Multinational Companies and Stock Price Crash - Evidence from Korea 이동욱(고려대학교)
김회광(University of South Carolina)
ESG Commitment and the Value of “Walking the Talk” : Evidence from Closed-End Funds 이정환(한양대학교)
오세범(Temple University)*
Samuel Rosen(Temple University)
Anthony Lee Zhang(University of Chicago)
Investor Experience Matters: Evidence from Generative Art Collections on the Blockchain 김순호(부경대학교)

제6분과 투자론 II (Room 1)

  • 사회자: 김솔 (한국외국어대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
이웅기(고려대학교)* The Statistical Content of Empirical Factors: Procedural Applications of Inferential Statistics 장운욱(연세대학교)
한승오(Wenzhou-Kean University)
Po-Hsuan Hsu(National Tsing Hua University)
허산욱(University (SUNY) at Buffalo)*
Chao-Jhih Liu(University (SUNY) at Buffalo)
Brand Innovation and Informed Trading 김다혜(성균관대학교)
Climate Impact Investing and Green Returns of the Korean Stock Market 구본하(충남대학교)

제7분과 기업재무 IV (Room 2)

  • 사회자: 김대진 (성균관대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Optimism and Risk Selection 신상욱(UNIST)
Target-Leverage Overshooting and Actual vs. Estimated Leverage Adjustment Speeds 정준영(중앙대학교)
Chao Jin(HKUST)
박흥주 (성균관대학교)*
Geographical Concentration and Creditor Coordination : Evidence from Syndicated Loan Covenants 박진관(고려대학교)
Richard Borghesi(University of South Florida)
장기영(University of South Florida)*
박종철(University of South Florida)
송학준(California State University)
Ethical Implication of Firms’ Financial Reporting Choices in the Presence of Labor Unions: Evidence from Financial Statement Comparability 배종완(Elon University)

제8분과 기업재무 V (Room 3)

  • 사회자 : 백재승(한국외국어대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
조찬호(Black Hills State Univeristy)*
최대웅(Louisiana State University Shreveport)
Timothy Mooney(Thomas Jefferson University)
M. Tony Via (Kent State University)
Do Married CEOs Foster More Efficient Innovation? 김류미(충북대학교)
조덕기(Peking University HSBC Business School)*
Lyungmae Choi(City University of Hong Kong)
Shadow Union in Local Labor Markets and Capital Structure 이준엽(UNIST)
이지윤 (연세대학교)
신제원 (연세대학교)*
Investors’ Reaction to Mandated Quotas for Women Directors : Evidence from Korea 박준호(명지대학교)

제9분과 연기금 (Room 4)

  • 사회자: 최영수 (한국외국어대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
OCIO 선정평가 제도에 관한 연구 이상기(국민대학교)
국민연금의 국내주식투자와 투자대상 기업의 주가급락 위험에 관한 연구 우민철(한국거래소)
Jeong Ho (John) Kim(Emory University)
김수헌 (KAIST)*
Daniel Weagley (Georgia Tech)
The Nature of Ownership and Stock Returns 박도준(연세대학교)

제10분과 박사과정 II (Room 5)

  • 사회자: 정재만 (숭실대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
ESG and Managerial Agency Problems 최금화(동아대학교)
황동민 (숭실대학교)
한국 주식시장의 저변동성 이상현상에 대한 연구 양철원(단국대학교)
정진욱(Emory University)* Politically Polarized Depositors 최동범(서울대학교)
윤태준(서울대학교)* 물적분할을 통한 피라미드형 기업집단의 확장 서정원(성균관대학교)

제11분과 투자론 III (Room 1)

  • 사회자: 한재훈 (연세대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Left-Tail Momentum and Tail Properties of Return distributions : A case of Korea 장지원(아주대학교)
유진(한양대학교)* Do not use the CAPM in Capital Budgeting: Essence and Appearance 강창모(한양대학교)
Sumit Agarwal(National University of Singapore)
Leora Klapper (World Bank)
Learning Through Social Networks: How Workers Optimize the Use of Fintech for Remittances 강동익(조세재정연구원)

제12분과 기업재무 Ⅵ (Room 2)

  • 사회자: 김범 (숭실대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Boxian Wang(연세대학교)*
Determinants and Value Implications of Corporate ESG Bond Issuance in Korea 전진규(동국대학교)
황선우(고려대학교)* Contingent Employment and Innovation 오종민(성균관대학교)
The Effects of Taxation on Corporate Social Responsibility in an Emerging Market: Evidence from a Korean Tax Reform 박기봉(한국외국어대학교)

제13분과 기업재무 Ⅶ (Room 3)

  • 사회자: 윤정선 (국민대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Brian Blank(Mississippi State University)
Brandy Hadley(Appalachian State University)
이춘식(University of Rhode Island)*
Pension Fund Activism Behind the Scenes 왕수봉(아주대학교)
이준용 (KAIST)*
오동철 (KAIST)
Foreign Bank Entry and Performance of Domestic SMEs: Evidence from Korea 설윤(경북대학교)
김회광(University of South Carolina)
Politicians’ Asset Allocation and Economic Bill Proposals 권세훈(상명대학교)
Daewoung Choi (Louisiana State University Shreveport)*
Douglas O. Cook(University of Alabama)
홍진욱 (가천대학교)
M. Tony Via (Kent State University)
Analyst Effects on Intangible Investment: Evidence from Corporate Political Investments 김유라(서울시립대학교)

제14분과 금융기관 (Room 4)

  • 사회자: 강형구 (한양대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
송수영(중앙대학교)* 주택 가격 변동과 근원 가치: 기대가격, 대출, 그리고 전세 이태호(한경대학교)
김세훈(University of Florida)
Nitish Kumar(University of Florida)
ESG Lending 장가영(MI Alpha research fellow)
Chia-Ling Ho (Tamkang University)
Gene C. Lai(Peking University HSBC BusinessSchool)
Risks and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Strategies : Evidence from the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry 한민연(미래에셋자산운용)

◆ 2022년도 제1차 정기학술발표회

  • - 일시 : 2022. 2. 25(금)
  • - 장소 : The Forum (Two IFC 3층)
  • - 발표 논문 : 33편

제1분과 : 사회적 책임투자와 ESG (강의실 1)

  • 사회자 : 박광우(KAIST)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Investorsʼ Reaction to Mandated Quotas for Women Directors: Evidence from Korea 이지윤(연세대)
국민연금은 사회적 책임투자를 이행하고 있는가? 박철형(충남대) 박세열(연세대)
사회책임투자지수 구성종목 변경과 주식수익률의 동조화에 관한 연구 박순홍(충남대)
임병권 (IBK기업은행 경제연구소)*
ESG, Firm Value, and the Role of Credible Commitment: Evidence from Closed-End Funds 최현수(KAIST)
김회광 (Univ. of South Carolina)

제2분과 : 자본시장과 핀테크 (강의실 2)

  • 사회자 : 선정훈(건국대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
배출권거래제가 자본시장에 미치는 영향: 계획기간별 배출권 할당 유형 및 방식에 따른 효과 김선화(전남대) 김지훈(연세대)
공매도잔고와 공매제약 이효정(광운대) 이장욱(KDI)
빅데이터 및 뉴스 감성분석을 활용한 비트코인 자산 운용전략 연구 이진아(한양대)*
디지털 기술과 혁신금융으로 어떻게 소상공인들을 振興할 것인가? 네이버 D-커머스 프로그램 사례를 중심으로 이진아(한양대)*

제3분과 : 투자론 (강의실 3)

  • 사회자 : 정재만(숭실대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
부동산간접투자상품과 포트폴리오 성과에 관한 연구: 부동산인프라 ETF를 중심으로 이혁준(한국외대)*
Market-dependent Momentum and Institutional Ownership 고광수(부산대)*
오 명(부경대)
한국주식시장의 횡단면 모멘텀에 관한 재고찰: 존재, 원인, 그리고 계절성 모멘텀 엄철준(부산대)*
다요인모형으로 추정한 고유변동성의 퍼즐현상에 대한 연구 김우현(경성대) 이우백(한국방송통신대)

제4분과 : IPO와 투자심리 (강의실 4)

  • 사회자 : 신현한(연세대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
The Reputation Effects of Underwriters on SBC and IPO Returns 김성환(경북대)*
Michael V. Alexeev(Indiana Univ.)
Equity Issues and (the Value of) Cash: New International Evidence 서정원(성균관대)*
Omrane Guedhami(Univ. of South Carolina)
Sadok El Ghoul(Univ. of Alberta)
Does Sentiment-based Trading Strategy Yield Profits? 김가람(한국자산평가)*
신준호(EnF 어드바이저)
Firm-specific Investor Sentiment and Stock Price Crash Risk: The Role of Foreign Investors in Korea Stock Market 신희정(동의대) 정찬식(동아대)

FnGuide 특별심포지엄 (강의실 1)

  • 사회자 : 정희준(전주대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
상장된 주식 시장의 특성과 기업의 ESG가 내부자 거래와 정보비대칭 간의 관계에 미치는 영향 김태연(가톨릭대)
투자자 유형과 공매도 간의 관계: 개인투자자의 공매도 전략을 중심으로 우민철(한국거래소)
계열관계에 따른 판매사의 채널 효과 박영규(성균관대)
국내 채권시장에 녹색프리미엄이 존재하는가?: 채권시장 유통자료를 이용한 실증분석 김학겸(한국거래소)*

제5분과 : 기술혁신과 자산운용 (강의실 2)

  • 사회자 : 안희준(성균관대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
특허 정보에 기반한 기술혁신 측정치의 주가예측력 비교 연구 김진우(부산대)*
Portfolio Optimization with Regime Switching Transaction Costs and Dividends 김태윤(POSTECH)*
특허출원이 주가급락위험에 미치는 영향 임정대(전남대) 김종권(신한대)
팬데믹 선언이 언택트 기업의 기업 가치에 미치는 영향: 투자자 마니아 가설을 중심으로 조진형(한양대)*

제6분과 : 유동성 (강의실 3)

  • 사회자 : 이동욱(고려대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Bond Return and Liquidity Factor: The Case in the Korean Corporate Bond Market 김수현(숭실대)*
증권거래세율 인하에 따른 주식시장의 유동성 변동효과 분석 이우백(한국방송통신대) 김주현(아주대)
우선주와 보통주간의 가격비율과 거래유동성 : 유통 대비 유동 주식수 최영수(한국외대)*
임병권(IBK기업은행 경제연구소)
Corporate Disclosure, Government Bailout, and Liquidity Crisis 이경훈(KAIST)*

제7분과 : 기업집단과 기업재무 (강의실 4)

  • 사회자 : 서정원(성균관대)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
The Effects of Lock-up contracts on IPO Pricing and Returns? 리우용샹(경북대)*
Brand Royalty Flows within Large Business Groups: The Effect of Holding Company Structure and Related Party Transactions Committees 조승현(KAIST)*
The Effect of Ownership Structure on Corporate Payout Policy and Performance: Evidence from Korea’s Exogenous Dividends Tax Shock 이유경(서울대) 나현승(고려대)
Foreign Direct Investment during Financial Crises: Evidence from Korea 이준용(KAIST)*
Ownership Concentration and Financial Policy of China’s Listed Firms 최희정(선문대)
Shuilian Yu(성균관대)

◆ 국제컨퍼런스(2021년도 제6차 정기학술발표회)“16th Annual Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets(CAFM2021)”

    • - 일시 : 2021. 12. 3(금)~4(토)
    • - 장소 : 조선호텔(서울 소공동)
    • - 발표논문 : 60편

❉Session 1:Big Data in Finance

  • Chair : Chang-Soo Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
  • Room : Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Labor Force Demographics and Corporate Innovation Francois Derrien (HEC Paris)
Ambrus Kecskes (York Univ.)*
Anh Nguyen Phuong (York Univ.)
Pengfei Li (Tsinghua Univ.)
Assessing and Addressing the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis: Evidence from 1.5 Billion Sales Invoices Zhuo Chen (Tsinghua Univ.)
Pengfei Li (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Li Liao (Tsinghua Univ.)
Zhengwei Wang (Tsinghua Univ.)
DuckKi Cho (Peking Univ.)
It’s Not Who You Know-It’s Who Knows You: Employee Social Capital and Firm Performance DuckKi Cho (Peking Univ.)*
Lyungmae Choi (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
Michael Hertzel (Arizona State Univ.)
Jessie Jiaxu Wang (Arizona State Univ.)
Ambrus Kecskes (York Univ.)

❉Session 2:Institutional Investors

  • Chair : Omrane Guedhami (Univ. of South Carolina)
  • Room : Tulip
Title Author Discussant
Attention to Detail: Learning About Mergers Adam L. Aiken (Elon Univ)
Choonsik Lee (Univ. of Rhode Island)*
Jing Xie (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Carbon Emissions, Institutional Trading, and the Liquidity of Corporate Bonds Jie Cao (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Yi Li (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)
Xintong Zhan (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Weiming Zhang (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)*
Linyu Zhou (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Soohun Kim (KAIST)
Investing in Influence: Investors, Portfolio Firms, and Political Giving Marianne Bertrand (Univ. of Chicago)
Matilde Bombardini (UC Berkeley)
Raymond Fisman (Boston Univ.)
Francesco Trebbi (UC Berkeley)
Eyub Yegen (HKUST)*
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh (Hanyang Univ.)

❉Session 3:Textual Analysis & Big Data

  • Chair : Kook-Hyun Chang (Konkuk Univ.)
  • Room : Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
Optimal Portfolio Using Factor Graphical Lasso Tae-Hwy Lee (UC Riverside)
Ekaterina Seregina (UC Riverside)*
Jaeram Lee (Gachon Univ.)
Executives’ Blaming External Factors and Market Reactions: Evidence from Earnings Conference Calls Joonki Noh (Case Western Reserve Univ.)*
Dexin Zhou (City Univ. of New York)
Chang-Mo Kang (Hanyang Univ.)
Do Short Sellers Use Textual Information? Evidence from Annual Reports Hung Wan Kot (Univ. of Macau)*
Frank Weikai Li (Singapore Management Univ.)
Morris M. Liu (Univ. of Macau)
K.C. John Wei (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Daejin Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)

❉Doctoral Student SessionⅠ

  • Chair : Lilian Ng (York Univ.)
  • Room : Violet
Title Author Discussant
Location Matters: The Impact of Surrounding Environmental Condition on CEO Compensation Suman Banerjee (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Mark Humphery-Jenner (UNSW)
Vikram Nanda (Univ. of Texas at Dallas)
Xingjian Zhang (Stevens Institute of Technology)*
Jing Yu (Univ. of Sydney)
How Does Hedge Fund Activism Reengineer Corporate Culture? Pil-Seng Lee (Univ. of Texas at Dallas)* Rui Shen (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Do Speculators Exacerbate Managerial Myopia? Evidence from Margin Traders in China Jun Chen (UC San Diego)* Sun Lin (Fudan Univ.)
Guest Lecture (16:30~17:30, December 3)
Family Firms in Emerging Markets Morten Bennedsen (Univ. of Copenhagen and INSEAD)

❉Session 4:Behavioral Finance

  • Chair : Bong-Chan Kho (Seoul National Univ.)
  • Room : Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Asset Prices When Investors Ignore Discount Rate Dynamics Wang Renxuan (Columbia Univ.) Sungjune Pyun (National Univ. of Singapore)
Similar Stocks Wei He (Southwestern Univ.)
Yuehan Wang (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Jianfeng Yu (Tsinghua Univ.)
Jung-Min Kim (Univ. of Seoul)
Investor Sentiment and the Pricing of Characteristics-Based Factors Zhuo Chen (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Bibo Liu (Tsinghua Univ.)
Huijun Wang (Auburn Univ.)
Zhengwei Wang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Jianfeng Yu (Tsinghua Univ.)
Hong Kee Sul (Chung-Ang Univ.)

❉Session 5:Market Efficiency & Anomalies

  • Chair : Chang-Soo Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
  • Room : Tulip
Title Author Discussant
Do ETFs Have a Bright Side? Price Discovery and the Primary Market Activity of Authorized Participants Cao Fang (Univ. of Arkansas)*
Wayne Y. Lee (Univ. of Arkansas)
Craig G. Rennie (Univ. of Arkansas)
Yongjun Kim (Univ. of Seoul)
Rationally Neglected Stocks Oleg Chuprinin (UNSW)
Arseny Gorbenko (Monash Univ.)
Chang-Mo Kang (Hanyang Univ.)*
Tong (Tony)
Zhou (Shanghai Tech Univ.)
The Pricing of Idiosyncratic Cash Flow Risk with Heterogeneous Beliefs Michael Gallmeyer (Univ. of Virginia)
Hogyu Jhang (Chungnam National Univ.)*
Hwagyun Kim (Texas A&M Univ.)
Xi Wang (Peking Univ.)

❉Session 6:Agency Theory & Contracts

  • Chair : Dong Wook Lee (Korea Univ.)
  • Room : Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
Institutional Investor Attention, Agency Conflicts, and the Cost of Debt Sadok El Ghoul (Univ. of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami (Univ. of South Carolina)
Sattar Mansi (Virginia Tech)
Hyo Jin Yoon (Univ. of Texas at El Paso)*
Hyun Seung Na (Korea Univ.)
Agency Costs of CEO Political Ideology Othman Alolah (UC Riverside)
Raymond Nam Kim (Northern Arizona Univ.)*
Sunwoo Hwang (Korea Univ.)
Shareholder Financial Difficulties and Firms’ Risk-Shifting Behavior: Evidence from the 2003 Mutual Fund Scandal Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Fangbo Si (Nanyang Technological Univ.)*
Raymond Nam Kim (Northern Arizona Univ.)

❉Doctoral Student Session Ⅱ

  • Chair : Daehwan Kim (Konkuk Univ.)
  • Room : Viloet
Title Author
Spillover Effects on Managerial bad News Hoarding Behavior: Evidence from MD&A Textual Analysis and Stock Price Crash Risk Sanghak Choi (UNIST)*
Hail Jung (UNIST)
Daejin Kim (UNIST)
Assessing and Addressing the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis: Evidence from 1.5 Billion Sales Invoices Zhuo Chen (Tsinghua Univ.)
Pengfei Li (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Li Liao (Tsinghua Univ.)
Zhengwei Wang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Dollar Dominance in FX Trading Fabricius Somogyi (Uni St.Gallen)

❉Session 7:Sustainable Finance & Financial Intermediaries

  • Chair : Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
  • Room : Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Does Media Coverage of Firms’ Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Incidents Affect Analyst Coverage and Forecasts? Zhichao Li (Durham Univ.)
Guanming He (Durham Univ.)*
Le Zhang (Australian National Univ.)
ESG Lending Sehoon Kim (Univ. of Florida)
Nitish Kumar (Univ. of Florida)
Jongsub Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
Junho Oh (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)*
Xintong Zhan (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
The Salience of ESG Ratings for Stock Pricing: Evidence From (Potentially) Confused Investors Aleksandra Rzeźnik (York Univ.)*
Kathleen Weiss Hanley (Lehigh Univ.)
Loriana Pelizzon (Goethe Univ.)
Qifei Zhu (Nanyang Technological Univ.)

❉Session 8:Personal & Household Finance

  • Chair : Jaewon Choi (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Room : Tulip
Title Author Discussant
Financial Access and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Credit Lotteries Bernadus Van Doornik (Banco Central do Brasil)
Armando Gomes (Washington Univ.)
David Schoenherr (Princeton Univ.)*
Janis Skrastins (Washington Univ.)
Felipe Correia (Univ. of Georgia)
Leverage Made at Home: Investors’ Margin Loan Usage and Firm Leverage Chunbo Liu (Southwestern Univ.)*
Zilong Niu (Southwestern Univ.)
Liheng Lei (UIUC)
Do Local Newspapers Matter to Institutional Investors? Byoung Uk Kang (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)*
Jonathan Sangwook Nam (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Eunji Oh (WRDS)

❉Session 9: Empirical Asset Pricing

  • Chair : Dongcheol Kim (SolBridge International school of Business)
  • Room : Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
Firm Characteristics and Stock Price Levels: A Long-Term Discount Rate Perspective Yixin Chen (Univ. of Rochester)*
Ron Kaniel (Univ. of Rochester)
Zhonglin Qin (Auburn Univ.)
A One-factor Model for Expected Night-minus-day Stock Returns Zhongjin (Gene)
Lu (Univ. of Georgia)
Zhongling (Danny)
Qin (Auburn Univ.)*
Byoung-Kyu Min (Hanyang Univ)
Characteristics-Based Factors Zhuo Chen (Tsinghua Univ.)
Bibo Liu (Tsinghua Univ.)
Huijun Wang (Univ. of Melbourne, Australia)
Zhengwei Wang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Jianfeng Yu (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Yixin Chen (Univ. of Rochester)

❉Session 10: Empirical Corporate Finance

  • Chair : Jong-Bom Chay (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
  • Room : Viloet
Title Author Discussant
Outsourcing Climate Change Rui Dai (WRDS)
Rui Duan (WU Vienna Univ.)
Hao Liang (Singapore Management Univ.)
Lilian Ng (York Univ.)*
Sehoon Kim (Univ. of Florida)
Communities as Stakeholders: Impact of Corporate Bankruptcies on Local Governments Sudheer Chava (Georgia Tech)
Baridhi Malakar (Georgia Tech)*
Manpreet Singh (Georgia Tech)
Ju Hyun Kim (Ajou Univ.)
Startup (Dis)similarity and Types of Early-stage Financing S. Katie Moon (Univ. of Colorado at Boulder)
Paula Suh (Univ. of Georgia)*
Jong-Min Oh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Keynote Speech and Luncheon (11:45~13:45, December 4)
Financial Fragility and Mutual Funds Itay Goldstein (Univ. of Pennsylvania)

❉Session 11:Market Microstructure

  • Chair : Hee-Joon Ahn (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
  • Room : Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Retail Trader Sophistication and Stock Market Quality: Evidence from Brokerage Outages Gregory W. Eaton (Oklahoma State Univ.)*
Clifton Green (Emory Univ.)
Brian S. Roseman (Oklahoma State Univ.)
Yanbin Wu (Emory Univ.)
Joonki Noh (Case Western Reserve Univ.)
Coexisting Exchange Platforms: Limit Order Books and Automated Market Makers Jun Aoyagi (HKUST)
Yuki Ito (UC Berkeley)*
Manpreet Singh (Georgia Tech)
Jongsub Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
Getting Burned by Frictionless Financial Markets Anirudh Dhawan (Univ. of Technology Sydney)*
Benjamin Loos (Technical Univ. of Munich)
Marco Navone (Univ. of Technology Sydney)
Talis Putnins (Univ. of Technology Sydney)
Gregory Eaton (Oklahoma State Univ.)

❉Session 12:Corporate Governance

  • Chair : Hyun-Han Shin (Yonsei Univ.)
  • Room : Tulip
Title Author Discussant
Crowd-Sourced CEO Approval and Turnover Sea-Jin Chang (National Univ. of Singapore)
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh (Hanyang Univ.)*
Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)
Fangbo Si (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Shareholder Litigation and Workplace Safety Ning Gong (Deakin Univ.)
Lixiong Guo (Univ. of Alabma)*
Zhiyan Wang (Univ. of Alabma)
Eyub Yegen (HKUST)
Customer Concentration and Firm Risk: The Role of Outside Directors from Customers Taeyeon Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)*
Hyun-Dong Kim (Sogang Univ.)
Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)
Guanming He (Durham Univ.)

❉Session 13: Capital Structure

  • Chair : Young Sang Kim (Northern Kentucky Univ.)
  • Room : Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
Strategic Adjustment of Capital Structure: Evidence from Firms Newly Added to the S&P 500 Index Eunpyo Hong (George Washington Univ.)
Min Hwang (George Washington Univ.)
Jiyoon Lee (Yonsei Univ.)*
Jungwon Suh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Average Cash-Savings Rates in Equity Issues: Is Cash a Side Show? Sadok El Ghoul (Univ. of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami (Univ. of South Carolina)
Eun Jung Lee (Hanyang Univ.)
Jungwon Suh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)*
Hyeun Han (UNIST)
Capital Structure under Imperfect Product Market Competition: Theory and Evidence Hae Won Jung (Univ. of Melbourne)*
Dalida Kadyrzhanova (Federal Reserve Board)
Ajay Subramanian (Georgia State Univ.)
Sooyoung Song (Chung-Ang Univ.)

❉Session 14: Mutual Funds

  • Chair : Junesuh Yi (Dongguk Univ.)
  • Room : Viole
Title Author Discussant
Fund Flows in the Shadow of Stock Trading Regulation: Evidence from China Xiang Kang (J. P. Morgan Chase & Co.)
David Xiaoyu Xu (Univ. of Texas at Austin)*
Heebum Lee (Korea Univ.)
Capital Allocation and the Market for Mutual Funds: Inspecting the Mechanism Jules H. van Binsbergen (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Jeong Ho (John)
Kim (Emory Univ.)
Soohun Kim (KAIST)*
Donghyun Kim (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Are Passive Investors also Passive Voters? Evidence from Securities Lending by Mutual Funds Jing Xie (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.) Jun Kyung Auh (Yonsei Univ.)

❉Session 15:Financial Intermediation

  • Chair : Jongsub Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
  • Room : Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Natural Disasters and the Role of Regional Lenders in Economic Recovery Hursit S. Celil (Peking Univ. HSBC Business School)
Seungjoon Oh (Peking Univ. HSBC Business School)*
Srinivasan Selvam (Peking Univ. HSBC Business School)
Jiyoon Lee (Yonsei Univ.)
Dissecting Bond Volatility Jie Cao (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Tarun Chordia (Emory Univ.)
Linyu Zhou (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)*
Dragon Tang (Hong Kong Univ.)
The Carrot and the Stick: Bank Bailouts and the Disciplining Role of Board Appointments Christian Müecke (LeibnizInstitute for Financial Research SAFE)
Loriana Pelizzon (LeibnizInstitute for Financial Research SAFE)
Vincenzo Pezone (Tilburg Univ)*
Anjan Thakor (Washington Univ.)
Dong Beom Choi (Seoul National Univ.)

❉Session 16:Corporate Investment

  • Chair : Jangkoo Kang (KAIST)
  • Room : Tulip
Title Author Discussant
Creative Destruction and the Bright Side of Economic Downturns Shahram Amini (Univ. of Denver)*
Andrew MacKinlay (Virginia Tech)
James Weston (Rice Univ.)
Doowon Lee (Univ. of Newcastle)
Labor Turnover, Firm Investment, and Stock Returns Jaewan Bae (KAIST)*
Jangkoo Kang (KAIST)
Jeewon Jang (Ajou Univ.)
Collateral Constraints, Trademarks, and Corporate Activities Zhaoxia Xu (UNSW) Taehyun Kim (Chung-Ang Univ.)

❉Session 17:International Finance

  • Chair : Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
  • Room : Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
Effect of Ownership Composition on Property Prices and Rents: Evidence from Chinese Investment Boom in US Housing Markets Jung Sakong (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago) Hyun-Soo Choi (KAIST)
What Explains Cross-Country Difference in Corporate Valuations? Growth Opportunities or Profitability? Dong Wook Lee (Korea Univ.)*
Lingxia Sun (Sun Yat-sen Univ.)
Yeejin Jang (UNSW)
Learning Through Social Networks: How Foreign Workers Optimize FinTech Usage for Remittances Sumit Agarwal (National Univ. of Singapore)
Sangheum Cho (KAIST)
Hyun-Soo Choi (KAIST)*
Leora Klapper (The World Bank)
Hongkee Sul (Chung-Ang Univ.)

❉Session 18:Empirical Research in Finance

  • Chair : Jinho Byun (Ewha Womans Univ.)
  • Room : Violet
Title Author Discussant
Polluted Waters and Municipal Finance Francois Derrien (HEC Paris)
Ambrus Kecskes (York Univ.)*
Anh Nguyen Phuong (York Univ.)
Pengfei Li (Tsinghua Univ.)
Risk Management with Variable Capital Utilization and Procyclical Collateral Capacity Guojun Chen (National Univ. of Singapore)*
Zhongjin Lu (Univ. of Georgia)
Siddharth Vij (Univ. of Georgia)
Junho Park (Myongji Univ.)
It Depends Who you Ask: Context Effects in the Perception of Stock Returns Constantinos Antoniou (Univ. of Warwick)
Junyang Guo (Univ. of Warwick)*
Neil Stewart (Univ. of Warwick)
Sung Won Seo (Konkuk Univ.)

◆ 5차 대만재무학회 공동학술대회

  • - 일시 : 2021년 11월 4일(목) 10:00(온라인 개최)
  • - 발표논문 : 6편
  • Chair : Robin Chou(National Chengchi Univ.)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Temporal Trading Patterns of Retail Investors Yongkil Ahn (Seoul National Univ. of Science & Technology) Pei-Shih Weng (National Sun Yat-sen Univ.)
Do Private Benefits of Control Impede Voluntary Disclosure? Chia-Wei Huang (National Chengchi Univ.) Jong-Min Oh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
What Explains the Time-Varying Difference in R2’s between Countries with Good and Bad Governance? Kuan-Hui Lee (Seoul National Univ.) Yanzhi (Andrew)
Wang (National Taiwan Univ.)
  • Chair : Woojin Kim(Seoul National Univ,)
논문제목 발표자 토론자
Diversity, Disagreement, and Asset Prices Kevin Tseng (National Taiwan Univ.) Daejin Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Dynamic Agency, Corporate Liquidity, and Investment Horizon Tak-Yuen Wong (National Tsing Hua Univ.) Chang-Mo Kang (Hanyang Univ.)
Are Socially Responsible Firms Really Responsible? Main Street Lending during the Great Recession Dongbeom Choi (Seoul National Univ.) Chih-Yung Lin (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univ.)

◆ 4차 정기학술발표회(경영관련학회 융합학술대회)

  • - 일시 : 2021. 8. 18(수)
  • - 장소 : 연세대학교 백양누리
  • - 발표논문 : 9편

▶ESG와 은행차입

  • 사회자 : 박광우(KAIST)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
AreSociallyResponsibleFirmsReallyResponsible? Main Street Lending during the Great Recession 이준엽(UNIST)
Geographical Concentration and Creditor Coordination: Evidence from Syndicated Loan Covenants 강기윤(연세대학교)
사회책임투자채권에 발행프리미엄이 존재하는가?: COVID-19를 전후한 분석 이희범(고려대학교)

▶ 펀드와 자산가치

  • 사회자 : 안희준(성균관대)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
상장지수펀드의 주식소유비중과 변동성에 관한 검정 양철원(단국대학교)
The Intended Consequences of More Frequent Portfolio Disclosure of Mutual Funds 반주일(상명대학교)
What Explains Cross-Country Difference in Corporate Valuations? Growth Opportunities or Profitability? 박훈석 (University of Melbourne)

▶IPO와 금융시장

  • 사회자 : 김누리(한양대)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
조은영(국민연금연구원) IPO Motivation and Peer Effects: Evidence from the Korean Stock Market 이상원(서울시립대학교)
Riding off into the Sunset: Dual-Class Structure in the Age of Unicorns Going Public 김태현(중앙대학교)
이희수(세종대학교) Contagion Network Test in Financial Markets 이장욱(한국개발연구원)

◆ 3차 정기학술발표회 (Summer Finance Roundtable 2021)

  • - 일시 : 2021. 6. 28(월)~29(화)
  • - 장소 : 파라다이스호텔 부산
  • - 발표 논문 : 6편
  • 사회자 : 최동범(서울대)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Shane A. Johnson(Texas A&M Univ.)
김화균(Texas A&M Univ.)
Ambiguous Credit Information Quality and Debt Maturity Structure 신상욱(UNIST)
Roger K. Loh(Singapore Management univ.)
Nudges and digital banking adoption 박훈석 (University of Melbourne)
이지윤 (연세대학교)*
Do firms manage corporate social responsibility strategically?: Evidence from ESG ratings of Korean firms 오종민(성균관대학교)
  • 사회자 : 김대진(UNIST)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Jules H. van Binsbergen (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
김정호(Emory Univ.)
Capital Allocation and the Market for Mutual Funds: Inspecting the Mechanism 이재람(가천대학교)
Andy Naranjo(Univ. of Florida)
Stace Sirmans(Auburn Univ.)
Implied Asset Return Profiles, Firm Fundamentals, and Stock Returns 강창모(한양대학교)
도현수(Nanyang Technological Univ.)*
Yiyao Wang(Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, SJTU)
Quantifying Information Asymmetry in the Corporate Bond Market 장봉규(POSTECH)

◆ 2차 정기학술발표회(재무관리학회,재무학회,증권학회,파생상품학회,한미재무학회 공동)

  • - 일시 : 2021. 5. 28(금)
  • - 장소 : 더 플라자 호텔
  • - 발표 논문 : 48편

제1분과 : 금융기관

  • 사회자 : 어준경(연세대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Jules H. van Binsbergen(University of Pennsylvania and NBER)
Jeong Ho (John)
Kim(Emory University)
Capital Allocation and the Market for Mutual Funds : Inspecting the Mechanisms 어준경(연세대학교)
Roger K. Loh(Singapore Management University)
Nudges and digital banking adoption 이준호(Fed NY)
Gene C. Lai(University of North Carolina)Chia-Ling Ho(Tamkang University)
Derivatives Hedging, Risk Appetite, Tournament Incentive, and Managerial Compensation in U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Firms 이해강(New York University)

제2분과 : 기업재무 I

  • 사회자 : 전진규(동국대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Corporate Pledgeable Asset Ownership and Stock Price Crash Risk 김학건(충북대학교)
박정철(University of South Florida)*
Suin Lee(University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)
Christos Pantzalis(University of South Florida)
Migration Flows and M&A Decisions 전진규(동국대학교)
이수인(University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)*
Yoon K. Choi(University of Central Florida)
김용헌(University of Cincinnati), 박정철(University of South Florida)
Managerial Focus and Investment Efficiency: Evidence from Spin-Offs 서성원(건국대학교)

제3분과 : 기업재무 II

  • 사회자 : 김중혁(고려대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
The role of second-tier exchange in corporate valuation : Evidence from Korea 이상원(서울시립대학교)
자사주 매입, 소각, 보유가 기업가치에 미치는 영향 김주현(아주대학교)
Kateryna Holland(University of Missouri)
임찬(Purdue University)*
Irene Yi(University of Toronto)
Shareholder Meetings Uncertainty: Evidence from the Options Market 황선우(고려대학교)

제4분과 : 투자론 I

  • 사회자 : 신정순(이화여자대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Andy Naranjo(University of Florida)
Stace Sirmans(Auburn University)
Implied Asset Return Profiles, Firm Fundamentals, and Stock Returns 최재원(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Yakov Amihud(New York University)
허산욱(State University of New York at Buffalo)*
Avanidhar Subrahmanyam(University of California at Los Angeles)
Liquidity Spillovers: Evidence from Two-Step Spinoffs 이종섭(서울대학교)
고민수(Ohio State University)
Allocation of attention and the delayed reaction of stock returns to liquidity shock: Global evidence 허산욱(State University of New York at Buffalo)

제5분과 : 박사과정 I

  • 사회자 : 정재만(숭실대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Political Risk, Financial Constraint, and Managerial Risk Preferences : Evidence from M&A Decisions 장수미(University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Managerial Ability and Labor Productivity: A Case in Korea 최윤영(서울대학교)
장수미(University of Massachusetts Lowell) ntellectual Property Rights and Employee Stock Option Compensation : Evidence from Court of Appeals Federal Circuit Ruling in 2008 이예환(KAIST)
최윤영(서울대학교)* Distress Resolution Through New Block Formation : Implication for Ownership Concentration 안동환(중앙대학교)

제6분과 : 기업재무 Ⅲ

  • 사회자 : 김누리(한양대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Sadok El Ghoul(University of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami University of South Carolina)
Average Cash-Savings Rates in Equity Issues: Is Cash a Side Show? 최현수(KAIST)
Anup Agrawal(University of Alabama)
이유림(University of Wisconsin-La Crosse)*
Does General Solicitation Improve Access to Capital for Small Businesses? Evidence from the JOBS Act 이종섭(서울대학교)
김인철(University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)
이수인(University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)*
류지우(West Virginia University)
Does Climate Risk Influence Analyst Forecast Accuracy? 김태현(중앙대학교)

제7분과 : 기업재무 Ⅳ

  • 사회자 : 신현한(연세대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
윤희진(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Internal Labor Markets and Corporate Innovation : Evidence from Korean Chaebols 임현중(서울시립대학교)
Internal Capital Markets and R&D Investment : Evidence from Korean Chaebols 이지윤(연세대학교)
이승협(Cornerstone Research)*
신제현(Harvard University)
Employment Protection, Financial Uncertainty, and Corporate Investment in Innovation 이경훈(KAIST)
Richard Borghesi(University of South Florida)
장기영(University of South Florida)*
박종철(University of South Florida)
송학준(California State University)
Ethical Implication of Firms’ Financial Reporting Choices in the Presence of Labor Unions: Evidence from Financial Statement Comparability 배종완(Elon University)

제8분과 : 투자론 II

  • 사회자 : 백재승(한국외국어대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
코로나19 위기 시 주식형 펀드의 성과와 현금흐름 염명훈(키움증권)
Paulo Maio(Hanken School of Economics)
Wage Growth and Equity Risk Premia 권경민(홍익대학교)
이우백(한국방송통신대학교) 주식시장 시장조성자의 유동성 제고의 실효성 분석 강상구(경기대학교)

제9분과 : 투자론 Ⅲ

  • 사회자 : 전상경(한양대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
김명현(전 서울과학기술대학교)
Understanding BOXPI – Industry Portfolio Perspectives 홍기훈(홍익대학교)
기계학습 기반 기업신용정보 분석을 통한 채무불이행 예측 최형석(이화여자대학교)
장유순(Indiana University)
최영민(Baruch College, the City University of New York)*
Joon Y. Park(Indiana University)
Stock Market Return Predictability Dormant in Option Panels 장호규(충남대학교)

제10분과 : 박사과정 II

  • 사회자 : 이동욱(고려대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Beta is Alive on Macroeconomic Announcement Days 양철원(단국대학교)
계열관계에 따른 국내 펀드판매사의 채널효과 -자금흐름 지속성과 과거 성과추종현상을 중심으로- 반주일(상명대학교)
Information Uncertainty and Machine Learning 장희수(숭실대학교)
Robert I. Webb(University of Virginia)
Liquidity, investor attention, and adverse selection around macroeconomic announcements 엄윤성(한성대학교)

제11분과 : 기업재무 Ⅴ

  • 사회자 : 이영주(서강대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
CEO educational background and external financing choices : Evidence from Korea 김채현(KAIST)
Ryan Flugum(University of Northern Iowa)
이춘식(University of Rhode Island)*
Matthew E. Souther(University of South Carolina)
Shining a Light in a Dark Corner: EDGAR Search Activity Reveals the Strategically Leaked Plans of Activist Investors 김형준(KAIST)
Geopolitical risk and stock price crash risk 박흥주(성균관대학교)
Omer Mehmood(성균관대학교)
Investor Protection and Corporate Investment 이춘식(University of Rhode Island)

제12분과 : 투자론 Ⅳ

  • 사회자 : 이준서(동국대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
녹색채권 그리니움에 관한 연구 - 중국 녹색채권 발행시장을 중심으로- 박영규(카톨릭대학교)
Momentum and Price Behavior of Small Stocks : A Study Using Principal Component Momentum 구본하(동국대학교)
신봉식(San Diego State University)
Cyber-Security Incidents and Their Effects on Competitors’ Stock Price 강한길(단국대학교)
Why Earnings Growth in Shipping Changes over time? 이상기(숭실대학교)

제13분과 : 파생위험

  • 사회자 : 강형구(한양대학교)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
채무상환 유형별 패턴 및 행태 분석 - 머신러닝 방법론을 활용 - 김석환(한양대학교)
Le Kang(Tulane University)
김화균(Texas A&M University)
김성진(Texas A&M University)
Sorin Sorescu(Texas A&M University)
Common Factors in the Returns on Credit De 강창모(한양대학교)

제14분과 : 연기금

  • 사회자: 최영민(국민연금연구원)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
OCIO 시장에서의 경쟁: 게임이론의 응용 이재현(숭실대학교)
사적연금 활성화 대책에 따른 퇴직연금펀드 성과 및 운용스타일 변화 반주일(상명대학교)
양철원(단국대학교) 국민연금 의결권 행사의 대리인 문제 : 보유기업의 합병 사례 김혜리(국민연금연구원)
The reliability of the interim performance in private equity 강병진(숭실대학교)

Round Table Session

발표자 논문제목 토론자
류혁선(KAIST) 투자윤리와 투자자보호 김영도(금융연구원)

◆ 2021년도 제1차 정기학술발표회

  • - 일시 : 2021. 2. 26(금)
  • - 장소 : 온라인
  • - 발표 논문 : 28편

FnGuide 특별심포지엄 (강의실 1)

  • 사회자 : 장국현(건국대)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
전진규(동국대) 경쟁기업에 대한 애널리스트 투자정보가 신규 상장기업에 미치는 영향 정찬식(동아대)
Chaebol-Affiliated Analysts and Biases in Interpreting Accruals 서정원(성균관대)
임병권 (한국소비자원)*
경영자의 주식담보대출이 타인자본비용에 미치는 영향 전진규(동국대)
이우백(방송통신대) 주식시장 시장조성자의 유동성 제고의 실효성 분석 정재만(숭실대)

제1분과 : 기업재무 (강의실 2)

  • 사회자 : 선정훈(건국대)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Intangible Capital and Market Reactions to Earnings News 김현석(연세대)
온라인 직원 리뷰와 기업가치 류두원(국민대)
The COVID-19 pandemic and the value of cash: Evidence from Korea 이윤아(한국지배구조원)
특허출원이 회사채 신용등급에 미치는 영향 정희준(전주대)

제2분과 : 연금, 펀드 (강의실 3)

  • 사회자 : 박영규(성균관대)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
권재현(인천대) 국내 사모펀드 투자규제와 투자자 보호방안 강상엽(북경대)
What determines employee ownership in retirement pension plans? 이태호(한국자산운용연구원)
조은영(국민연금연구원) Change in Pension Fund Trading around the Index Additions: Evidence from the Korean Stock Market 양철원(단국대)
OCIO 시장에서의 경쟁: 게임이론 및 경매이론을 활용한 분석 이동화(한국투자증권)

제3분과 : 투자전략 (강의실 4)

  • 사회자 : 박광우(KAIST)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
은퇴자의 소비부족확률과 적정 자산배분에 관한 연구 송민욱(한국펀드평가)
The effect of international diversi cation using machine learning: Evidence from the Korean and U.S. stock markets 최영수(한국외대)
The reliability of the interim performance in private equity 권재현(인천대)
Momentum Crashes and Portfolio Adjustments: Evidence from Korean Stock Markets 박희진(부산대)

제4분과 : 기업재무 (강의실 1)

  • 사회자 : 김우진(서울대)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
원가의 하방경직성이 기업의 주가급락 위험에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 임병권 (한국소비자원)
윤희진(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Does Venture Capital Investment Enhance Corporate Innovation? Evidence from Korea 정혜진(세종대)
코로나19 전후의 회사채 발행가격 형성에 관한 연구 -공모회사채의 수요예측을 중심으로- 김희은(명지대)

제5분과 : 연금, 펀드2 (강의실 2)

  • 사회자 : 이준서(동국대)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
사적연금 활성화 대책에 따른 퇴직연금펀드 성과 및 운용스타일 변화 정도영(교보악사자산운용)
Investment Performance of ETPs Related to Crude Oil 김대진(UNIST)
Surplus Optimization in Defined Benefit Pension using hidden Markov model: Focusing on Occupational Pension Plans in Korea 박선영(동국대)

제6분과 : 채권, 파생 (강의실 3)

  • 사회자 : 신진영(연세대)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
An Extension of the Five-Factor Affine Term Structure Model: Predictability for Future Bond Returns 양기성(숭실대)
A Systemic Change of Measure from Central Clearing 김지훈(연세대)
G2PP Model Calibration using Swaption 황인준(UNIST)

제7분과 : 심리와 섹터순환 (강의실 4)

  • 사회자 : 변진호(이화여대)
발표자 논문제목 토론자
Textual Analysis on the Analyst Reports 강형구(한양대)
Is the decomposition of investment sentiment useful for financial market analysis? 양희진(동국대)
김명현(前 서울과학기술대)
김영민(University of International Business and Economics)
Understanding BOXPI - Industry Portfolio Perspectives 강창모(한양대)

◆ 국제컨퍼런스(2020년도 제5차 정기학술발표회)“15th Annual Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets(CAFM2020)”

    • - 일시 : 2020. 12. 4(금)~5(토)
    • - 장소 : 조선호텔(서울 소공동)
    • - 발표 논문 : 65편

❉Session 1:Institutional Investors

  • Chair : Bong-Chan Kho (Seoul National Univ.)
  • Room : Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Do Institutional Investors Mitigate Social Costs of Privatization? Evidence from Prisons Eyub Yegen (Univ. of Toronto) Taehyun Kim (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Institutional Trading on Information Diffusion across Fundamentally Related Firms Jie Ying (Southern Illinois Univ. Edwardsville) Ji-Woong Chung (Korea Univ.)
Heterogeneous Intermediary Capital, Asset Prices, and Fire Sales Christa H.S. Bouwman (Texas A&M Univ.)
Hwagyun (Hagen)
Kim (Texas A&M Univ.)
Sang-Ook (Simon)
Dong Beom Choi (Seoul National Univ.)

❉Session 2:Empirical Asset Pricing

  • Chair : Young Ho Eom (Yonsei Univ.)
  • Room : Tulip
Title Author Discussant
Imprecise and Informative: Lessons from Market Reactions to Imprecise Disclosure J. Anthony Cookson (Univ. of Colorado at Boulder)
S. Katie Moon (Univ. of Colorado at Boulder)
Joonki Noh (Case Western Reserve Univ.)*
Jun Kyung Auh (Yonsei Univ.)
Deep Learning in Asset Pricing Luyang Chen (Stanford Univ.)
Markus Pelger (Stanford Univ.)*
Jason Zhu (Stanford Univ.)
Kyoungwon Seo (Seoul National Univ.)
Stocks through a Looking Glass: Can Style Segment Adjusted Mutual Fund Stock Holdings Predict Stock Returns? Cao Fang (Univ. of Arkansas)*
Wayne Y. Lee (Univ. of Arkansas)
Heebum Lee (Korea Univ.)

❉Session 3:International Finance

  • Chair : Lilian Ng (York Univ.)
  • Room : Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
Betting Against Other Betas Scott Murray (Georgia State Univ.) Donghyun Kim (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Flights to Quality and Momentum Crashes Junyong Kim (Univ. of Wisconsin–Milwaukee)*
Donghyun Kim (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Chang-Mo Kang(Hanyang Univ.)
Andy Chiu (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
The Cultural Influence on the Internal Capital Market of Multinationals Fan Zhang (Macau Univ. of Science and Technology)*
Qingjie Du (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Yang Wang (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Amy Yang (Victoria Univ. of Wellington)
Peter Pham (Univ. of New South Wales)

❉Doctoral Student Session Ⅰ

  • Chair : Xuan Tian (Tsinghua Univ.)
  • Room : Violet
Title Author
Are Green Investors Green-Inducing? A Demand System Approach Don Noh (Princeton Univ.)
Fear or Greed? How Retail Trades Move Markets? Qingjie Du (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Know Thyself: Free Credit Reports and the Retail Mortgage Market Amit Kumar (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Trading Volume and Dispersion of Signals Nikhil Vidhani (Indian Institute of Management)
Guest Lecture
International Market Integration: A Survey Lilian Ng (York Univ.)

❉Session 4:Bond and Cryptocurrency

  • Chair : Jongsub Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
  • Room : Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Bond Implied Risks Around Macroeconomic Announcements Xinyang Li (Boston Univ.) Byeong-Je An (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
From Hotelling to Nakamoto: The Economic Meaning of Bitcoin Mining Min Dai (National Univ. of Singapore)
Wei Jiang (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Steven Kou (Boston Univ.)
Cong Qin (Soochow Univ.)*
Kee-Youn Kang (Yonsei Univ.)
Treasury Debt and the Pricing of Short-Term Assets Quentin Vandeweyer (Univ. of Chicago) Dong Beom Choi (Seoul National Univ.)

❉Session 5:Law and Ethics

  • Chair : Chang-Soo Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
  • Room : Tulip
Title Author Discussant
Shining a Light in a Dark Corner: EDGAR Search Activity Reveals the Strategically Leaked Plans of Activist Investors Ryan Flugum (Univ. of Northern Iowa)
Choonsik Lee (Univ. of Rhode Island)*
Matthew E. Souther (Univ. of South Carolina)
Nhan Le (Australian National Univ.)
Mandatory Disclosure, Internal Information Asymmetry, and Insider Trading: Evidence from FAS 131 Chang-Mo Kang (Hanyang Univ.)*
Donghyun Kim (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Youngdeok Lim (Univ. of New South Wales)
Reeyarn Zhiyang Li (Univ. of Mannheim)
Judicial Precedents on GAAP Violations, Litigation Risk and Misreporting Benedikt Franke (SKEMA Business School)
Allen Huang (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Reeyarn Z. Li (Univ. of Mannheim)*
Choonsik Lee (Univ. of Rhode Island)

❉Session 6:Derivatives and CSR

  • Chair : Baeho Kim (Korea Univ.)
  • Room : Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
Extrapolation and Complexity Donghwa Shin (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Heebum Lee (Korea Univ.)
The Hedging Footprint Peter Mackay (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)*
Sara B. Moeller (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Scott Linn (Univ. of Oklahoma)
Donghwa Shin (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Corporate Social Irresponsibility, Media Coverage, and Stock Returns Hee-Eun Kim (Myongji Univ.)*
Tae-Wook Ahn (DeepSearch, Inc.)
Hoje Jo (Santa Clara Univ.)
Junesuh Yi (Dongguk Univ.)
Injun Hwang (UNIST)

❉Session 7:Chinese Capital Market

  • Chair : Bohui Zhang (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)
  • Room : Violet
Title Author Discussant
What a Relief: How do Firms Respond to Competitors’ Listing Delays? Ning Jia (Tsinghua Univ.)
Jiaqi Qian (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Xuan Tian (Tsinghua Univ.)
Xing Zhang(Fudan Univ.)
Controlling Shareholder Stock Pledge, Aggravated Expropriation and Corporate Acquisitions Siyuan Yan (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)*
Xiaoxu Ling (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Louis T.W. Cheng (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Seungjoon Oh (Peking Univ.)
The Impact of the Shanghai – Hong Kong Stock Market Connection on Corporate Innovation: Evidence from Mainland China Guanming He(Durham Univ.)*
Xiaorong Li (Central Univ. of Finance and Economics)
Jingbo Luo (Lanzhou Univ.)
William Cheung (Waseda Univ.)

❉Session 8:Bank Loans

  • Chair : Kee-Hong Bae (York Univ.)
  • Room : Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Investment Sensitivity to Lender Default Shocks Hursit S. Celi (Peking Univ.)*
Brandon Julio (Univ. of Oregon)
Srinivasan Selvam (Peking Univ.)
Kee-Youn Kan (Yonsei Univ.)
Bank Management Sentiment and Liquidity Hoarding Allen N. Berger (Univ. of South Carolina)
Hugh H. Kim (Univ. of South Carolina)*
Xiaonan (Flora)
Ma (Univ. of South Carolina)
Hoyong Choi (KAIST)
Equity Market, Bank Lending, and Economic Stability Yunqi Zhang (Nankai Univ.) Hyun-Soo Choi (KAIST)
U.S. Political Corruption and the Cost of Bank Loans Mengyi Gu (Univ. of Massachusetts Boston) Kee-Hong Bae (York Univ.)

❉Session 9:Capital Structure and Debt

  • Chair : Jaewon Choi (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Room : Tulip
Title Author Discussant
Debt Contracting When Borrowers Face Transitory Uncertainty: Evidence from U.S. Gubernatorial Elections Kirak Kim (Univ. of Bristol)*
Trang Nguyen (Univ. of Glasgow)
Chiyoung Cheong (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
Shadow Union in Local Labor Markets and Capital Structure DuckKi Cho (Peking Univ.)*
Lyungmae Choi (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
Jiyoon Lee (Yonsei Univ.)
A New Lease on Firm Behavior Matteo Binfarè (Univ. of Missouri)*
Robert A. Connolly (Univ. of North Carolina)
Fotis Grigoris (Indiana Univ.)
Crocker H. Liu (Cornell Univ.)
Katie Moon (Univ. of Colorado Boulder)
Syncing Innovation to Avoid Sinking: Supplier Response to Customer Covenant Violations Srinivasan Selvam (Peking Univ.)
Kelvin Jui Keng Tan (Univ. of Queensland)*
Paula Suh (Univ. of Georgia)

❉Session 10: Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Chair : Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
  • Room : Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
Corporate Sustainability and Stock Returns: Evidence from Employee Satisfaction Kyle Welch (George Washington Univ.)
Aaron Yoon (Northwestern Univ.)*
Jungmin Kim (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Stakeholder Importance, Dividend Payout, and Corporate Social Responsibility C.S. Agnes Cheng (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Xiaohui Li (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)*
Zeyu Sun (Univ. of International Business and Economics)
Jing Xie (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Dawoon Kim (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
The Dark Side of Independent Boards, the Case of Corporate Social Responsibility Fangzhou Lu (Univ. of Hong Kong) Le Zhang (Australian National Univ.)
The Information Value of Corporate Social Responsibility Kose John (New York Univ.)
Jongsub Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh (Hanyang Univ.)*
Hao Liang (Singapore Management Univ.)

❉Doctoral Student Session Ⅱ

  • Chair : Allaudeen Hameed (National Univ. of Singapore)
  • Room : Viloet
Title Author
Surfing the Cycle: Cyclical Investment Opportunities and Firms’ Risky Financial Assets Teng Huang (IESE Business School)
Firm Heterogeneity in Production-Based Asset Pricing: The Role of Habit Sensitivity and Lumpy Investment Zhiting Wu (Univ. of St Andrews)
Does the Supply Chain Matter in the Ownership Structure? Evidence from Korean Business Groups Jieun Im (Seoul National Univ.)
The Information Role of Earnings Conference Calls: How Earnings Calls Alter Demand for Quarterly Reports Wenyao Hu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Keynote Speech
Liquidity Management in the Great Lockdown:
Will There Be a Financial Crisis on Main Street?
Heitor Almeida (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

❉Session 11:Climate Finance

  • Chair : Darwin Choi (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
  • Room : Lilac
Title Author Discussant
Does Private Equity Ownership Make Firms Cleaner? The Role of Environmental Liability Risks Aymeric Bellon (Univ. of Pennsylvania) Po-Hsuan Hsu (National Tsing Hua Univ.)
Global Carbon Divestment and Firms’ Actions Darwin Choi (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Zhenyu Gao (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Wenxi Jiang (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)*
Bohui Zhang (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)
Analyzing Active Managers’ Commitment to ESG: Evidence from United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment Soohun Kim (KAIST)*
Aaron S. Yoon (Northwestern Univ.)
Si Cheng (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)

❉Session 12:Empirical Corporate Finance

  • Chair : Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)
  • Room : Tulip
Title Author Discussant
Labor Voice in Corporate Governance: Evidence from Opportunistic Insider Trading Lilian Ng (York Univ.)*
Man Duy (Marty)
Pham (Univ. of Sydney)
Jing Yu (Univ. of Sydney)
Ryoonhee Kim (KAIST)
When the Market Went Viral: COVID-19, Stock Returns, and Firm Characteristics Avijit Bansal (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad)*
Balagopal Gopalakrishnan (Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode)
Joshy Jacob (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad)
Pranjal Srivastava (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad)
Martin Dieker (KAIST)
The Persistence of Share Repurchases, Financing, and Firm Maturity Sadok El Ghou (Univ. of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami (Univ. of South Carolina)
Hyunseok Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Jungwon Suh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)*
Junyoup Lee (UNIST)

❉Session 13: Chief Executive Officer

  • Chair : Agnes Cheng (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
  • Room : Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
In the CEO We Trust: Negative Effects of Trust between the Board and the CEO Kee-Hong Bae (York Univ.)
Sadok El Ghoul (Univ. of Alberta)
Zhaoran (Jason)
Gong (Lingnan Univ.)*
Omrane Guedhami (Univ. of South Carolina)
Fangzhou Lu (Univ. of Hong Kong)
Technological Fit and the Market for Managerial Talent Fred Bereskin (Univ. of Missouri)
Seong K. Byun (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Jong-Min Oh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)*
Albert Tsang (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Terrorist Attacks and Corporate Investment: The Beneficial Value of CEO Overconfidence Seongjae Mun (KAIST)*
Hyeong Joon Kim (KAIST)
Kyumin Cho (KAIST)
Seung Hun Han (KAIST)
Changhyun Ahn (Univ. of Florida)

❉Session 14: Machine Learning and Finance

  • Chair : Jaehoon Lee (DeepSearch, Inc.)
  • Room : Violet
Title Author Discussant
Charting by Machines Scott Murray (Georgia State Univ.)*
Houping Xiao (Georgia State Univ.)
Yusen Xia (Georgia State Univ.)
Andy (Y. Han)
Kim(Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
The Informativeness of Text, the Deep Learning Approach Allen H. Huang (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Hui Wang (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)*
Yi Yang (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Jaehoon Lee (DeepSearch, Inc.)
What Should Investors Care About? Mutual Fund Ratings by Analysts vs. Machine Learning Technique Si Cheng (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Ruichang Lu (Peking Univ.)*
Xiaojun Zhang (Peking Univ.)
Chang-Mo Kang (Hanyang Univ.)

❉Session 15:Korean Capital Market

  • Chair : Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
  • Room : Lilac
Title Author Discussant
International Knowledge Spillovers and Capital Structure of Multinational Affiliates Youngho Kang (Soongsil Univ.)
Ryoonhee Kim (KAIST)*
Unjung Whang (Chonbuk National Univ.)
James L. Park (Korea Univ.)
Bribes and Corporate Performance: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment Jieun Im (Seoul National Univ.)
Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)*
Shuran Zhang (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Mispricing or Risk Premium? An explanation of the R&D-to-Market Anomaly Jangwook Lee (Korea Development Institute)*
Jiyoon Lee (Yonsei Univ.)
Daejin Kim (UNIST)

❉Session 16:Financial Intermediation

  • Chair : Yao-Min Chiang (National Taiwan Univ.)
  • Room : Tulip
Title Author Discussant
Social Inflation Sangmin S. Oh (Univ. of Chicago) Sojung C. Park (Seoul National Univ.)
Geographical Concentration and Creditor Coordination: Evidence from Syndicated Loan Covenants Joongho Han (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Chao Jin (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Heungju Park (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)*
Haiming Liu (Shandong Univ. of Finance & Economics)
Equity Financing, Equity Lending, and Price Pressure: The Case of DRIP Arbitrage Tze Chuan ‘Chewie’ Ang (Deakin Univ.)*
Xin ‘Simba’ Chang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Xiaoxiong Hu (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Patrick Verwijmeren (Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam)
Jerry Parwada (Univ. of New South Wales)

❉Session 17:Risk Premia and Asset Prices

  • Chair : Inmoo Lee (KAIST)
  • Room : Cosmos
Title Author Discussant
Wage Growth and Equity Risk Premia Paulo Maio (Hanken School of Economics)
Byoung-Kyu Min(Hanyang Univ.)*
Soohun Kim (KAIST)
Tax News Shocks, Political Cycles, and Asset Prices Ruchith Dissanayake (Queensland Univ. of Technology) Takeshi Yamada (Australian National Univ.)
Collective Learning about Systematic Risk Yongjin Kim (City Univ. of Hong Kong)*
Kai Li (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Yang Liu (Univ. of Hong Kong)

❉Session 18:Personal and Household Finance

  • Chair : Sumit Agarwal (National Univ. of Singapore)
  • Room : Violet
Title Author Discussant
Deputization Bruce Carlin (Rice Univ.)
Tarik Umar (Rice Univ.)
Hanyi Yi (Rice Univ.)*
Changcheng Song (Singapore Management Univ.)
Physical Frictions and Digital Banking Adoption Hyun-Soo Choi (KAIST)*
Roger K. Loh (Singapore Management Univ.)
Wenlan Qian (National Univ. of Singapore)
Could Indexation Be a Good Way to Cut Taxes for Stock Investors? Yaoting Lei (Nanchang Univ.)
Jing Xu (Renmin Univ. of China)*
Huanhuan Zhang (National Univ. of Singapore)

◆ 4차 학술발표회 (Summer Finance Roundtable 2020)

    • - 일시 : 2020. 10. 24(토)~25(일)
    • - 장소 : 인천 파라다이스시티
    • - 발표 논문 : 6편
  • 사회자 : 이종섭(서울대)
발표자 토론자 논문제목
임소연(Xiamen Univ.)*
장예진 (Univ.of New South Wales)
오종민(성균관대) The Estate Tax and the Payout Policy in Family Firms
Haelim Anderson (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
Daniel Barth (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
박웅용(서울대) Does Increased Shareholder Liability Always Reduce Bank Moral Hazard?
Sumit Agarwal (National Univ.of Singapore)
이성관 (CUHK-Shenzhen) The Value of FinTech for Retail Consumers
  • 사회자 : 김수헌(KAIST)
발표자 토론자 논문제목
김용준 (서울시립대) The price impact under the risk-averse market makers
Mattia Landoni (Southern Methodist Univ.)
이창주(KAIST) Loan Terms and Collateral: Evidence from the Bilateral Repo Market
임영덕 (Univ. of New South Wales)
박훈석 (Univ,of Melbourne) Mandatory Disclosure, Internal Information Asymmetry, and Insider Trading: Evidence from FAS 131

◆ 3차 정기학술발표회(경영관련학회 융합학술대회)

    • - 일시 : 2020. 8. 19(수)
    • - 장소 : 인천 송도컨벤시아
    • - 발표 논문 : 20편

▶ 제1분과 : ESG

  • 사회자 : 송교직(성균관대)
발표자 토론자 논문제목
George Serafeim(HBS)
윤석현(Northwestern Univ.)*
임지은(서울대) Stock Price Reactions to ESG News: The Role of ESG Ratings and Disagreement
윤석현(Northwestern Univ.)
조은영 (국민연금연구원) Analyzing Active Managers’ Commitment to ESG: Evidence from United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment
김현도(KAIST) 김누리(한양대) Environmental Disaster Movies and Corporate Environmental Performance
윤석현(Northwestern Univ.)*
KyleWelch (George Washington Univ.)
박흥주(성균관대) Corporate Sustainability and Stock Returns: Evidence from Employee Satisfaction

▶ 제2분과 : Investment 1

  • 사회자 : 이관휘(서울대)
발표자 토론자 논문제목
오승준(Peking Univ. HSBC)
강형구(한양대) Cross-listing, Foreign Independent Directors and Firm Value
이희수(세종대) 강 민(강남대) A new approach based on a network structure of stock prices to analyzing investor herding behavior
양기성(숭실대) Foreign Investment in Korean Equity and Bond Markets: Determinants of change in daily amount and return
고민수(Ohio State Univ.)
홍지민(가톨릭대) Allocation of attention and the delayed reaction of stock returns to liquidity shock: Global evidence

▶ 제3분과 : Investment 2

  • 사회자 : 안희준(성균관대)
발표자 토론자 논문제목
윤평식(충남대) 양철원(단국대) 신주인수권증권의 상장이 미치는 영향
이형철(충북대) 이희수(세종대) 투자심리 민감도와 비이성적 투자 행태
김재욱(고려대) 김범(숭실대) Portfolio concentration and fund performance:
Evidence from Korea
양철원(단국대) 이형철(충북대) 애널리스트 보고서의 정보력에 대한 연구

▶ 제4분과 : 연기금

  • 사회자 : 정재만(숭실대)
발표자 토론자 논문제목
강 민(강남대) Dynamic Asset Allocation Strategy:
An Economic Regime Approach
박세열(연세대) 퇴직급여 적립수준이 자본비용에 미치는 영향
김대진(UNIST) Company stock in defined contribution plans and stock return: The effect of the Pension Protection Act of 2006
박근우 (국민연금기금운용전문위원회)*
원상희 (국민연금기금운용전문위원회)
원종현 (국민연금기금운용전문위원회)
박선영(자본시장연구원) 국내주식시장에서 국민연금기금의 기관투자자역할에 관한 연구

▶ 제5분과 : corporate finance

  • 사회자 : 변진호(이화여대)
발표자 토론자 논문제목
ThiThuy-HangPham (QuyNhonUniversity)
이윤아 (한국기업지배구조원) Corporate Social Responsibility, Dividend Policy and the Moderating Effect of Government Ownership: Evidence from Viet Nam
임지은(서울대) 권재현(인천대) Does the supply chain matter in the ownership structure? Evidence from Korean business groups
구본하(동국대) When is the Effect of Principal-Principal Conflicts on M&A Performance Pronounced? Evidence from Korea
장희수(숭실대) 고액자산가의 성격유형에 따른 PB서비스 사용의도 및 휴리스틱 조절효과에 관한 연구

◆ 2차 정기학술발표회(재무관리학회,재무학회,증권학회,파생상품학회,한미재무학회 공동)

    • - 일시 : 2020. 8. 7(금)
    • - 장소 : 더 플라자 호텔
    • - 발표 논문 : 37편

제 1분과 : 금융기관

  • 사회자 : 윤정선(국민대학교)
발표자 논 문 제 목 토론자
Gene C. Lai(Univ. of North Carolina)
CEO Overconfidence, or Private Information: Evidence from U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Companies 송인정(한국외국어대)
Common ownership and bank stability: evidence from the U.S. banking industry 전성주(가천대)
장인기(Xiamen Univ.)
Dynamic Adverse Selection and Belief Update in Credit Markets 송수영(중앙대)
Joa˜o A. C. Santos (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Tanju Yorulmazer(Univ. of Amsterdam)
A Theory of Collateral for the Lender of Last Resort 강한길(단국대)

제 2분과 : 파생상품 및 위험관리

  • 사회자 : 김동석(KAIST)
발표자 논 문 제 목 토론자
김솔(한국외국어대)* Portfolio of Volatility Smiles vs. Volatility Surface: Implications for Pricing and Hedging Options 강병진(숭실대)
Bayesian approach for identifying contagion 이재람(가천대)
Asymmetric volatility connectedness among G7 Stock Markets 박윤정(한림대)
Corporate Social Responsibility and Credit Risk 김준식(인천대)

제 3분과 : 박사과정 I

  • 사회자 : 선정훈(건국대학교)
발표자 논 문 제 목 토론자
이성관 (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)* Fintech Nudges: Overspending Messages and Personal Finance Management 최동범(서울대)
Insurance and Risk Selection when Insurable Asset and Income are Separable 유진(한양대)
고유변동성 퍼즐에 거시경제 요인들이 미치는 영향력 분석 이우백(한국방송통신대)
Sumit Agarwal (National Univ. of Singapore)
The Value of FinTech for Retail Consumers 정재만(숭실대)

제 4분과 : 기업재무 I

  • 사회자 : 안성필(서강대학교)
발표자 논 문 제 목 토론자
Sadok El Ghoul(Univ. of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami (Univ. of South Carolina)
The Persistence of Share Repurchase, Financing and Growth 전진규(동국대)
지분매입 인수거래의 프리미엄과 주가반응 왕수봉(아주대)
Are foreign institutional investors long-term investors?: Korean evidence 신상욱(UNIST)
윤평식(충남대)* 제3자에게 콜옵션을 부여하는 전환사채의 문제점에 관한 연구 류두원(국민대)

제 5분과 : 투자론

  • 사회자 : 정병욱(서울시립대학교)
발표자 논 문 제 목 토론자
스마트베타 ETF 자산배분 이동화(한국투자증권)
Hoang Van HAI(The Univ. of Danang)
Ping-Chen TSAI(Southern Taiwan Univ.)
Lottery Mindset, Mispricing and Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle: Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market 설홍기(중앙대)
Down and Out? baseball sentiments and investor behavior 이창준(한국외국어대)

제 6분과 : 기업재무 II

  • 사회자 : 신현한(연세대학교)
발표자 논 문 제 목 토론자
유진(한양대)* The CAPM and Capital Budgeting as a Mismatched Couple 강장구(KAIST)
Skewness Preference and IPO Underpricing: International Evidence 오지열(한양대)
ESG Scores and the Credit Market 한희은(UNIST)

제 7분과 : 박사과정 II

  • 사회자 : 김솔(한국외국어대학교)
발표자 논 문 제 목 토론자
Ana Belen Tulcanaza(금오공과대)*
Leverage, Corporate Governance, and Real Earnings Management: Evidence from the Korean Market 강형구(한양대)
국내상장기업의 기업수준 총요소생산성 측정 서성원(건국대)
Does the supply chain matter in the ownership structure? Evidence from Korean business groups 나현승(고려대)

제 8분과 : 박사과정 III

  • 사회자 : 송교직(성균관대학교)
발표자 논 문 제 목 토론자
Does Analyst Coverage Encourage Firm Innovation? Evidence from Korea 김현동(서강대)
Corporate Environmental Responsibility, Media Coverage, and Ownership Structure 김태현(중앙대)
금융소비자의 위험선호와 성격유형과의 관계에 관한 비교연구 박흥주(성균관대)

제 9분과 : 연기금

  • 사회자 : 최영수(한국외국어대학교)
발표자 논 문 제 목 토론자
조정근(서경대)* Spatial Dependence in the Hedge Fund Returns 이성관(CUHK- Shenzhen)
이우백(한국방송통신대)* 공매도 과열종목 지정제도의 실효성 분석 최아진(국민연금연구원)
Y. Peter Chung(Univ. of California)
The Variation in Variance Risk Premium and Its Predictive Power: Evidence from Option Market Sentiments 김다혜(성균관대)

제 10분과 : 기업재무 III

  • 사회자 : 심형섭(가천대학교)
발표자 논 문 제 목 토론자
김종민(Univ. of Minnesota)
전철희(Bloomsburg Univ.)
Causal interpretation with board characteristics: Caveat emptor 박희진(부산대)
Tian Chen(Peking Univ.)
손성빈(Peking Univ.)
Trade Credit and Shadow Banking Activities: Evidence from China 박종호(숭실대)
대주주 유형별 지분변동의 공시효과에 관한 실증분석 김채현(KAIST)

제 11분과 : 기업재무Ⅳ

  • 사회자 : 송수영(중앙대학교)
발표자 논 문 제 목 토론자
Sie Ting Lau (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Bohui Zhang (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Learning about Uncertainty from Options Trading 이종섭(서울대)
김류미(충북대)* Dividend Reputation, Dividend Yield and Stock returns in Korea 김현석(성균관대)
권용현(창원대)* Local Dependence, Exogenous Shock, and Firm Value: Evidence from Korea’s 2020 Coronavirus Crisis 이영주(서강대)

Round Table Session: 데이터 기반 재무/금융 교육

  • 사회자 : 안희준(성균관대학교)
발표자 제 목 토론자
이재훈 (Deep Search VP) 인공지능 &빅데이터 시대 재무 분야 도전 과제 - 혼란의 시대, 전문가의 몰락 김영한(성균관대)

◆ 2020년도 제1차 정기학술발표회

    • - 일시 : 2020. 2. 21(금)
    • - 장소 : 금융투자협회 금융투자교육원 8층(여의도)
    • - 발표 논문 : 33편

FnGuide 특별심포지엄

  • 사회자 : 장국현(건국대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
공매도 과열종목 지정제도의 실효성 분석 이우백(한국방송통신대) 조병문(한국예탁결제원)
자사주 포함 관행이 시가총액 및 주당지표에 미치는 영향 김우진(서울대)
단계적 머신러닝 기법을 활용한 주식거래정보 기반 포트폴리오 투자전략의 유용성에 관한 연구 이진호(한남대)*
공공기관 타인자본비용에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구 안지영(연세대)

제1분과 : R&D와 지배구조

  • 사회자 : 김 범(숭실대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Further Analyses on Corporate Research & Development Intensity for Firms Listed on the KOSDAQ Stock Market 김한준(호서대) 박세열(연세대)
The Evolution of Business Groups: Evidence from Korean Chaebols based on Social Network Approach 전진규(동국대)*
이철우(Ferris State Univ.)
Customer Concentration and Firm Risk: The Role of Independent Directors from Customers 김태연(KAIST)*
김 범(숭실대)
When do foreign institutional blockholders passively promote firm innovation in a local market? Evidence from Korea 정준영(중앙대)
Justin Morscheck (Gonzaga Univ.)

제2분과 : 공매도와 정보비대칭성

  • 사회자 : 안희준(성균관대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
원유와 러시아 주식시장 간 상관성을 활용한 펀드투자전략 백재승(한국외대)
애널리스트 보고서의 정보력에 대한 연구 양철원(단국대) 서성원(건국대)
Do Short selling and margin trading affect price randomness? Enkhzul Mendee(한양대)*
공매도와 신용거래 수익성 분석 임은아(한양대)

제3분과 : 투자전략

  • 사회자 : 박광우(KAIST)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Financial Statement Analysis and Predicting Stock Price Crash Risk 최수영(인하대)
The role of push and pull factors in cross-border portfolio flows 안연주(연세대)*
가치평준화 투자전략이 투자성과를 개선하는가? 최 혁(서울대)

제4분과 : IPO, SEO, Cash Holdings

  • 사회자 : 고봉찬(서울대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
The Effect of Corporate Prosecutions on Precautionary Cash Holdings and Corporate Investment 김현도(KAIST) 조용민(고려대)
주주배정 방식 유상증자에 관한 연구 윤평식(충남대) 이형철(충북대)
Skewness Preference and IPO Underpricing: International Evidence 조은영(국민연금연구원)*

제5분과 : 가상화폐와 핀테크

  • 사회자 : 신진영(연세대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
P2P 대출 형태의 공급망 금융 서비스에 대한 분석 박대현(성균관대)*
P2P 대출의 대출상환성공 및 채무불이행 실증연구 선정훈(건국대)
Cryptocurrency and Double Spending History: Transactions with Zero Confirmation 강기윤(연세대) 홍기훈(홍익대)

제6분과 : 금융위기와 불확실성

  • 사회자 : 김누리(한양대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Do Oil Shocks and U.S. Economic Uncertainty Matter? A Global Stock Market Perspective 권도형(국민연금연구원) 박종호(KDI)
Portfolio Diversification, Common Ownership and Bank Stability: Evidence from the U.S. Banking Industry 박해랑(서울대)*
Corporate Pledgeable Asset Ownership and Stock Price Crash Risk 정하일(UNIST)

제7분과 : 행태재무

  • 사회자 : 정재만(숭실대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Sentiment-Driven Emerging Market Stock Market Discount 안근배 (Univ. of Technology)*
Beauty and the Beast in Finance? The Mismatched Couple of the CAPM and Capital Budgeting 유 진(한양대) 정병욱(서울시립대)
복권성향 주식, 투자자의 자기과신과 정보거래 이형철(충북대)*

제8분과 : 금리와 파생상품

  • 사회자 : 강병진(숭실대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
금리 스프레드의 경제 예측력에 관한 비교 연구: 스프레드 구간과 금융위기 전후 분석을 중심으로 백재승(한국외대)
이동행 (미래에셋자산운용)
ISDA SIMM 개시증거금 모형과 구조화 금리 스왑 이상헌(KIS채권평가)*
콜옵션 전환사채의 문제점에 관한 연구 윤평식(충남대) 강병진(숭실대)

제9분과 : 연기금과 성과평가

  • 사회자 : 이준서(동국대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
ALM 기반 성과평가 지표에 관한 실증분석: 확정급여형(DB) 퇴직연금을 중심으로 최경진(한국주택금융공사)
경영참여형 사모펀드(PEF)의 성과분석 배기범(동국대)
노정희 (국민연금연구원)
국민연금의 주주행동주의와 기업의 회계투명성 노정희(국민연금연구원)*
이윤아 (한국기업지배구조원)

◆ 국제컨퍼런스(2019년도 제4차 정기학술발표회)“The 14th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets(CAFM2019)”

  • - 일시 : 2019. 12. 6(금)~7(토)
  • - 장소 : 조선호텔(서울 소공동)
  • - 발표 논문 : 61편

❉Session 1:Corporate Investment

  • Chair : Kyojik Roy Song (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Corruption, Dodd-Frank Whistleblowing, and Corporate Investment Qingjie Du (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)*
Yuna Heo (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Seungjoon Oh (Peking Univ. HSBC Business School)
Does Corporate Investment Respond to the Time-Varying Cost of Capital? Empirical Evidence Yongjin Kim (City Univ. of Hong Kong) Hope Hyeun Han (UNIST)
Capitalizing on Sustainability: Taehyun Kim (UNIST)* Jeewon Jang
Value of Going Green Yongjun Kim (Univ. of Seoul) (Ajou Univ.)

❉Session 1:Liquidity

  • Chair : Bohui Zhang (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong Shenzhen)
Title Author Discussant
U.S. Monetary Policy Transmission and Liquidity Risk Premia around the World G. Andrew Karolyi (Cornell Univ.)
Kuan-Hui Lee (Seoul National Univ.)*
Mathijs A. van Dijk (Erasmus Univ.)
Daejin Kim (UNIST)
Stock Prices, Changes in Liquidity, and Liquidity Premia Bong-Gyu Jang (POSTECH)
Bong-Soo Lee (Florida State Univ.)
Hyun-Tak Lee (Korea Asset Management Corporation, National Univ. of Singapore)*
Joonki Noh (Case Western Reserve Univ.)
Bond Market Development, Bank Portfolio Structure and Liquidity Risk: Evidence from Emerging Markets Marie Anne Cagas (Asian Development Bank)
Donghyun Park (Asian Development Bank)
Shu Tian (Asian Development Bank)*
Hae Jin Chung (Sejong Univ.)

❉Special Lecture on Recent Research Trends

The Role of Digitization in Asia
Sumit Agarwal (National Univ. of Singapore)

❉Session 3:Labor and Human Capital

  • Chair : Sumit Agarwal (National Univ. of Singapore)
Title Author Discussant
Labor Leverage, Financial Leverage, and the Dissection of Expected Returns Jaewon Choi (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Andres Donangelo (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Yongjun Kim (Univ. of Seoul)*
Jae-Ram Lee (Gachon Univ.)
Firm Uncertainty and Household Spending Iváan Alfaro (BI Norwegian Business School)
Hoonsuk Park (Nanyang Technological Univ.)*
Hyun-Soo Choi (KAIST)
How Seasoned Equity Offering Affect Firms : Evidence on Technology, Employment, and Performance E. Han Kim (Univ. of Michigan)*
Yuan Li (Univ. of Southern California)
Yao Lu (Tsinghua Univ.)
Xinzheng Shi (Tsinghua Univ.)
Soo Young Song (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Local Employment Opportunities and Corporate Retention Policies Kyeong H. Lee (Norwegian School of Economics)*
Karin S. Thorburn (Norwegian School of Economics)
Emma Q. Xu (Univ. of Texas at El Paso)
So-Yeon Lim (Xiamen Univ.)

❉Session 4:Managerial Incentives

  • Chair : Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ)
Title Author Discussant
Bond Funds and Credit Risk Jaewon Choi (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Amil Dasgupta (London School of Economics)
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh (Hanyang Univ.)*
Jaehoon Lee (DeepSearch Analytics)
Tournament Incentives and Firm Performance: Does Gender Matter? Bobae Choi (Univ. of Newcastle)
Md Reiazul Haque (Univ. of Newcastle)
Doowon Lee (Univ. of Newcastle)*
Sue Wright (Univ. of Technology Sydney)
Ryoonhee Kim (Soongsil Univ.)
Can Short Selling Constrain the Shift Between Accrual-based and Real Earnings Management? Tianyu Cai (Univ. of New South Wales)*
Lixiong Guo (Univ. of Alabama)
Rik Sen (Univ. of New South Wales)
Hyeongsop Shim (Gachon Univ.)
Do Mutual Fund Managers Care About Star Rating? Evidence from Portfolio Pumping Sanghyun (Hugh)
Kim (Univ. of Texas at Dallas)
Kyounghun Bae (Hanyang Univ.)

❉Session 5:Return Predictability

  • Chair : Kuan-Hui Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Information Glitters on China’s connected Market Keqi Chen (Tsinghua Univ.)
Yuehan Wang (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Xiaoquan Zhu (Tsinghua Univ.)
Woo Hwa Koh (KAIST)
Bank Lending Cycle and Expected Stock Returns Heungju Park (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)*
Bumjean Sohn (Korea Univ.)
Dong Beom Choi (Seoul National Univ.)
Splitting and Shuffling: Institutional Trading Motives and Order Submissions Across Brokers Munhee Han (Univ. of Texas at Dallas) Sang-Ook Shin (UNIST)
The Pricing of the Illiquidity Factor’s Conditional Risk with Time-varying Premium Yakov Amihud (New York Univ.)
Joonki Noh (Case Western Reserve Univ.)*
Shu-Feng Wang (Ajou Univ.)

❉ Doctoral Session

  • Chair : Xuan Tian (Tsinghua Univ.)
Title Author
Incorporating Financial Big Data in Small Portfolio Risk Analysis: Market Risk Management Approach Donggyu Kim (KAIST)
Seunghyeon Yu (KAIST)*
Does Diversification of Share Classes Increase Firm Value? Sojung Kim (Korea Univ.)*
Sunwoo Hwang (UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School)
Woochan Kim (Korea Univ.)
Anti-Takeover Provisions and Shareholders Wealth: Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the Supermajority Provision Hyeong Joon Kim (KAIST)*
Seung Hun Han (KAIST)
The Impact of Investment Grade Cut-offs on Firms’ Investment Decisions and Performance Seonhyeon Kim (Korea Univ.)

❉Session 6:Behavioral Finance

  • Chair : Joonghyuk Kim (Korea Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Understanding the Effects of Alternative Cost-of-Equity Proxies on Corporate Investment and Financing Soku Byoun (Baylor Univ.)
Kai Wu (Central Univ. of Finance and Economics)*
Yongjin Kim (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
The Voice of Risk: Wall Street CEOs’ Vocal Masculinity and Financial Crisis in 2008 Min Jung Kang (Univ. of Michigan-Flint)
Andy (Y. Han)
Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)*
Hyung Seok Kim (Konkuk Univ.)
Sang Ok Koo (Konkuk Univ.)
James(Jin Kwan)
Park (Korea Univ.)
Impact of Price Path on Disposition Bias Avijit Bansal (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad)
Joshy Jacob (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad)*
Soosung Hwang (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Inertia of Institutional Investors: Rational or Behavioral? Mohammad (Vahid)
Irani (Univ. of South Carolina)
Hugh H. Kim (Univ. of South Carolina)*
Sanghyun (Hugh)
Kim (Univ. of Texas at Dallas)

❉Session 7:Hedge Funds

  • Chair : Junesuh Yi (Dongguk Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Does Portfolio Disclosure Make Money Smarter? Byoung Uk Kang (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Andrew J. Sinclair (Univ. of Hong Kong)*
Stig J. Xeno (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Gene Ambrocio (Bank of Finland)
Hedge Fund Awards: Do Investors and Managers Care, and Should They? Hyung Kyu Choi (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Byoung Uk Kang (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Seongkyu (Gilbert)
Park (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)*
Sun-Joong Yoon (Dongguk Univ.)
Rank, Sign, and Momentum Tsung-Yu Chen (Shanghai Business School Pin-Huang Chou (National Central Univ.)
Kuan-Cheng Ko (National Chi Nan Univ.)
S. Ghon Rhee (Univ. of Hawaii)*
Taejin Kim (Korea Univ.)
Bear Market Risk and the Cross-section of Hedge Fund Returns Thang Ho (Lancaster Univ.)*
Anastasios Kagkadis (Lancaster Univ.)
Jiaguo (George)
Wang (Lancaster Univ.)
Andrew J. Sinclair (Univ. of Hong Kong)

❉Session 8:Innovation

  • Chair : Hoje Jo (Santa Clara Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
How Creative are Professor Directors? The Impact of Academic Expertise on Corporate Innovation Dong Chen (Wuhan Univ.)
Yanmin Gao (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
Phyllis Mo (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
Desmond Tsang (McGill Univ.)*
Junyoup Lee (UNIST)
Property Rights and Debt Financing Paula Suh (Univ. of Georgia) Haehean Park (Southwestern Univ. of Finance and Economics)
A Dark Side of Corporate Venture Capital Xuan Tian (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Kailei Ye (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Jong-Min Oh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Information Transparency in Drug Development: Evidence from Mandatory Disclosure of Clinical Trials Po-Hsuan Hsu (National Tsing Hua Univ.)
Kyungran Lee (Univ. of Hong Kong)*
S. Katie Moon (Univ. of Colorado Boulder)
Seungjoon Oh (Peking Univ. HSBC Business School)
Kyoungwon Mo (Chung-Ang Univ.)

❉Session 9:International Finance

  • Chair : Joon Chae (Seoul National Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Credit Default Swaps around the World: Investment and Financing Effects Sohnke M. Bartram (Warwick Business School)
Jennifer Conrad (Univ. of North Carolina)
Jongsub Lee (Seoul National Univ.)*
Marti G. Subramanyam (New York Univ.)
Baeho Kim (Korea Univ.)
Country Index Comovement Sungjune Pyun (National Univ. of Singapore)*
Johan Sulaeman (National Univ. of Singapore)
Bum Kim (Soongsil Univ.)
How Does Corporate Governance Affect Tax Avoidance? Evidence from China E. Han Kim (Univ. of Michigan)
Yao Lu (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Xinzheng Shi (Tsinghua Univ.)
Dengjin Zheng (Central Univ. of Finance and Economics)
Yenn-Ru Chen (National Chengchi Univ.)
Information Choice, Shock Transmission and Contagion Adelina Barbalau (Univ. of Alberta) Ryumi Kim (Chungbuk National Univ.)

❉Session 10: Debt Financing

  • Chair : Lilian Ng (York Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Firm-Level Political Risk and Bank Loan Contracting Walid SAFFAR (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Yang Wang * (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
K. C. John WEI (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Joongho Han (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Friends for the Benefits:
The Effects of Political Ties on Sovereign Borrowing Conditions
Gene Ambrocio (Bank of Finland)*
Iftekhar Hasan (Fordham Univ. & Bank of Finland)
Donghyun Park (Asia Development Bank)
Spillover Effects of IPOs along Supply Chains: Evidence on Debt Financing Sung C. Bae (Bowling Green State Univ.)*
Iftekhar Hasan (Fordham Univ. Bank of Finland)
Liuling Liu (Bowling Green State Univ.)
Haizhi Wang (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Hyun Seung Na (Korea Univ.)
What Matters During Bad Times? Evidence from the Bond Market Sadok El Ghoul (Univ. of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami (Univ. of South Carolina)
Sattar Mansi (Virginia Tech)
Hyo Jin Yoon (Univ. of South Carolina)*
Heungju Park (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)

❉Session 11:Financial Intermediation

  • Chair : Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)
Title Author Discussant
Economic Uncertainty and Bank Risk: Evidence from Emerging Economies Ji Wu (Southwestern Univ. of Finance and Economics)*
Yao Yao (Southwestern Univ. of Finance and Economics)
Minghua Chen (Southwestern Univ. of Finance and Economics)
Bang Nam Jeon (Drexel Univ.)
Paul Brockman (Lehigh Univ.)
Dismembered Giants: Bank Divestitures and Local Lending Yong Kyu Gam (Southwestern Univ. of Finance and Economics)*
Yunqi Zhang (Nankai Univ.)
Martin J. Dierker (KAIST)
Securitization and Screening Incentives: Evidence from Mortgage Processing Time Dong Beom Choi (Seoul National Univ.)*
Jung-Eun Kim (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
Ji Wu (Southwestern Univ. of Finance and Economics)
Market Microstructure Evidence of China’s Market-Wide Circuit Breakers Xinru Wang (Univ. of Wollongong)*
Maria H. Kim (Univ. of Wollongong)
Sandy Suardi (Univ. of Wollongong)
Jing Zhao (La Trobe Univ.)
Cheolwon Yang (Dankook Univ.)

❉Special Lectures on Recent Research Trends Room : Cosmos

The Latest Trends on Investor Behavior, Information and Investor Sentiment
Diego Garcia (Univ. of Colorado)
Political Uncertainty and Finance
Bohui Zhang (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong Shenzhen)

❉Session 12:Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Chair : Hyun-Han Shin (Yonsei Univ)
Title Author Discussant
Universal Ethics or Ethical Relativism? Evidence from Firm Internationalization and Emissions Jongmoo Jay Choi (Temple Univ.)
Hoje Jo (Santa Clara Univ.)*
Haehean Park (Southwestern Univ. of Finance and Economics)
Lingxia Sun (Nankai Univ.)
Hyo Jin Yoon (Univ. of South Carolina)
Terrorist Attack and Corporate Social Responsibility Trung K. Do (National Central Univ.)
Henry Hongren Huang (National Central Univ.)
Albert Tsang (York Univ.)*
Hyoseok Hwang (Univ. of Wisconsin at Eau Claire)
Brain Drain: The Impact of Air Pollution on Firm Performance Shuyu Xue (Singapore Management Univ.)
Bohui Zhang (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)*
Xiaofeng Zhao (Lingnan Univ.)
Taehyun Kim (UNIST)
Local Shareholders, Corporate Community Responsibility, and Shareholder Value Hyoseok Hwang (Univ. of Wisconsin at Eau Claire)*
Hyun Gon Kim (Rutgers Univ. at Camden)
Jung Yeun Kim (Rutgers Univ. at Camden)
Jong-Min Oh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)

❉Session 13:Information Transmission and Market Frictions

  • Chair : Diego Garcia (Univ. of Colorado)
Title Author Discussant
Shorting Costs and Profitability of Long–Short Strategies Dongcheol Kim (Korea Univ.)*
Byeung-Joo Lee (Korea Univ.)
Yanbo Wang (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Withholding Bad News When Competing Peers Have Common Customers Rui Dai (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Rui Duan (York Univ.)
Lilian Ng (York Univ.)*
Doowon Lee (Univ. of New Castle)
Machine Invasion: Automation in Information Processing and the Cross Section of Stock Returns Raunaq S. Pungaliya (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Yanbo Wang (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)*
Donghyun Kim (Chung-Ang Univ.)

❉Session 14:Korean Capital Market

  • Chair : E. Han Kim (Univ. of Michigan)
Title Author Discussant
The Rise of a Network: Spillover of Political Patronage and Cronyism to the Private Sector David Schoenherr (Princeton Univ.)*
Terry Moon (Univ. of British Columbia)
Andy (Y. Han)
Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Board Diversity, Director Dissent, and Monitoring Effectiveness Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Seil Kim (Baruch College)
Seungjoon Oh (Peking Univ. HSBC Business School)*
Saeyeul Park (Yonsei Univ.)
Uncoordinated Hedging and Price Chain Reaction Jun Kyung Auh (Yonsei Univ.)
Wonho Cho (Yonsei Univ.)*
Dahae Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Do Bad Targets Become Worse Targets? Evidence from Sequential Transfers of Control Blocks Euna Cho (Bank of Korea)
Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)*
Desmond Tsang (McGill Univ.)

❉Session 15:Law and Tax

  • Chair : Woochan Kim (Korea Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
The Estate Tax and the Payout Policy in Family Firms Yeejin Jang (Univ. of New South Wales)
So-Yeon Lim (Xiamen Univ.)*
Yao Lu (Tsinghua Univ.)
Financial Liberalization, Investor Protection and Corporate Cash Yenn-Ru Chen (National Chengchi Univ.)*
Robin K. Chou (National Chengchi Univ.)
Johnny Chou (National Chengchi Univ.)
Yunxiao Liu (Shanghai Univ.)
Does Shareholder Litigation Risk Cause Public Firms to Delist? Evidence from Securities Class Action Lawsuits Jonathan Brogaard (Univ. of Utah)
Nhan Le (Australian National Univ.)*
Duc Duy (Louis)
Nguyen (King’s College London)
Vathynyoo (Ben)
Sila (Univ. of Edinburgh)
Paula Suh (Univ. of Georgia)
Can Stakeholder Orientation Improve Inventory Efficiency? Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment Yunxiao Liu (Shanghai Univ.)*
Woochan Kim (Korea Univ.)
Kyeong Hun Lee (Norwegian School of Economics)

◆ 3차 정기학술발표회(경영관련학회 융합학술대회)

  • - 일시 : 2019. 8. 21(수)
  • - 장소 : 하이원 그랜드호텔 컨벤션타워 6층다이아몬드Ⅰ,Ⅱ(강원도 정선)
  • - 발표 논문 : 10편

제1분과 : 기업 이해관계자와 재무

  • 사회자 : 조호제(Santa Clara Univ.)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
박세열(연세대) Customer Concentration and Firm Risk: The Role of Independent Directors from Customers
조호제(Santa Clara Univ.)*
Saeyoung Chang (Univ.of Nevada,LasVegas)
Jo-Ellen Pozner (SantaClaraUniv.)
최수정(숭실대) Friendly Innovation? Employee-Friendly Practices, Sustainable Innovation, and Firm Value
김태연(KAIST) The Effects of ESG Ratings Information on the Excess Returns: Focused on the Short-term and Long-term Analysis

제2분과 : 투자론

  • 사회자 : 안희준(성균관대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
조원호(연세대) 자산운용사의 교차자산보유에 관한 실증 연구
김대종(세종대) 최병호(연세대) 외환보유고와 주가와의 상관관계
조정근(서경대) 김대종(세종대) A Dual Volatility Moderated Mediation Process of the Tail Risk Hedgers
조정근(서경대) 복권성향 주식 투자자의 자기과신 행태와 정보투자

제3분과 : 기업재무

  • 사회자 : 신진영(연세대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
권택호(충남대) 박세열(연세대) 국제회계기준채택 이후의 기업 다각화 효과 분석
김현석(성균관대) 권택호(충남대) 판매관리비 집중도와 영업 레버리지가 원가 비대칭성에 미치는 영향
김현석(성균관대) The Adjustment Costs Effect on the Sensitivity of Corporate Investment to Stock Mispricing

◆ 2차 정기학술발표회(재무관리학회,재무학회,증권학회,파생상품학회,한미재무학회 공동)

  • - 일시 : 2019. 5. 31(금)~6. 1(토)
  • - 장소 : KB국민은행 천안연수원
  • - 발표 논문 : 66편

제1분과 : 기업재무 1 (301호)

  • 사회자 : 장 욱(덕성여대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
남재우(자본시장연구원) 어닝서프라이즈와 어닝쇼크가 공매도 거래행태에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
김륜희(숭실대)* 이한경(경상대) Customer Concentration and Earnings Management: Evidence from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
김륜희(숭실대) Perils of Limiting the Coverage of Mandatory Pay Disclosure:
The Korean Experience

제2분과 : 기업재무 2 (302호)

  • 사회자 : 김병기(충북대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
변석구(Baylor Univ.)*
Kai Wu(Central Univ.)
정형찬(부경대) Understanding the Effects of Alternative Cost-of-Equity Proxies on Corporate Investment and Financing
이형철(충북대) 제품시장 경쟁과 현금보유
정형찬(부경대)* 신용재(한경대) 합병비율 산정에 관한 자본시장법 시행령의 개정 방향: 삼성물산 합병 사례를 중심으로

제3분과 : 투자론 1 (303호)

  • 사회자 : 전진규(동국대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
이동행(미래에셋자산운용) 펀드의 ESG 수준이 펀드의 성과 및 현금흐름에 미치는 영향
김태현(Univ. of Notre Dame)
배광일(전남대) Capitalizing on Sustainability:
Value of Going Green
이수인 (Univ. of South Florida)*
Christos Pantzalis (Univ. of South Florida)
박정철(Univ. of South Florida)
김용준(서울시립대) Migration Flows and Stock Return Comovement

제4분과 : 투자론 2 (311호)

  • 사회자 : 정무권(국민대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
윤선중(동국대) 인터넷 전문 은행과 은산 분리 규제 완화:
보유한도와 동일인 신용공여 한도
송수영(중앙대) 초과부채증가율과 경제성장
강상구(경기대) 정책모기지와 시중은행 주택담보대출의 상호 영향에 관한 연구

제5분과 : 국제재무 1 (312호)

  • 사회자 : 장국현(건국대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
이수인 (Univ. of South Florida) Religion and Financial Development and Structure
이진숙(Canisius College) Investor Herding Behavior in NYSE and NASDAQ: A New Approach based on a Network Structure of Stock Prices
Abrar Maira(건국대)*
변석구(Baylor Univ.) Can CSR Alone Sufficiently Alleviate Investment Inefficiency? An Evidence from China, Korea and Japan

제6분과 : 연기금 1 (313호)

  • 사회자 : 박래수(숙명여대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김회광 (Univ. of South Carolina)*
Wenhao Yang (Univ. of South Carolina)
전병현 (KAIST, Marquette Univ.) Measuring (In)Attention to Mutual Fund Fees: Evidence from Experiments
표운용(Brock Univ.) Shorting Costs and Profitability of Long-Short Strategies
Songchan Guo(Brock Univ.)
표운용(Brock Univ.)*
엄철준(부산대) Idiosyncratic Momentum Returns

제7분과 : 박사과정 컨소시엄 1 (323호)

  • 사회자 : 김 범(숭실대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
박 진(성균관대)*
최대웅 (Louisiana State Univ. Shreveport) 지분매입 인수거래의 경영권 프리미엄에 관한 연구
이준엽(UNIST) 우선배정 청약률의 결정요인과 정보효과에 대한 실증 연구
어준경(연세대) A Bribe and Corporate Performance: Causal Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment
채 준(서울대)
김회광 (Univ. of South Carolina) Corporate Charitable Giving and Agency Problem: Evidence from a Business Group

제8분과 : 박사과정 컨소시엄 2 (331호)

  • 사회자 : 선정훈(건국대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
윤보현(강원대) ESG 평가등급 변동이 기업의 주가 변동성과 초과수익율에 미치는 영향: 세부평가요소별 비대칭적 신호효과를 중심으로
이정환(한양대) Housing Price Risks and Lending Behavior of Banks Before and After the 2008 Financial Crisis
권택호(충남대) 은행업종 및 4대 금융지주 주식수익률에 미친 환율과 환율변동성의 영향
이진호(한남대) 벤처캐피탈 투자가 벤처기업 혁신성과에 미치는 영향

제9분과 : 기업재무 3 (301호)

  • 사회자 : 정형찬(부경대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김한준(호서대)* 임병권(한국주택금융공사) Corporate Profitability: Chaebols vs. Non-Chaebols
전진규(동국대) 지배주주 지분율이 의결권 가치에 미치는 영향
이철우(Ferris State Univ.)
김한준(호서대) Centrality and Corporate Governance Decisions of Korean Chaebols: Social Network Approach

제10분과 : 기업재무 4 (302호)

  • 사회자 : 위경우(숙명여대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
배병윤(연세대) 스타트업관련 정책의 현황분석과 정책제안
이주헌(연세대) 창업기업의 고용창출 및 연구개발 역량이 신용도 개선에 미치는 영향
이진숙(Canisius College)* 박세열(연세대) Corporate Cash Holdings and Industry Risk

제11분과 : 기업재무 5 (303호)

  • 사회자 : 조영석(목포대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
권택호(충남대)* 이호선(부산가톨릭대) 기업의 관련 다각화와 기업가치
황선우 (UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School)
정현재(예금보험공사) Does Diversification of Share Classes Increase Firm Value?
Hwanki Brian Kim (Baylor Univ.)
Mathias Kronlund(Univ. of Illinois at rbana-Champaign)
정재만(숭실대) Discouraging Corporate Savings

제12분과 : 투자론 3 (311호)

  • 사회자 : 김동철(고려대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김서영(Santa Clara Univ.)*
Daniel Trepanier (Xangrila Inc.)
강태훈(한국거래소) Violations of Price-Time Priority and Implications for Market Quality
유 진(한양대)*
선정훈(건국대) Price Limit Expansion and Volatility:
A Theoretical Approach
이재현(숭실대) Effects of the Fat-Tail Distribution on the Relationship between Prospect Theory Value and Expected Return

제13분과 : 연기금 2 (312호)

  • 사회자 : 원종현(국민연금연구원)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김영신(계명대) 국내 상장기업의 배당정책 연구:
국민연금 투자기업을 중심으로
이동행(미래에셋자산운용) 국내 확정급여형 퇴직연금은 왜 원금보장형 위주로 투자하는가?: 세금효과를 중심으로
김영신(계명대)* 김영식(경희대) 국민연금과 국민건강보험의 상보성에 따른 재정리스크 분석
이재람(가천대) Hurst 지수를 이용한 주식가격의 단기기억속성에 관한 실증연구

제14분과 : 파생상품 및 위험관리 1 (313호)

  • 사회자 : 전상경(한양대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김서경(서경대)* 최경진(한국주택금융공사) KOSPI200 지수옵션의 변동성스프레드 분석: 행사가격 및 과거수익률 적률의 영향과 변동성스프레드의 미래수익률에 대한 예측력
윤선중(동국대) 역모기지에 내재된 옵션의 가치평가:
스트래들 매수를 중심으로
김서경(서경대) Heterogeneity and Netting Efficiency under Central Clearing: A Stochastic Network Analysis

제15분과 : 박사과정 컨소시엄 3 (323호)

  • 사회자 : 이준서(동국대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김재욱(고려대)* 전진규(동국대) Employee Pay and Leverage: Worker-Level Evidence
김진산(경북대) The Impact of Credit Rating on Firm’s Under-Investment through Capital Expenditure and M&A: Korean Evidence
박기봉(한국외대) 재무회계 특성과 편의들을 고려한 한국증시 내 요인간 관계 연구
Hang Thi Thuy Pham(전남대)*
김학건(충북대) Government Ownership and Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure: Evidence from Viet Nam

제16분과 : 박사과정 컨소시엄 4 (331호)

  • 사회자 : 이관영(중앙대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
홍지민(가톨릭대) 경기변동에 따른 주식프리미엄 의문현상에 대한 검토: 모호성을 고려한 정보비대칭 모형을 중심으로
왕수봉(아주대) 레버리지/인버스 ETF가 주가지수 선물시장에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
김서영 (Santa Clara Univ.) Investor Sentiment and the MAX Effect: Evidence from Korea
조은영(국민연금연구원) Insider Trade Clustering and Large Variations in Stock Prices: Evidence from the Korean Stock Market

제17분과 : 기업재무 6 (301호)

  • 사회자 : 신진영(연세대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
최대웅 (Louisiana State Univ. Shreveport)*
Shawn Mobbs(Univ. of Alabama)
서진선(성공회대) Investor Relations Executives in the Top Management Team
김원용(Augsburg Univ.)*
Jacqueline Garner (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Waquar Ahmad(McMaster Univ.)
Adam Yore(Univ. of Missouri)
조은아(한국은행) Director Alpha: An Objective Measure of Director Contribution
김대진(UNIST) Do Bad Targets Become Worse Targets?: Evidence from Sequential Transfers of Control Blocks

제18분과 : 투자론 4 (302호)

  • 사회자 : 양채열(전남대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
조정근(서경대)* 이현탁(한국자산관리공사) Hedge Fund Managers’ Quadratic Moderation of the VIX to One-Month Prior PTFSIR Returns: A Conditional Process Modeling to Hedge Fund Market Timing Behavior Per Investment Styles
이현탁(한국자산관리공사)* 조정근(서경대) 주택임대시장의 가격결정모형 연구
이우백(한국방송통신대) 국제회계기준 도입이 자본시장에 미치는 영향

제19분과 : 제재무 2 (303호)

  • 사회자 : 박광우(KAIST)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김홍배(동서대)* 김병진(한국산업기술대) 거시경제위험에 따른 이슬람시장 vs 서구 전통 주식시장
박준호(KAIST) Listing Effect in Acquirer Returns and Economic Growth Uncertainty in the Target Country: The Case of Cross- Border M&As from Emerging Economies
Nguyen Nhat Ha Vy(인제대)*
김홍배(동서대) Time Varying Relationship Among Interest Rate, Exchange Rate and Stock Price in the Vietnamese Economy
권용현(고려대) The Dark Side of Banking Competition: Interstate Branching Deregulation and Corporate Investment

제20분과 : 파생상품 및 위험관리 2 (311호)

  • 사회자 : 최영수(한국외대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
이우백(한국방송통신대)* 장희수(숭실대) 개별 주식옵션의 가격 효율성 분석
정찬식(동아대) The Optimal Look-back Period for Adequate and Less Procyclical Credit Capital Forecasts
서성원(아주대) Comparing CDS Spreads of EU Sovereigns in the Progress of the Global Financial Crisis and the Eurozone Debt Crisis

◆ 1차 정기학술발표회

  • - 일시 : 2019. 2. 22(금)
  • - 장소 : 금융투자협회 금융투자교육원 8층(여의도)
  • - 발표 논문 : 34편

▶ FnGuide 특별심포지엄 (801호)

  • 사회자 : 고봉찬(서울대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
경영자의 주식담보대출이 이익조정에 미치는 영향 노정희(울산대) 최경진(고려대)
공적기금 증권거래세 면제 정책이 차익거래행태에 미치는 효과 분석 이우백(한국방송통신대)*
IPO 저가발행이 이후공모에 미치는 영향 송치승(원광대)*
김 범(숭실대)
펀드 매니저들의 복권성향 주식 투자에 관한 연구 한민연(KG제로인)*

▶ 제1분과 : 금융공학 (802호)

  • 사회자 : 송교직(성균관대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Annuitization and Asset Allocation with Borrowing Constraint 김진기(POSTECH)*
Heterogeneity and Netting Efficiency under Central Clearing: A Stochastic Network Analysis 황인준(고려대)*
Investment Horizon and Option Market Activity 김다혜(성균관대) 서상원(중앙대)
ISA 해외사례와 시사점에 관한 연구 배경훈(한양대)

▶ 제2분과 : ESG와 금융 (803호)

  • 사회자 : 박진우(한국외대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Corporate Governance and Voting Premium in Korea 최향미(충남대)
김승일 (한국예탁결제원)
고객 평판도와 기업가치: NCSI와 K-BPI 수상을 중심으로 김주완(한국외대)*
인적분할을 통한 지주회사 전환 박진우(한국외대)*
기업지배구조가 주식가격 결정에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 박경서(고려대)

▶ 제3분과 : 재무투명성과 현금흐름 (701호)

  • 사회자 : 이상휘(경희대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
애널리스트 투자의견 변경이 주식시장과 투자자 심리에 미치는 영향 김가람(성균관대)*
기업공개 시점에서의 이익요건 충족과 상장폐지의 관련성 김문태(조선대)*
오세정 (금융투자협회)
어닝서프라이즈와 어닝쇼크가 공매도 거래행태에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 이한경(경상대)*
Discouraging Corporate Savings Hwanki Brian Kim (Baylor Univ.)
Mathias Kronlund (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

▶ 제4분과 : 직접금융 (702호)

  • 사회자 : 선정훈(건국대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
한국어 텍스트 분석과 적용: 머신러닝을 통한 증권발행신고서의 비정형화된 텍스트 분석 김용석(서울대)*
남건우 (한다파트너스)
주식 가치평가요인이 외부자금조달에 미치는 영향 김현석(성균관대) 임병권 (한국주택금융공사)
주주배정 방식 유상증자에서의 권리락일 주가조정과 차익거래 기회 윤평식(충남대) 이한경(경상대)

▶ 제5분과 : 퇴직연금 (801호)

  • 사회자 : 김창수(연세대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
확정기여형 퇴직연금 가입자의 연령이 위험선호에 미치는 영향 송인욱(한국펀드평가)*
생애주기와 경기변동주기를 이용한 투자전략 강형구(한양대)

◆ 3차 정기학술발표회(경영관련학회 통합학술대회)

  • - 일시 : 2018. 8. 22(수)
  • - 장소 : 경주 화백컨벤션센터(HICO)
  • - 발표 논문 : 7편

▶ 투자론

  • 사회자 : 박진우(한국외대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김진기(POSTECH) 신용등급 하락 조건부 채권의 가치평가
김대진(UNIST) 공개정보와 IPO 주가성과
이상헌(KIS채권평가) 주택연금을 고려한 개인의 생애주기 자산배분 연구

▶ 기업재무

  • 사회자 : 조호제(Santa Clara Univ.)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
조호제(Santa Clara Univ.)*
Jinhua Cui(아주대) Does Better Corporate Governance Foster CSR Activities?
Jinhua Cui(아주대)*
조호제(Santa Clara Univ.)
Jo-EllenPozner (Santa Clara Univ.)
이준엽(UNIST) Corporate social responsibility, Organizational wrongdoing, and Reputational threat
신동림(KAIST) Corporate Governance and Voting Premium in Korea
임병권 (한국주택금융공사) Religion and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions

◆ 2차 정기학술발표회(재무관리학회,재무학회,증권학회,파생상품학회,한미재무학회 공동)

  • - 일시 : 2018. 5. 25(금)~5.26(토)
  • - 장소 : KB국민은행 천안연수원
  • - 발표 논문 : 67편

▶ 제1분과 : 기업재무 1

  • 사회자 : 권택호(충남대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
전진규(동국대) Corporate Diversification, Sales Growth, and Capital Market Development: Cross-Country Evidence
이형철(충북대) Religion and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
김진산(경북대) Political Corruption and Corporate Cash Holdings

▶ 제2분과 : 기업재무 2

  • 사회자 : 정진호(고려대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김현동(서강대) The Role of Credit Default Swaps in Determining Corporate Payout Policy
이종용(강원대)* 김형석(한국기업지배구조원) 한국형 투자은행과 회사채 인수에 관한 연구
황효석(Rutgers Univ.)
이종용(강원대) The Blind Power: Power-Driven CEO Overconfidence and M&A Decision Making

▶ 제3분과 : 기업재무 3

  • 사회자 : 김중혁(고려대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김한준(호서대)* 강상구(경기대) A Financial Comparison of Corporate Research & Development (R&D) Determinants:
The United States and the Republic of Korea
Jae Yung Kim (Univ. of Florida)* 권경민(홍익대) Where Have All the Public Companies Gone?
Kiyoung Chang (Univ. of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee)
Young Sang Kim (Northern Kentucky Univ.)*
Ying Li (Univ. of Washington Bothell)
송인정(한국외대) Real Activity Management in the Presence of Labor Unions: An Empirical Study Using Firm Level Union Data

▶ 제4분과 : 투자론 1

  • 사회자 : 김성환(경북대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
오 명(부산대)*
김 솔(한국외대) A Structural VAR Approach to the Log-linear Model: Evidence of Regional Stock Markets
차승연(서울대) The Effect of DART system on the Market Liquidity
양철원(단국대) 기업 내부자의 군집거래와 사적정보에 관한 연구

▶ 제5분과 : 투자론 2

  • 사회자 : 전상경(한양대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
정재만(숭실대) V-Shaped Disposition Effect and Investor Underreaction to Earnings News
박근재 (Washington and Jefferson College)
박기봉(한국외대) 투자자들은 북한리스크를 어떻게 인식하는가: 뉴스기사를 중심으로
최승문(서울시립대)* 김다혜(성균관대) Approximate Transition Probability Density Function of a Multivariate Time-inhomogeneous Jump Diffusion Process in a Closed-Form Expression

▶ 제6분과 : 금융기관

  • 사회자 : 정병욱(서울시립대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김민혁(예금보험공사) 일반은행의 소유구조와 사회적 책임 활동
김민혁(예금보험공사)* 송동엽(전남대) 대손충당금전입 조정에 대한 주식시장 반응 연구: 은행과 저축은행에 대한 비교분석

▶ 제7분과 : 연기금 1

  • 사회자 : 정형찬(부경대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
양철원(단국대)* 최희정(국민연금연구원) 국민연금의 의결권 행사에 대한 실증분석
신중철(한국재무평가연구원)* 김상수(한국방송통신대) 시장의 변동성이 펀드의 변동성에 어떤 영향을 끼치나: 주식형 펀드의 성과평가와 목표설정에 대한 활용 방안
엄윤성(한성대) 펀드매니저 교체가 펀드의 성과, 위험, 자금흐름에 미치는 영향 연구

▶ 제8분과 : 금융공학 1

  • 사회자 : 신용재(한경대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
조영석(목포대)* 김홍배(동서대) 도서지역 해상교량 증가와 농협의 변화에 관한 연구
이상호(한국산업은행) 거래량 기준 정보거래확률 모형과 정보비대칭에 관한 연구
유승동(상명대)* 조영석(목포대) Cross-Sectional Evidence on Reverse Mortgage Choices in Korea: Are Housing Pensions Attractive to House-rich and Cash-poor Households?

▶ 제9분과 : 박사과정 컨소시엄 1

  • 사회자 : 이준서(동국대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
Thomas Ruf (Univ. of New South Wales)
송준명 (Univ. of New South Wales)*
Bohui Zhang (Univ. of New South Wales)
서성원(아주대) Political Relations and Media Coverage
장지원(조선대) 모멘텀 이상 현상의 발현에 대한 재해석
전진규(동국대) 정부의 기술지원이 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

▶ 제10분과 : 기업재무 4

  • 사회자 : 조영석(목포대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
임병권(한국주택금융공사) Co-opted Boards and Stock Price Crash Risk
이가연(대구대) Short-Term Debt Financing of Korean Firms: Effects of Financial Constraints, Bargaining Power, and Internal Capital Markets on Trade Credit Financing
허지훈(영남대) 분기이익공시와 공매도

▶ 제11분과 : 기업재무 5

  • 사회자 : 신정순(이화여대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
오 명(부산대) 정보비대칭과 신용평가사의 평판이 회사채 수익률 스프레드에 미치는 영향
이황희(KAIST) Compensation Structure of Family Business Groups
전성주(가천대) Effects of Employee and Executive Stock Ownership in Chinese IPO Market on Short-term and Long-term Performances

▶ 제12분과 : 기업재무 6

  • 사회자 : 송교직(성균관대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
Daewoung Choi (Louisiana State Univ. in Shreveport)*
M. Tony Via(Kent State Univ.)
Weiwei Zhang(James Madison Univ.)
Unyong Pyo(Brock Univ.) Another Motive of being a Good Corporate Citizen: Evidence from Securities Class Action Lawsuits
Rachel Graefe-Anderson (Univ. of Mary Washington)
Unyong Pyo(Brock Univ.)*
Baoqi Zhu(Brock Univ.)
권용현(고려대) CEO Compensation and Employee Wages
최윤기(Univ. of Central Florida)
Young Sang Kim (Northern Kentucky Univ.) Business Groups and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from Korea

▶ 제13분과 : 투자론 3

  • 사회자 : 채 준(서울대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
Seung-Oh Han (SUNY at Buffalo) Asset Prices and Investors’ Behavior with Sequential Information Acquisition
Jaewon Choi (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)*
Yongjun Kim (Univ. of Seoul)
어준경(연세대) Anomalies and Market (Dis)Integration
Seung-Oh Han (SUNY at Buffalo)*
Sahn-Wook Huh (SUNY at Buffalo)
Jaewon Choi (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) What Does the Prevalence of Zero Returns Tell Us? Evidence from U.S. Treasury Securities

▶ 제14분과 : 파생상품과 리스크관리 1

  • 사회자 : 양채열(전남대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
이동엽(국민대) 우리나라 아파트 가격의 공간적 분위수 회귀분석
김봉준(경상대) 구도심과 신도시의 용도지역이 나대지 가격에 미치는 영향에 대한 공간가중회귀분석
김완용(숭의여대) 우리나라 파생상품 양도소득세 과세의 현황과 문제점 및 개선방안

▶ 제15분과 : 파생상품과 리스크관리 2

  • 사회자 : 최영수(한국외대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
송인정(한국외대)* 홍지민(가톨릭대) Internal Capital Markets and Loss Reserve Error Volatility
김경선(서울대) Insurance against Bundled Risks with an Application to Microinsurance
신동림(KAIST) Text-based Industry Classification by Autoencoder

▶ 제16분과 : 연기금 2

  • 사회자 : 장 욱(덕성여대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김정민(서울시립대)* 손경우(한국방송통신대) Do Peso Problems Explain Positive Alpha in Hedge Funds?
김정민(서울시립대) 펀드매니저의 포트폴리오 펌핑에 대한 재고찰
김도완(고려대)* 박기봉(한국외대) 유동성 공급자와 ETF 가격오차 현상

▶ 제17분과 : 금융공학 2

  • 사회자 : 이현석(성신여대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
엄경식(U.C. Berkeley)
유승동(상명대) The Effects of Positive Earnings Surprises on Information Asymmetry, Misinterpretation of Public Information, and Subsequent Stock Price Crash Risk
김홍배(동서대)* 강상구(경기대) 파생상품시장 규제와 시장기능의 변화
김성신(상명대) 구조모형과 수치해석기법을 이용한 국내 코코본드 평가방법에 관한 연구

▶ 제18분과 : 박사과정 컨소시엄 2

  • 사회자 : 김 범(숭실대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
Hang Thi Thuy Pham(전남대)*
Hang Thi Dieu Nguyen (Yuan Ze Univ.)
김 범(숭실대) The Impact of Government Ownership on Dividend Policy: Cases in Vietnam and Taiwan
오지열(한양대) Investigating Performances of Takeover Activities using Google Trend Search Volume Index
권택호(충남대) Foreigners at the Gate? Foreign Investor Trading and Behavioral Anomalies of Domestic Individual Investors

▶ 제19분과 : 기업재무 7

  • 사회자 : 김창수(연세대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
강형철(서울시립대) 기업의 사회적 책임활동이 자본구조에 미치는 영향
정찬식(동아대) Agency Problem of the Firm with the Presence of Preferred Stock
이효정(광운대) 위험추구와 기업가치 관계에서 경영자 과신의 효과

▶ 제20분과 : 기업재무 8

  • 사회자 : 이장우(부산대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
Jae Yung Kim (Univ. of Florida) 채권내재등급(BIR)의 변화가능성과 변동성이 자본조달에 미치는 영향
배기홍(York Univ.)*
Zhaoran Gong (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Wilson H.S. Tong (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Daewoung Choi (Louisiana State Univ. in Shreveport) Restricting CEO Pay Backfires: Evidence from China
윤선흠(한국채권연구원) 한미 & 한중 FTA의 경제적 성과 비교분석:
한국 주식시장의 주가반응을 중심으로

▶ 제21분과 : 투자론 4

  • 사회자 : 백재승(한국외대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
변희섭(한림대) Dynamic Change of Market Structure under Market Integration
곽노걸(한세대)* 이희수(세종대) 주가 점프 정보를 이용한 시장 효율성 비교 연구
곽노걸(한세대) 청약경쟁률과 확약비율이 기업공개(IPO) 초기저평가 현상에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

▶ 제22분과 : 파생상품과 리스크관리 3

  • 사회자 : 오세경(건국대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
최완수(평택대) An Investigation of Dynamic Price Movements of the Cryptocurrency Coin in Korea
최완수(평택대)* 이우백(한국방송통신대) 금의 주식에 대한 안전자산의 역할: 한국과 미국을 중심으로
이우백(한국방송통신대)* 김학겸(한국거래소) 주식선물시장의 가격발견 효과 분석

▶ 제23분과 : 파생상품과 리스크관리 4

  • 사회자 : 유 진(한양대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
한영철(연세대)* 곽민석(한국외대) Hidden Markov Model Based Method for Evaluating Value-at-Risk
Xin Su(Henan Univ.)
유 진(한양대)*
강병진(숭실대) Price Limits Relaxation and Volatility:
Theory and Behavior

◆ 1차 정기학술발표회

  • - 일시 : 2018. 2. 23(금)
  • - 장소 : 금융투자협회 금융투자교육원 8층(여의도)
  • - 발표 논문 : 28편

▶ FnGuide 특별심포지엄 (801호)

  • 사회자 : 박진우(한국외대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
인적분할과 기업가치 정무권(국민대) 서정원(성균관대)
시간외 대량매매를 이용한 투자전략의 성과분석 우민철(한국거래소)*
이우백 (한국방송통신대)
한국 주식 시장에서의 수익성 프리미엄 발생 요인 분석 김동석(KAIST)
감리지적 이후 감사인의 노력에 따른 차별적인 시장반응: 주가 급락 확률을 중심으로 이재홍(상명대)

▶ 제1분과 : 스마트베타 투자전략 (802호)

  • 사회자 : 장국현(건국대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Smart beta Strategy and Long-short Factor Investing in Style Rotation 김류미(서울대) 하연정(부산대)
스마트베타 위험요인 결합 투자전략에 관한 연구: 국면전환을 중심으로 손삼호(순천향대)
스마트베타: 가치 및 투자자의 의견과 관련한 포트폴리오 전략 장호규(충남대) 류두진(성균관대)

▶ 제2분과 : 디지털금융과 규제설계(803호)

  • 사회자 : 변진호(이화여대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
딥러닝 신경망 이용한 신용카드 부도율 예측의 효용성 분석 윤종문(여신금융연구소) 한상일 (한국기술교육대)
디지털시대의 한국 규제 제도의 재설계: 핀테크, 레그테크, 샌드박스의 동기화와 스마트 레그테크 이유태(부경대) 김태우 (예탹결제원)
Do the Old Need a Stepping Stone for Equity investment?: New Evidence from US Households 김세완(이화여대)
Dennis W. Jansen (Texas A&M Univ.)

▶ 제3분과 : 지배구조와 대리인문제 (701호)

  • 사회자 : 최종범(성균관대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
대리인 문제와 배당정책: 주식담보대출의 영향 조은아(서울대)*
임병권 (한국주택금융공사)
기업의 기부금 지출은 기업가치에 영향을 미치는가?: 대리인 문제를 중심으로 최희정(국민연금연구원)
The Role of Parent Firms in Pyramidal Business Groups 한중호(성균관대)
황 민(George Washington Univ.)
조 만(KDI국제정책대학원)

▶ 제4분과 : 연기금의 배당압력과 의결권행사 (801호)

  • 사회자 : 박영규(성균관대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
국민연금의 배당압력과 기업의 투자효율성 노정희(부산대) 조은아(서울대)
자산운용사들의 고객편애: 연기금 위탁운용과 공모펀드 동시 운용에서의 증거 강형구(한양대)
국민연금공단의 의결권 행사와 대리인 문제: 삼성물산-제일모직 합병 사례를 중심으로 양철원(단국대)*

▶ 제5분과 : R&D, 자사주매입, IPO (802호)

  • 사회자 : 신진영(연세대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
An Empirical Examination on Financial Characteristics of Corporate Research & Development (R&D) Expenditure for Firms Listed in the KOSPI Stock Market 김한준(호서대) 강신우(세종대)
Share Repurchases and Leveraging (or Deleveraging) 김현석(성균관대)
인수 목적 신규 상장 기업에 대한 연구 변진호(이화여대)

▶ 제6분과 : 변동성과 거래량 (803호)

  • 사회자 : 선정훈(건국대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Average Futures: An Extension on Anti-manipulation Effect and Decreasing Volatility 배광일(전남대)
유 진(한양대)*
The Risk and Profitability of Low Volatility Investing in the KOSDAQ Market 옥영경(영남대)
한국 주식시장에서의 저거래량 수익률 프리미엄 강 민(서울대)*
채 준(서울대)

▶ 제7분과 : 내부자거래, 펀드평가, 이상현상 (701호)

  • 사회자 : 신정순(이화여대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
내부자 군집거래와 주가급락에 관한 연구 임병권(한국주택금융공사)*
Mis-scaled Performance in the Fund Flow-performance Relationship 하연정(부산대)*
배당 기대 심리의 이상 현상에 대한 실증 연구 구본하(서울대)*
채 준(서울대)
정현재 (예금보험공사)

▶ 제8분과 : 은행 및 신용위험 (702호)

  • 사회자 : 위정범(경희대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
아시아 금융위기 중 기업구조조정 사례: 삼성전자와 대우자동차 정형찬(부경대) 이건희(경기대)
Depositor Discipline and Bank Response in Korean Savings Banks 김민혁(예금보험공사) 이기영(KDI)
연구개발비가 신용등급에 미치는 영향: 투자등급과 투기등급을 중심으로 정세진(경북대)*

◆ 국제컨퍼런스(2017년도 제4차 정기학술발표회)

  • - 일시 : 2017. 12. 8(금) ~ 9(토)
  • - 장소 : 조선호텔(서울 소공동)
  • - 발표 논문 : 57편

▶ Session 1: Portfolio Management

  • Chair : Allaudeen Hameed (National Univ. of Singapore)
Title Author Discussant
Two Birds, One Stone: Joint Timing of Returns and Capital Gains Taxes Yaoting Lei (Nanchang Univ.)
Ya Li*(Hang Seng Management College)
Jing Xu (Renmin Univ. of China)
Chulwoo Han (Durham Univ.)
Rational Turnover Aversion: How Much Should a Portfolio Be Shrunk? Chulwoo Han* (Durham Univ.) Hyoung-Goo Kang (Hanyang Univ.)
Mutual Funds and Mispriced Stocks Doron Abramov(Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem)
Si Cheng(Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Allaudeen Hameed* (National Univ. of Singapore)
Hyungsuk Choi (Ewha Womans Univ.)

▶ Session 2 : Capital Structure and CSR

  • Chair : Jong-Bom Chay (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Does the Collapse of Internal Capital Market Change Firms’ Financial Structure? Kazuo Yamada (Nagasaki Univ.)*
Izidin El Kala (Kent Univ.)
Sung Wook Joh (Seoul National Univ.)
Does Corporate Social Responsibility Reduce the Costs of High Leverage? Evidence from Capital Structure and Product Markets Interactions Kee-Hong Bae (York Univ.)*
Sakok El Ghoul (Univ. of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami (Univ. of South Carolina)
Chuck C.Y. Kwok (Univ. of South Carolina)
Ying Zheng (Bryant Univ.)
Youngsuk Yook (U.S. Fed-Board)
Corporate Policy when Equity and Bond Holders Price Risk Differently Hae Won (Henny)
Jung (The Univ. of Melbourne)
Robert Manolache (The Univ. of Melbourne)
Qi Zeng (The Univ. of Melbourne)*
Kyoungwon Seo (Seoul National Univ.)

▶ Session 3:Business Group and Governance

  • Chair : S. Ghon Rhee (Univ. of Hawaii)
Title Author Discussant
Trade Credit, Group Affiliation, and Credit Contraction: Evidence from the 1997 Korean Financial Crisis Junghwan Hyun* (Kwangwoon Univ.) Kazuo Yamada (Nagasaki Univ.)
Ultimate Ownership, Crash Risk, and the Split-Share Structure Reform in China Quanxi Liang (Guanxi Univ.)
Donghui Li (Jinan Univ.)*
Wenlian Gao (Dominican Univ.)
Lingxia Sun (Nankai Univ.)
What Constitutes Too-Big-To-Jail?: Evidence From South Korea Hansoo Choi* (Korea Institute of Public Finance)
Hyoung-Goo Kang (Hanyang Univ.)
Changmin Lee (Hanyang Univ.)
Joonghyuk Kim (Korea Univ.)

▶ Session 4: Institutional Ownership and Governance

  • Chair : Chang-Soo Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Geographic Clustering of Institutional Investors Donghyun Kim* (Univ. of Wisconsin Milwaukee)
Qinghai Wang (Univ. of Central Florida)
Xiaoqiong Wang (Indiana Univ. Kokomo)
Sungju Chun (Gachon Univ.)
Institutional Investors and Employee Wages Yao Lu (Tsinghua Univ.)
Zhang Peng (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Zhufeng Xu (Tsinghua Univ.)
Shanghan Gao (Tsinghua Univ.)
Kee-Hong Bae (York Univ.)
Institutional Ownership and Short-Termist Pressures Kit Pong Wong (Univ. of Hong Kong)
Long Yi* (Hong Kong Baptist Univ.)
Hyun Seung Na (Korea Univ.)

▶ Doctoral Student Consortium 1 : Corporate Finance

  • Chair : Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Title Author
Transfer of Control and Ownership Structure in Family Firms Hojong Shin* (Michigan State Univ.)
The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on CEO Relative Leverage Kyumin Cho (KAIST)*
Hyeong Joon Kim (KAIST)
Seung Hun Han (KAIST)
The Effect of Investor Horizons on Corporate Investment Horizons Hwanki Brian Kim* (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Political Corruption and Corporate Cash Holdings Dong Wook Seo (KAIST)*
Seung Hun Han (KAIST)

▶ Doctoral Student Consortium 2 : Asset Pricing

  • Chair : Allaudeen Hameed (National Univ. of Singapore)
Title Author
Endogenous Market Structure: Over-the-Counter versus Exchange Trading Ji Hee Yoon* (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
Bank Competition and Bank Liquidity Creation Seungho Choi* (Univ. of New South Wales)
Credit Access and Household Well-being: Evidence from Payday Lending Jaeyoon Lee* (Univ. of Chicago)

▶ Session 5:Corporate Financing

  • Chair : Beom Sik Jang (Soongsil Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
The Choice of SEO Method and Information Asymmetry: Rights vs. Public Offers Ju Hyun Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)*
Kyojik (Roy)
Song (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Joon Ho Hwang (Korea Univ.)
Mandatory Price Support of the Underwriter: Evidence from the Putback Option Joon Ho Hwang (Korea Univ.)*
Joohwan Kim (KB Financial Group)
Jinwoo Park (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Hyeong Joon Kim (KAIST)
Convertible Bond Issue Announcement Effect: Investment Opportunities and Market Reaction Perspective Hyeong Joon Kim (KAIST)*
Seung Hun Han (KAIST)
Ju Hyun Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Geographic Concentration of Venture Capital Investors, Corporate Monitoring, and Firm Performance Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Yingxiang Li (Peking Univ. HSBC Business School)
Seungjoon Oh* (Peking Univ. HSBC Business School)
Jungwon Suh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)

▶ Session 6:Stock Market and Pricing

  • Chair : Myung-Jig Kim (Hanyang Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Short-Term Trading Skills of Individuals, Institutions, and Foreigners: A New Approach Based on Relative Performance Jong-Bom Chay* (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Wonse Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Sungwon Seo (Ajou Univ.)
Large Sample Estimators of the Stochastic Discount Factor Soohun Kim* (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Robert A. Korajczyk (Northwestern Univ.)
Clark Liu (Tsinghua Univ.)
How Do Rating Agencies’ Decisions Impact Stock Markets? A Meta-Analysis Jérôme Hubler (Univ. of Lorraine)*
Patrice Laroche (Univ. of Lorraine)
Christine Louargant (Univ. of Lorraine.)
Jean-Noёl Ory (Univ. of Lorraine)
Soohun Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Demand Shock, Speculative Beta, and Asset Prices: Evidence from the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Program Clark Liu (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Shujing Wang (Shanghai Lixin Univ. of Accounting and Finance)
K.C. John Wei (The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Jerome Hubler (Univ. of Lorraine)

▶ Session 7:International Finance and Credit Risk

  • Chair : Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)
Title Author Discussant
Short-Term Trading Skills of Individuals, Institutions, and Foreigners: A New Approach Based on Relative Performance Lingxia Sun (Nankai Univ.)
Dong Wook Lee (Korea Univ.)*
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh (Hanyang Univ.)
Inflation Risk Premium and Foreign Exchange Rate Daehwan Kim (Konkuk Univ.)*
Fabio Moneta (Queen’s Univ.)
Yong Joo Kang (Yonsei Univ.)
Corporate Payout Policy and Credit Risk: Evidence from CDS Markets Mingyi Hung (HKUST)
Chengzhu Sun (HKUST)
Shujing Wang* (Shanghai Lixin Univ. of Accounting and Finance)
Chu Zhang (HKUST)
Hyeongsop Shim (UNIST)
Do Credit Rating Agencies Value Corporate Social Responsibility?: Role of Societal Trust and Consistent Corporate Policy Kiyoung Chang (Univ. of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee)
Ying Li (Univ. of Washington Bothell)
Hyeongsop Shim (UNIST)*
Heungju Park (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)

▶ Session 8:Stakeholder Economics and Finance

  • Chair : Kee-Hong Bae (York Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Shocks to Product Networks and Post-Earnings Announcement Drift Bok Baik (Seoul National Univ.)*
Gerard Hoberg (Univ. of Southern California)
Jungbae Kim (New York Univ.)
Peter SH.Oh (McGill Univ.)
Young Han (Andy)
Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Capital Structure Decisions along the Supply Chain: Evidence from Import Competition Qianqian Huang (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
Ryoonhee Kim* (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
James L. Park (Korea Univ.)
Do Short Sellers Exploit News of Related Firms? Rui Dai (WRDS)
Lilian Ng (York Univ.)*
Nataliya Zaiats (Suffolk Univ.)
Daejin Kim (UNIST)
Tracking Analysts along Technological Links Hongping Tan (McGill Univ.)*
Jin Wang (Wilfrid Laurier Univ.)
Li Yao (Concordia Univ.)
Kyounghun Bae (Hanyang Univ.)

▶ Session 9:Alternative Investment and Return Smoothing

  • Chair : Vidhan Goyal (HKUST)
Title Author Discussant
Does Your Hedge Fund Manager Smooth Returns Intentionally or Inadvertently? Tae Yoon Kim (Keimyung Univ.) Cheol-Won Yang (Dankook Univ.)
Media on Short-Term House Price Dynamics Yeon Sik Eric Cho* (KIS Pricing) Daehwan Kim (Konkuk Univ.)
CO2 Emissions and the Pricing of Climate Risk Jongmoo Jay Choi (Temple Univ.)
Hoje Jo (Santa Clara Univ.)
Hyehyun Park (SWUFE)*
Eric Cho (KIS Pricing)

▶ Session 10:Investment Strategy

  • Chair : Jinwoo Park (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Title Author Discussant
Nonparametric Momentum Strategies Tsung-Yu Chen (National Central Univ.)
Pin-Huang Chou (National Central Univ.)
Kuan-Cheng Ko (National Chi Nan Univ.)
S. Ghon Rhee (Univ. of Hawaii)*
Kun Ho Kim (Hanyang Univ.)
Loss Aversion around the World: Empirical Evidence from Pension Funds Yuxin Xie (Southwestern Univ. of Finance and Economics)
Soosung Hwang* (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Athanasios A. Pantelous (Univ. of Liverpool)
Jun Kyung Auh (Yonsei Univ.)
Filtered Momentum Strategy Sangwon Suh* (Chung-Ang Univ.) Hee Soo Lee (Sejong Univ.)

▶ Session 11:Fund Flow, Fund Management, and Global Integration

  • Chair : Lilian Ng (York Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Fund Flow Diversification: Implications for Fee-Setting and Performance Lorenzo Casavecchia* (Macquarie Univ.)
Byoung Uk Kang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Ashish Tiwari (Univ. of Iowa)
Jaewon Choi (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Mutual Fund Flows and Fluctuations in Credit and Business Cycles Azi Ben-Rephael (Indiana Univ.)
Jaewon Choi* (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Itay Goldstein (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Da-Hea Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Leading the Way? External Lead Managers and the Performance of Institutional Equity Funds Hyoung-Goo Kang (Hanyang Univ.)
Min Yeon Han (Hanyang Univ.)
Sang-Gyung Jun (Hanyang Univ.)
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh (Hanyang Univ.)*
In Jung Song (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Integrated Markets: Economic or Financial Integration? Amir Akbari (Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology)
Lilian Ng (York Univ.)*
Bruno Solnik (HKUST)
Jun Sik Kim (Incheon National Univ.)

▶ Session 12:Corporate Managers

  • Chair : Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Generalists versus Specialists: The Board’s Revealed Perception of CEO General Skill and CEO Pay Lixiong Guo (Univ. of Alabama)
Zhongyuan Liu* (Univ. of New South Wales)
Junyoup Lee (UNIST)
The Real Costs of CEO Compensation : The Effect of Behindness Aversion of Employees Ingolf Dittmann (Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam)
Christoph Schneider (Tilburg Univ.)
Yuhao Zhu (Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam)*
Ryoonhee Kim (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
The Holy Grail of Teamwork: Management Team Synergies and Firm Innovation Ning Jia (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Xuan Tian (Tsinghua Univ.)
Weining Zhang (Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business)
Syung Jin Han (Hongik Univ.)
Are Overconfident CEOs Good Managers in Times of High Economic Uncertainty? Jingoo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Minwook Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Jungmin Kim* (The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Ning Jia (Tsinghua Univ.)

▶ Session 13:Equity Valuation

  • Chair : Hongping Tan (McGill Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Real Options and The Term Structure of Equity Wah Yip Chu* (BI Norwegian Business School) Pan-Do Sohn (Donga Univ.)
Disagreement and the Cross- Section of Expected Returns Namhee Matheson* (BI Norwegian Business School) Paul Moonsub Choi (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Dispersion of Beliefs, Ambiguity, and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns Byoung-Kyu Min (Univ. of Sydney)
Tong Suk Kim (KAIST)
Deok-Hyeon Lee* (Korea Development Bank)
Bong-Gyu Jang (POSTECH)
The World Price of Tail Risk Kuan-Hui Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
Cheol-Won Yang* (Dankook Univ.)
Jinsoo Lee (KDI School)

▶ Session 14:Macro and Government Factors

  • Chair : Hee-Joon Ahn (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Economic Policy Uncertainty and Peer Effects in Corporate Investment Policy: Evidence from China Hyun Joong Im (Peking Univ.)*
Ya Kang (National Univ. of Singapore)
Young Joon Park (Peking Univ.)
Yi Huang (IHEID)
Rise of Bank Competition: Evidence from Banking Deregulation in China Haoyu Gao (Central Univ. of Finance and Economics)
Hong Ru* (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Robert M. Townsend (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Xiaoguang Yang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Kee-Youn Kang (Yonsei Univ.)
Firm Response to Competitive Shocks: Evidence from China's Minimum Wage Policy Harald Hau (Univ. of Geneva)
Yi Huang (IHEID)*
Gewei Wang (IHEID)
Yongjun Kim (Univ. of Seoul)
Saving-Cash Flow Sensitivity, Financial Development and Macro Uncertainty Alexander Vadilyev* (Australian National Univ.) Byung Jin Kang (Soongsil Univ.)

◆ 3차 정기학술발표회

  • - 일시 : 2017. 8. 23(수)
  • - 장소 : 광주 김대중 컨벤션센터
  • - 발표 논문 : 14편

▶ 기업재무 1

  • 사회자 : 윤정선(국민대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Do Chinese Firms Need Directors with Political Connections? 전철희(Univ. of Macau)*
Maggie Foley (Jacksonville Univ,)
Chengru Hu(SUNY Canton)
Hao Yu (Univ. of Macau)
정치적 부패와 기업의 현금 보유 정책 서동욱(KAIST)*
전철희(Univ. of Macau)
펀더멘털, 지배구조, 사업다각화가 기업가치에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 금융위기 전·후 분석 전승국(부산대)*
Corporate takeovers under multi-dimensional signals and the optimal medium of exchange 윤정선(국민대) 전승국(부산대)

▶ 투자론 1

  • 사회자 : 고봉찬(서울대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Sentiment-based Momentum Strategy 서상원(중앙대)*
투자심리와 시장상황에 따른 모멘텀현상에 관한 연구 박영규(성균관대)*
해외투자를 위한 국민연금 외환거래의 국내외환시장에 대한 영향 주상철 (국민연금연구원) 배광일(전남대)

▶ 기업재무 2

  • 사회자 : 장국현(건국대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
상호저축은행 부실사태와 예금자에 의한 시장규율 김민혁 (예금보험공사) 서재웅(한국외대)
부채비율이 분할동기에 미치는 영향 서재웅(한국외대)*
Improving the Currency Carry Trade Strategy 서상원(중앙대) 이현철(조선대)

▶ 투자론 2

  • 사회자 : 정희준(전주대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Investor trading behavior and return predictability: a Korean evidence 이교임(서울대) 임병권(LH토지주택연구원)
기업 내부자의 군집거래와 장기성과 임병권(LH토지주택연구원)*
한국 IPO 시장에서 공적정보(public information)를 활용한 투자전략 연구 김주환(KB금융지주)*
중국 국채시장의 발행효율성 및 유동성 프리미엄 분석 정희준(전주대)*

◆ 2차 정기학술발표회

  • - 일시 : 2017. 5. 26(금)~5. 27(토)
  • - 장소 : KB국민은행 천안연수원
  • - 발표 논문 : 50편

▶ 제1분과 : 기업재무 1

  • 사회자 : 박광우(KAIST)
논 제 발표자 토론자
저축은행의 소유구조와 부실위험에 관한 연구 김학건(충북대)*
매출성장과 다각화 효과-국제적 증거 권택호(충남대)*
배성철(Bowling Green State Univ.)
Small-Size Public Companies and Aggregate Fluctuations 최희정(고려대)

▶ 제2분과 : 파생상품 1

  • 사회자 : 장 욱(덕성여대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
ELW 시장의 정보효과 이상기(국민대)*
Korean Housing Cycle: Its Implications for Risk Management(Factor-augmented VAR Approach) 김명현(국민연금연구원)*

▶ 제3분과 : 금융공학 1

  • 사회자 : 조영석(목포대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
선박금융대출의 가산금리 결정요인에 대한 실증연구 강병태(무역보험공사)*
한국증권시장에서 투자자별 주식보유량을 통한 E. Fama의 약형 시장효율성 검증 정홍교(수원대)* 고영훈(협성대)
아시아 주식시장의 전이 네트워크의 특성 분석 고희운(부산대)*

▶ 제4분과 : 투자론 1

  • 사회자 : 김석진(경북대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Asymmetric Price Impact and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns 김용식(KAIST)* 문규현(경기대)
Value or Growth? The Pricing of Idiosyncratic Cash-Flow Risk with Heterogeneous Beliefs Michael Gallmeyer(Univ. of Virginia)
Hwagyun Kim(Texas A&M Univ.)
Hedge Fund Styles and Their Contagion from the Equity Market 이희수(세종대)*

▶ 제5분과 : 연기금 1

  • 사회자 : 박태영(국민연금연구원)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Option-Implied Tail Risk, Timing by Hedge Funds, and Performance 김민기(KAIST)*
Diversification and Mutual Fund Performance 조 훈(KAIST)
Miyoun Paek (Univ. of Cincinnati)
국민연금기금의 국내 주식시장에 대한 영향력을 고려한 최적 투자 전략 강민정(POSTECH)*

▶ 제6분과 : 박사과정 컨소시엄 1

  • 사회자 : 김누리(한양대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
기업규모와 수익성의 상관관계에 대한 지배주주 지분율의 영향 임지은(서울대)*
The Effect of the Refixing Option in Convertible Bond on Shareholders’ Wealth 변진호(이화여대)

▶ 제7분과 : 박사과정 컨소시엄 2

  • 사회자 : 정무권(국민대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
파생상품시장의 투자심리와 주식수익률 예측에 관한 연구 이문형(동국대)*
강 원(세종대)
Tail Risk and Size Anomaly in Bank Stock Returns 박희우(KAIST)*
신용등급변경가능성이 자본조달에 미치는 영향 : 채권내재등급(BIR)과 신용등급(AR)의 차이를 중심으로 안경희(서울시립대)*

▶ 제8분과 : 기업재무 2

  • 사회자 : 변진호(이화여대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Financing Strategically: The Moderation Effect of Marketing Activities on the Bifurcated Relationship between Debt Level and Valuation of Small and Medium Enterprises 김상준(이화여대)*
배종완(Elon U.)
오한나(U. of Nebraska, Omaha)
투자자는 지배주주일가가 이번 여름에 할 일을 알고 있다? 계열사간 합병과 이해상충문제 박경서(고려대)
Startup Financing and Capital Structure: A Signaling Approach 한광석(포항공대)

▶ 제9분과 : 금융공학 2

  • 사회자 : 이기환(한국해양대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Interpolation을 이용한 개별 옵션의 압력측정방법 연구 고영훈(협성대)* 김홍배(동서대)
기업 운전자본 수준이 기업가치와 수익성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 Peter Y. Wui(UAPB)
Lawrence Awopetu(UAPB)
기업고유위험요인이 국내 주식시장에 미치는 영향 김태혁(부산대)

▶ 제10분과 : 기업재무 3

  • 사회자 : 길재욱(한양대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
How Do Co-Opted Directors Influence Corporate Risk-Taking? Pornsit Jiraporn(Pennsylvania State Univ.)
Young Sang Kim*(Northern Kentucky Univ.)
Sang Mook Lee(Pennsylvania State Univ.)
Do Family Firms Care for their Stakeholders? Evidence from the Customer-Supplier Relationship 김소연(연세대)*
A Large Creditor in Contagious Liquidity Crises 오동철(KAIST)

▶ 제11분과 : 투자론 2

  • 사회자 : 박영석(서강대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Order Type Selection of Informed Investors around Earnings Announcements 정재만(숭실대)
강 민(서울대)
The World Price of Tail Risk 이관휘(서울대)
Market Returns and Investor Sentiment Measured by Internet Search Volume 채 준(서울대)

▶ 제12분과 : 투자론 3

  • 사회자 : Soku Byoun(Baylor Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Short-Term Momentums in the Commodity Futures Market 강장구(KAIST)
Miyoun Paek (Univ. of Cincinnati)
A Proposal About a New Approach to Asset Pricing Theory: Expected Anomaly Model 이웅기(고려대)* Yong-Cheol Kim (Univ. of Wisconsin- Milwaukee)
The Evolving Nature of Japanese Corporate Governance: Guaranteed Bonds vs. Rated Bonds Seung Hun Han(KAIST)
Michael S. Pagano(Villanova Univ.)
Yoon S. Shin*(Loyola Univ. Maryland)
Kiyoung Chang (Univ. of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee)

▶ 제13분과 : 국재재무 1

  • 사회자 : 이인무(KAIST)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Are Cash-Flow betas Really Bad? 오 명(부산대)*
Sovereign Risk Contagion in East-Asia : A Mixture of Time-Varying Copulas Approach 이용웅(한국외대)
The Real Impact of Ratings-based Capital Rules on the Finance-Growth Nexus Iftekhar Hasan(Fordham Univ.)
Gazi Hassan(Waikato Univ.)
Suk-Joong Kim*(Univ. of Sydney)
Eliza Wu(Univ. of Sydney)

▶ 제14분과 : 파생상품 2

  • 사회자 : 박종원(서울시립대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
미니파생상품시장의 차익거래 수익성 분석- KOSPI200 미니옵션의 사례 - 이우백(방송통신대)* 김민기(KAIST)
Mark-to-Market Reinsurance and Portfolio Selection: Implications for Information Quality 장봉규(POSTECH)
이현탁(RMI, NUS)*

▶ 제15분과 : 기업재무 4

  • 사회자 : 김대호(건국대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
불완전계약 이론에 기반한 중소기업 정책금융의 새로운 역할 -중소기업진흥공단의 역할과 기능 재고찰을 중심으로- 강형구(한양대)
Foreign Ownership and the Cost of Equity Capital: Evidence from Korea 박영규(성균관대)
금융기관 직원의 직무만족, 조직몰입이 고객지향성에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구 박지은(목포대)*

▶ 제16분과 : 금융기관 1

  • 사회자 : 양채열(전남대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
금융기관의 소유구조와 배당성향 정성창(전남대)*
Lending Behavior of Prudent Banks around the 2007 Financial Crisis 조성욱(서울대)
오 명(부산대)
은행의 배당결정요인과 배당이 경영성과와 위험에 미치는 영향 박영석(서강대)

▶ 제17분과 : 기업재무 5

  • 사회자 : 박래수(숙명여대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
소유-지배 괴리도가 자기자본비용에 미치는 영향 송창호(국민대)
K-IFRS 도입에 따른 기타영업손익의 가치관련성과 분류동기에 관한 연구 이성진(오디오멘토스)

▶ 제18분과 : 투자론 4

  • 사회자 : Kiyoung Chang(Univ. of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Market Timing and Selectivity in Feedback Trading: Retail vs. Institutional Funds Miyoun Paek*(Univ. of Cincinnati)
Yong H. Kim(Univ. of Cincinnati)
Kwangsoo Ko(Pusan National Univ.)
Suk-Joong Kim(Univ. of Sydney)
Is Doing Good Good to your Credit Rating? - A Trust-based Hypothesis and Global Evidence Kiyoung Chang*(Univ. of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee)
Ying Li(Univ. of Washington Bothell)
Hyeongsop Shim(UNIST)
Young Sang Kim (Northern Kentucky Univ.)
A Network Approach to Optimal Portfolio: Application to the Korean Stock Market Seok-won Ahn(Chosun Univ.)
Yong-Cheol Kim*(Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Gabjin Oh(Chosun Univ.)
Yoon Soo Shin(Loyola Univ. Maryland)

◆ 1차 정기학술발표회

  • - 일시 : 2017. 2. 24(금)
  • - 장소 : 금융투자협회 금융투자교육원 8층(여의도)
  • - 발표 논문 : 39편

▶ FnGuide 특별심포지엄 (801호)

  • 사회자 : 박진우(한국외대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
미공개정보 이용규제 강화가 공시의 시장반응에 미친 영향 우민철(한국거래소)*
회귀절단설계모형(Regression Discontinuity Design)을 이용한 순부채가 기업성과(가치)에 미치는 영향분석 강형구(한양대)
경영자의 마켓타이밍 능력과 자사주 취득 임병권 (LH토지주택연구원)*
재무분석가의 배당예측정확성에 대한 연구 남혜정(동국대) 김병호(국민대)

▶ 제1분과 : 기업재무 1(Corporate Governance) (802호)

  • 사회자 : 변진호(이화여대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
사회적 책임(CSR)활동과 기업가치의 연관성:
KEJI와 KSI 통합 분석
Social Responsibility and Financial Distress Risk:
Evidence from Credit Default Swap Spreads
이사회의 감시기능, 기업특성과 주주가치 이지혜 (한국건설산업연구원)
Value Creation of Independent Directors with STEM PhD: Evidence from Target Shareholder Gains 김채현(UNIST)

▶ 제2분과 : 기업재무 2(Capital Structure) (803호)

  • 사회자 : 박래수(숙명여대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
정보비대칭과 신용평가사의 평판이 회사채 스프레드에 미치는 영향 정윤영(숙명여대)*
Investigations on the Existence of Optimal Capital Structure for KOSPI-listed Firms in the Domestic Capital Markets 김한준(호서대) 서정원(성균관대)
Equity Issuance and Internal Capital Markets 박순홍(충남대)
기Testing Nonlinearity to Models of Pecking Order Theory Using the QLR Test 황태윤(연세대)

▶ 제3분과 : 투자론1(Asset Pricing) (701호)

  • 사회자 : 서상원(중앙대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Exchange Rates, Equity Returns, and Time-varying Risk Aversion:
A Modified Uncovered Equity Parity
기대수익률과 변동성의 관계에 대한 재검정:
한국 주식시장의 장기 자료를 중심으로
Credit Constraint and House Price Synchronicity:
Evidence from the LTV Regulation in Korea
황 민(George Washington Univ.)
조 만(KDI국제정책대학원)

▶ 제4분과 : 투자론2(Trading Strategy) (702호)

  • 사회자 : 신진영(연세대)
논 제

◆ 국제컨퍼런스(2016년도 제4차 정기학술발표회)The 11th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets(CAFM 2016)

  • - 2016. 12. 2(금)~3(토)
  • - 장소 : 조선호텔(서울 소공동)
  • - 발표논문 : 57편

▶ Session 1:Corporate Bond Prices and Liquidity

  • Chair : Jia Chen (Peking Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Market Transparency and Pricing Efficiency: Evidence from Corporate Bond Mar Jia Chen (Peking Univ.)*
Ruichang Lu (Peking Univ.)
Rui Zhong (Central Univ. of Finance and Economics)
Decomposing and Pricing of Corporate Bond Yields and Disentangling a Flight-to-Quality from a Flight-to-Liquidity Sekyung Oh (Konkuk Univ.)*
Kinam Park (Korea Asset Pricing)
Jia Chen (Peking Univ.)
The TIPS Puzzle: Evidence from Korea Jangkoo Kang (KAIST)
Soonhee Lee (KAIST)
Baeho Kim (Korea Univ.)
Corporate Debt Illiquidity and Agency Costs Jingzhi Huang (Penn State Univ.)
Huayi Tang (Concordia Univ.)
Yuan Wang (Concordia Univ.)
Rui Zhong (Central Univ. of Finance and Economics)*
Chan Shik Jung (Dong-A Univ.)

▶ Session 2:IPO Underpricing, Sentiment and Governance

  • Chair : Jinwoo Park (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Title Author Discussant
Heterogeneous Bank Lending, Gross Loan Flows, and the Macroeconomy Zhangkai Huang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Jinyu Liu (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Guangrong Ma (China, Renmin Univ.)
Meong Ae Kim (Konkuk Univ.)
Individual Investor Sentiment and IPO Stock Returns: Evidence from the Korean Stock M Chune Young Chung (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Joohwan Kim (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Jinwoo Park* (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Daejin Kim (UNIST)
Who’s Leaving Money on the Table? Evidence from IPOs within Business Groups Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Chan Lim (Seoul National Univ.)
Tae Jun Yoon* (Seoul National Univ.)
Junyoup Lee (UNIST)

*Tutorial 1 : For Young Researchers Publishing Papers in Top Finance Journals Using Non-U.S. Data
Led by Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological University)

▶ Session 3:Short Sales and Leveraged Trades

  • Chair : Jaewon Choi (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Title Author Discussant
A First Glimpse into the Short Side of Hedge Funds Jaewon Choi* (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Neil D. Pearson (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Shastri Sandy (Brattle Group)
Ji-Woong Chung (Korea Univ.)
Decoding Leveraged Trading Zhuo Chen (Tsinghua Univ.)
Pengfei Li (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Zhengwei Wang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Bohui Zhang (Univ. of New South Wales)
Dong Chul Won (Ajou Univ.)
Discretionary Credit Limits, Correlation-Driven Leverages, and Unanticipated Shocks in Dynamic Equilibrium Dong Chul Won* (Ajou Univ.) Pengfei Li (Tsinghua Univ.)

▶ Session 4:CEO Characteristics and Performance

  • Chair : Young Han (Andy) Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Value Creation of Independent Directors with STEM PhD:
Evidence from Target Shareholder Gains
Chaehyun Kim (UNIST)
Hyeongsop Shim (UNIST)*
Choong-Yuel Yoo (KAIST)
Jin Q Jeon (Dongguk Univ.)
Limits of Arbitrage and Tax Expense Momentum Hyun-Dong Kim (KAIST)*
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh (Hanyang Univ.)
Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)
Hyeongsop Shim (UNIST)
The Face of Risk:
CEO Testosterone and Risk Taking Behavior
Shinichi Kamiya (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Young Han (Andy)
Kim* (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Jungwon Suh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Jungsoon Shin (Ewha Womans Univ.)

▶ Doctoral Student Consortium 1 : Asset Pricing

  • Chair : Allaudeen Hameed (National Univ. of Singapore)
Title Author
Peer Effects and Risk Sharing in Experimental Asset Markets Paul J. Gortner* (Goethe Univ. Frankfurt)
Joel J. van der Weele (Univ. of Amsterdam)
Is Stock Return Predictability of Option-implied Skewness Affected by the Market State? Heewoo Park (KAIST)*
Tongsuk Kim (KAIST)
Momentum Crashes and Investors'Anchoring Bias Byoung-Hyun Jeon (KAIST)*
Suk-Joon Byun (KAIST)
Does Liquidity Mediate Between Information Quality and the Cost of Equity in China? Raheel Safdar* (Dongbei Univ. of Finance and Economics)
Chen Yan (Dongbei Univ. of Finance and Economics)

▶ Doctoral Student Consortium 2 : Corporate Finance

  • Chair : Vidhan K. Goyal (HKUST)
Title Author
Family Feud: Succession Tournaments and Risk-taking in Family Firms Jongsub Lee (Univ. of Florida)
Hojong Shin* (Michigan State Univ.)
Hayong Yun (Michigan State Univ.)
Political Relations and US Institutional Ownership Jun Myung Song* (Univ. of New South Wales)
Principal-Principal Agency Conflicts, Product Market Competition and Corporate Payout Policy in China Amjad Iqbal* (Dongbei Univ. of Finance and Economics)

▶ Session 5:Trading Behavior and Loss Aversion

  • Chair : Leilei Shi (USTC, Bank of China International)
Title Author Discussant
Coherent Preferences and Reference Point Updating in Bargain, Competition, and Interactive Trading in Stock Market Leilei Shi* (USTC, Bank of China International)
Mato Njavro (Univ. of St. Gallen)
Boris Podobnik (Boston Univ., Univ. of Rijeka)
Jaehoon Hahn (Yonsei Univ.)
Overnight Strategy of Foreign Day-traders and Their Performance: An Empirical Study from the Korea Stock Exchange Hyehyun Park (Korea Univ.)*
Kyungsuh Park (Korea Univ.)
Kyoung-Hun Bae (UNIST)
Individual Investors and Post-Earning-Announcement Drift:
Evidence from Korea
Yunsung Eom (Hansung Univ.)
Jaehoon Hahn (Yonsei Univ.)*
Wook Sohn (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)
Youngjoo Lee (Sogang Univ.)
What Designs Investment Bankers? Economic and Psychological Risk Attitudes of Investment Bankers and Socialization Jung Seok Woo (Myongji Univ.)*
Hyoung-Goo Kang (Hanyang Univ.)
Hyehyun Park (Korea Univ.)

▶ Session 6:Informed Trading and Return Predictability

  • Chair : Lilian Ng (York Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Insider Trading, Informativeness, and Price Efficiency Around the World Lilian Ng (York Univ.)*
Crystal X. Wang (Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Qinghai Wang (Univ. of Central Florida)
Sang Mook Lee (Penn State Univ.)
Informed Trading Volume and Asset Prices: The Role for Aggressive Investors Christian T. Lundblad (Univ. of North Carolina)
Zhishu Yang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Qi (Jacky)
Zhang (Durham Univ.)*
Sang Mook Lee (Penn State Univ.)
Stock Timing by Analysts Naveen Daniel (Drexel Univ.)
Sang Mook Lee (Penn State Univ.)*
Lalitha Naveen (Temple Univ.)
Qi (Jacky)
Zhang (Durham Univ.)
Investment Horizon and Price Reaction to Analyst Earnings Forecast Revision Hyeongseok Kang (KAIST)*
Tongsuk Kim (KAIST)
Sang Koo Kang (Korea Univ.)

▶ Session 7:Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance

  • Chair : Bibo Liu (Tsinghua Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
The Power of Silent Voices: Employee Satisfaction and Acquirer Stock Performance Sea-Jin Chang (KAIST, NUS)
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh* (Hanyang Univ.)
Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)
Shawn Saeyeul Park (Yonsei Univ.)
How Do Changes in Firms’ Social Performance Affect Stakeholder Wealth and Future Contract Terms with Stakeholders? Evidence from Employee Layoffs Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Srinivasan Selvam* (Nanyang Technological Uun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Xiaoran Huang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)niv.)
Jongsub Lee (Univ. of Florida)
Monitoring the Monitor:
Distracted Institutional Investors and Board Governance
Claire Yang Liu (Univ. of New South Wales)
Angie Low (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Ron Masulis (Univ. of New South Wales)
Le Zhang (Univ. of New South Wales)*
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh (Hanyang Univ.)
In Search of Board Independence: Former Employees, Shades of Gray and Director Classifications Revisited Joel F. Houston (Univ. of Florida)
Jongsub Lee (Univ. of Florida)*
Hongyu Shan (Univ. of Florida
Myounghwa Sim (Myongji Univ.)

▶ Session 8:Information Content in Option Prices

  • Chair : Goncalves-Pinto Luis (National Univ. of Singapore)
Title Author Discussant
Endogeneity of Return Parameters and Portfolio Selection: An Analysis on Implied Covariances Koohyun Park (Hongik Univ.)
Thomas Rhee* (California State Univ. Long Beach)
Hoyong Choi (Erasmus Univ.)
Information in (and not in)
Treasury Options
Hoyong Choi* (Erasmus Univ.) Jun Sik Kim (Incheon National Univ.)
How Does Stock Illiquidity Affect the Informational Role of Option Prices? Luis Goncalves-Pinto* (National Univ. of Singapore)
Jing Xu (Renmin Univ.)
Hyoung-Jin Park (Seoul Women's Univ.)
Market Segmentation of Stock and Options Chang-Mo Kang (Univ. of New South Wales)
Donghyun Kim (Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Geul Lee* (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Jungmu Kim (Yeungnam Univ.)

▶ Session 9: Real Estate and Capital Allocation Efficiency

  • Chair : Umit G. Gurun (Univ. of Texas at Dallas)
Title Author Discussant
Real Estate Holdings of Public Firms and Collateral Dis Irem Demirci (Univ. of Mannheim)
Umit G. Gurun* (Univ. of Texas at Dallas)
Erkan Yonder (Ozyegin Univ.)
Rae Soo Park (Sookmyung Women’s Univ.)
The Effects of Macroprudential Policies on House Prices: Evidence from an Event Study Using Korean Real-Transaction Data Hosung Jung (Bank of Korea)
Jieun Lee* (Bank of Korea)
Hyun-Soo Choi (Singapore Management Univ.)
Do Business Groups Harm Capital Allocation Efficiency Outside the Business Group? Yunxiao Liu (Korea Univ.)*
Woochan Kim (Korea Univ.)
Taeyoon Sung (Yonsei Univ.)
Sung Won Seo (Ajou Univ.)

▶ Session 10:Entrepreneurial Finance and Innovation

  • Chair : Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Well Begun Is Half Done: Initial R&D Competence and Firm Growth Kyungran Lee (Univ. of Hong Kong)
S. Katie Moon (Univ. of Colorado)
Seungjoon Oh* (Peking Univ.)
Shu-Feng Wang (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Startup Financing with Patent Signaling under Ambiguity Gurangsug Hahn (POSTECH)
Kwanho Kim (Chungbuk National Univ.)
Joon Yeop Kwon (POSTECH)*
Sooyoung Song (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Is the Stock Market Just a Side Show? Evidence from Venture Capital Bibo Liu (Tsinghua Univ.)*
Xuan Tian (Indiana Univ.)
Shinwoo Kang (UNIST)

*Tutorial 2 : Research Opportunities in Asia-Pacific Derivatives Markets
Led by Robert Webb (Univ. of Virginia)

▶ Session 11:Factors Affecting Stock Returns

  • Chair : Allaudeen Hameed (National Univ. of Singapore)
Title Author Discussant
Capital to Labor Growth Ratio and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns Kyung Hwan Shim* (Univ. of New South Wales, Australia) Soosung Hwang (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
The Value of Growth: Changes in Profitability and Future Stock Returns Juan Sotes-Paladino (Univ. of Melbourne)
George Jiaguo Wang (Manchester Business School)
Chelsea Yaqiong Yao (Lancaster Univ.)*
Jin-young Jung (Inha University)
Capital Heterogeneity, Volatility Shock, and the Value Premium Yong Kil Ahn (HKUST)* Jieun Lee (Bank of Korea)
Dividend Clientele and Return Comovement Allaudeen Hameed* (National Univ. of Singapore)
Jing Xie (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Chelsea Y. Yao (Lancaster Univ.)

▶ Session 12:Credit Risk and Financial Instruments

  • Chair : Sascha Kolaric (Technische Univ. Darmstadt)
Title Author Discussant
Revaluating Firm Credit Risk- The Impact of the Rating Review Process on Credit Markets Florian Kiesel (Technische Univ. Darmstadt)
Sascha Kolaric* (Technische Univ. Darmstadt)
Dirk Schiereck (Technische Univ. Darmstadt)
Bum Kim (Soongsil Univ.)
Lender Protection versus Risk Compensation: Evidence from the Bilateral Repo Marke Jun Kyung Auh* (Georgetown Univ.)
Mattia Landoni (Southern Methodist Univ.)
Joon Ho Hwang (Korea Univ.)
The Effect of Monetary Policy on Bank Wholesale Funding Dong Beom Choi (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Hyun-Soo Choi* (Singapore Management Univ.)
Jinho Jeong (Korea Univ.)
The Effect of Government Hybrid Funds on IPO Underpricing in Emerging Markets: Evidence from the Korean Stock Market Hyunjoo Lee (Korea Univ.)*
Jinho Jeong (Korea Univ.)
Ryumi Kim (Seoul National Univ.)

▶ Session 13:Liquidity, Volatility, and Skewness

  • Chair : Y. Peter Chung (Univ. of California, Riverside)
Title Author Discussant
Inattention and Delayed Reaction of Stock Returns to Liquidity Shock: Global Evidence Minsu Ko (Seoul National Univ.)
Kuan-Hui Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
Shu-Feng Wang* (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Jeewon Jang (Chosun Univ.)
Quanitle Dependence between Stock Markets and Its Application in Volatility Forecasting Heejoon Han* (Sungkyunkwan Univ.) Kwangil Bae (Chonnam National Univ.)
Asymmetric Correlation as an Explanation for the Effect of Asset Skewness on Equity Returns Y. Peter Chung (Univ. of California, Riverside)
Herb Johnson (Johnson Consulting)
Thomas S. Kim* (Univ. of California, Riverside)
Jin-Woo Kim (Pusan National Univ.)
Probability of Price Crashes, Rational Speculative Bubbles, and the Cross-Section of St Jeewon Jang (Chosun Univ.)*
Jangkoo Kang (KAIST)
Hyung-Suk Choi (Ewha Womans Univ.)

▶ Session 14:International Financing and Investments

  • Chair : Vidhan K. Goyal (HKUST)
Title Author Discussant
Capital Market Access and Cash Flow Allocation During the Financial Crisis David Florysiak (Univ. of Munich)
Vidhan K. Goyal (HKUST)*
Jungwon Suh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Has Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity Disappeared Across Countries? Yelena Larkin (York Univ.)
Lilian Ng (York Univ.)*
Jie Zhu (York Univ.)
Jaebeom Kim (Oklahoma State Univ.)
The Determinants of Foreign Currency Debt Financing: Borrower Incentives or Lender Incentives? Sung C. Bae (Bowling Green State Univ.)*
Hyeon Sook Kim (Chungnam National Univ.)
Taek Ho Kwon (Chungnam National Univ.)
Seungjoon Oh (Peking Univ.)
Stock Markets, Banks, and Economic Growth: Evidence from More Homogenous Panels Tolina Fufa (Oklahoma State Univ.)
Jaebeom Kim* (Oklahoma State Univ.)
Dong Wook Lee (Korea Univ.)

◆ 3차 정기학술발표회(경영관련학회 통합학술대회)

  • - 일시 : 2016년 8월 19일(금)
  • - 장소 : 부산 벡스코
  • - 발표 논문 : 16편

▶ 기업재무 1

  • 사회자 : 이장우(부산대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
이원강(호남대) 부채비율이 분할 공시와 동기에 미치는 영향
최원호(서울대) Credit Ratings and Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from Korea’s Corporate Reform after the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
김호현(KAIST) 금융위기 전·후의 시장경쟁강도에 따른 기업가치: 산업집중도와 연구개발 투자 및 기업가치의 관계에 관한 실증연구
전승국(부산대) A Large Creditor in Contagious Liquidity Crises

▶ 투자론1

  • 사회자 : 김동순(중앙대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
조호제(Santa Clara Univ.)*
Lin Guo(고려대)
손판도(동아대) Microfinance Interest Rate Puzzle:
Price Rationing or Panic Pricing?
이동욱(고려대) 국내 선물시장에서의 증거금률 산정모형에 관한 연구
곽노걸(한세대) 김 석(한양대) 주가 점프 발생 정보가 주식시장에 미치는 비대칭적 영향에 대한 연구
송형상 (한국가스공사경영연구소) 서동욱(KAIST) 수의상환채권 발행의 결정요인

▶ 기업재무 2

  • 사회자 : 조호제(Santa Clara Univ.)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
조호제(Santa Clara Univ.)*
Jinhua Cui(고려대)
정찬식(동아대) Employee-Friendly Practices and Firm Risk: A Test of Stakeholder Theory of Firm Reputation
조용민(KAIST) Compensation Structure of Family Business Groups: Evidence from Korea
Lingxia Sun(고려대)
서재웅(한국외대) Country-specific growth opportunities, within-country heterogeneity, and the role of financial globalization
박정흠(KAIST) The Value of cash holdings, corporate governance, and ownership disparity: Evidence from Korean conglomerates

▶ 투자론2

  • 사회자 : 이기환(한국해양대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
송형상 (한국가스공사경영연구소) 거시경제요인과 채권포트폴리오 최적화
정재만(숭실대) 주식수익률의 동조화 현상과 투자자별 거래행태: KOSPI200 지수편입 사건을 중심으로
김 석(한양대)*
이기환(한국해양대) 신규상장 주식의 개인투자자 투자행태
임병권 (LH토지주택연구원) 공매도 거래와 기업의 주가급락위험

◆ 2차 정기학술발표회(재무관리학회,재무학회,증권학회,파생상품학회,한미재무학회 공동)

  • - 일시 : 2016. 5. 27(금)~5. 28(토)
  • - 장소 : KB국민은행 천안연수원
  • - 발표 논문 : 75편

▶ 제1분과 : 기업재무 1 (301호)

  • 사회자 : 박성태(원광대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김한준(호서대)* 김순호(부경대) Financial Factors Influencing Corporate Cash Reserves of Firms in Chungcheong Province in the Korean Capital Markets
우상겸(UNIST)* 김한준(호서대) ELW 가격을 이용한 주식의 의결권 가치 측정에 관한 연구
안요한(동명대) 조세피난처 투자자가 투자 기업 및 주식시장에 미치는 영향

▶ 제2분과 : 투자론 1 (302호)

  • 사회자 : 고광수(부산대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
오세경(건국대) A Smiling Bear in the Equity Options Market and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns
이창준(한국외대) Decomposing and Pricing Corporate Bond Yields
심명화(명지대) 이자율 기간구조모형에 기반한 국고채 포트폴리오 최적화는 추가적인 위험조정수익을 창출하는가?

▶ 제3분과 : 투자론 2 (303호)

  • 사회자 : 남수현(동의대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김성태(동의대) 국내 선물시장에서 증거금이 결제불이행 위험과 유동성에 미치는 영향
김홍배(동서대) JLT 리스크 프리미엄을 이용한 부도확률 결정
김계홍(한국주택금융공사 이슬람 주식의 포트폴리오 편입

▶ 제4분과 : 국제재무 1 (311호)

  • 사회자 : 권택호(충남대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
배성철(Bowling Green State Univ.)
백 강(한밭대) The Determinants of Foreign Currency Debt Financing: Evidence from Korea
Lingxia Sun(고려대)
김봉준(경상대) Country-Specific Growth Opportunities, within-country Heterogeneity, and the Role of Financial Globalization
배성철(Bowling Green State Univ.)*
이동욱(고려대) Related Party Transactions with Foreign Affiliates: New Evidence on Determinants and Firm Value

▶ 제5분과 : 연기금 1 (312호)

  • 사회자 : 안희준(성균관대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
손경우(국민연금연구원) How Should Individuals Make a Retirement Plan in the Presence of Mortality Risks and Consumption Constraints?
강대일(국민연금연구원) 운용성과에 대한 자산배분의 상대적 중요성에 대한 연구 -한국, 미국, 영국, 호주 사례의 비교분석-
홍민구(건국대) 국내 주식시장의 새로운 대안 인덱스 도입 연구 -스마트 베타를 중심으로

▶ 제6분과 : 박사과정 컨소시엄 1 (313호)

  • 사회자 : 윤정선(국민대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김우성(건국대) Liquidity Risk, Bank Competition, and Financial Stability
이현철(조선대) The Effect of Government Hybrid Funds on IPO Underpricing: Evidence from Venture-Backed Initial Public Offerings in Korea
정찬식(동아대) Why Lucrative Firms do not Pay Dividends?

▶ 제7분과 : 기업재무 2 (201호)

  • 사회자 : 강장구(KAIST)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
정찬식(동아대) 임원과 기술직원에 대한 스톡옵션 부여가 중국 기업 생산성과 기업가치에 미치는 영향
Tan Jin(경북대)*
김누리(한양대) The Causes and Effects of Post-IPO Underperformance in China
김정심(성균관대) 배당정책과 현금흐름의 지속성

▶ 제8분과 : 투자론 3 (202호)

  • 사회자 : 신진영(연세대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
Jung Chul Park

◆ 국제컨퍼런스(2015년도 제4차 정기학술발표회)The 10th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM 2015)

  • - 일시 : 2015. 12. 5(토)
  • - 장소 : 조선호텔(서울 소공동)
  • - 발표논문 : 43편

▶ Session 1:Asset Pricing Theory

  • Chair : Jinwoo Park (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Title Author Discussant
Skewness vs. Kurtosis: Implications for Pricing and Hedging Options Sol Kim (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies) Yuen Jung Park (Hallym Univ.)
How Annuity Demand is Affected by Insurer Default Risk Bong-Gyu Jang (POSTECH)
Hyeng Keun Koo (Ajou Univ.)
Seyoung Park (POSTECH)
Sojung Park (Seoul National Univ.)
The TIPS Puzzle: Evidence from Korea Jangkoo Kang (KAIST)
Soonhee Lee (KAIST)
Baeho Kim (Korea Univ.)
Comparing Nested Predictive Regression Models with Persistent Predictors Yan Ge (Central Univ. of Finance and Economics)
Tae-Hwy Lee (Univ. of California, Riverside)
Michael W. McCracken (Federal Reserve Bank)
Hee Soo Lee (Yonsei Univ.)

▶ Session 2:Banking

  • Chair : J. B. (Jong-Bom)
    Chay (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Heterogeneous Bank Lending, Gross Loan Flows, and the Macroeconomy Junghwan Hyun (Hiroshima Univ.) Ha-Chin Yi (Texas State Univ.)
Market Power and Detrimental Effects of Competition:
Evidence from the Taiwanese Banking Industry
Charles Chang (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.)
Paul Moon Sub Choi (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Seth H. Huang (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Hyung-Suk Choi (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Systemic Leverage and Homogeneity: Assessing Multifaceted Amplifying Mechanism of Systemic Risk Myeong Hyeon Kim (Korea Univ.)
Baeho Kim (Korea Univ.)
Daejin Kim (UNIST)
Will Basel Ⅲ Liquidity Measures Affect Bank's Funding Costs and Financial Performance?:
Evidence from U.S. Commercial Banks
Muhammad Saifuddin Khan (Univ. of Technology Sydney)
Harald Scheule (Univ. of Technology Sydney)
Eliza Wu (Univ. of Technology Sydney)
Bum Kim (Soongsil Univ.)

▶ Session 3:Corporate Finance

  • Chair : Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Do Private Firms Perform Better than Public Firms Serkan Akguc (Temple Univ.)
Jongmoo Jay Choi (Temple Univ.)
Suk-Joong Kim (The Univ. of Sydney)
Xiaoran Huang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Spillover Effects within Business Groups: The Case of Korean Chaebols Denis Yongmin Joe (KAIST)
Frederick Dongchuhl Oh (KAIST)
Yujing Ma (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Dynamic Capital Structure of Value and Growth Firms Jaehoon Lee (Yonsei Univ.) Sung Won Seo (Ajou Univ.)
Earnings Management and Bank Loan Contracting Young Sang Kim (Northern Kentucky Univ.)
Yura Kim (Univ. of Seoul)
Ha-Chin Yi (Texas State Univ.)
T. Mandy Tham (Nanyang Technological Univ.)

▶ Session 4:Empirical Asset Pricing

  • Chair : Dongcheol Kim (Korea Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Why Has the Size Premium Disappeared? Dong-Hyun Ahn (Seoul National Univ.)
Byoung-Kyu Min (The Univ. of Sydney)
Bohyun Yoon (Kangwon National Univ.)
Tae-Hwy Lee (Univ. of California, Riverside)
Limits of Arbitrage and Tax Expense Momentum Hyoung-Goo Kang (Hanyang Univ.)
Young Jun Kim (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Yongoh Roh (Seoul National Univ.)
Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Transitory Price, Resiliency and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns Jinyong Kim (KAIST)
Yongsik Kim (KAIST)
Soosung Hwang (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Investor Sentiment, Anomalies, and the Macroeconomy Dongcheol Kim (Korea Univ.)
Haejung Na (Korea Univ.)
George J. Jiang (Washington State Univ.)

▶ Session 5:CEO&Board of Directors

  • Chair : Chang-Soo Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Does Board Diversity Affect Corporate Dividend Policy? Soku Byoun (Baylor Univ.)
Kiyoung Chang (Univ. of South Florida)
Young Sang Kim (Northern Kentucky Univ.)
Joonghyuk Kim (Korea Univ.)
Are Overconfident CEOs Good Leaders? Evidence from Stakeholder Commitments J. Kenny Phua (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
T. Mandy Tham (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Chishen Wei (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Taekyu Kim (Hallym Univ.)
Market-Based Executive Compensation under Asymmetric Information Guangsug Hahn (POSTECH)
Joon Yeop Kwon (POSTECH)
Junghoon Seon (Konkuk Univ.)

▶ Session 6:Corporate Governance

  • Chair : Jaeuk Khil (Hanyang Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Public vs. Private Firms: Easy Money Flows to Easy Investments Heejung Choi (Korea Univ.)
Jungwon Suh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Denis Yongmin Joe (KAIST)
The Effect of Corporate Governance on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) : Evidence from the Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) Pandej Chintrakarn (Mahidol Univ. International College)
Pornsit Jiraporn (Pennsylvania State Univ.)
Jang-Chul Kim (Northern Kentucky Univ.)
Young Sang Kim (Northern Kentucky Univ.)
Eun Jung Lee (Hanyang Univ.)
Sensitivities of Corporate Investment and Financing Decisions to the Implied Cost of Capital Soku Byoun (Baylor Univ.)
David Ng (Cornell Univ.)
Kai Wu (Cornell Univ.)
Jaehoon Han (Yonsei Univ.)

▶ Session 7:Financial Institutions

  • Chair : Inmoo Lee (KAIST)
Title Author Discussant
The Invisible Hand of Internal Markets in Mutual Fund Families Luis Goncalves-Pinto (National Univ. of Singapore)
Juan Sotes-Paladino (Univ. of Melbourne)
Hugh Hoikwang Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
The More Connected, the Better?: New Evidence of Connectedness’ Impact on Volatility and Price Discovery Focused on the Korean Financial Sector Deokjong Jeong (KAIST)
Sunyoung Park (KAIST)
Young Kyu Park (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Social Networks in the Global Banking Sector Joel F. Houston (Univ. of Florida)
Jongsub Lee (Univ. of Florida)
Felix Suntheim (Financial Conduct Authority)
Jhin Young Shin (Yonsei Univ.)

▶ Session 8:Corporate FinanceⅡ

  • Chair : Hee-Joon Ahn (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Human Capital Driven Acquisition: Evidence from the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine Huasheng Gao (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Yujing Ma (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Youngjoo Lee (Sogang Univ.)
Institutional Investment Horizons and Corporate Innovation Hyun-Dong Kim (KAIST)
Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)
Paul Moon Sub Choi (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Geographic Concentration of Institutions, Corporate Governance, and Firm Value Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Xiaoran Huang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Jungwon Suh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)

▶ Session 9: Behavioral Finance

  • Chair : Beom-Sik Jang (Soongsil Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
A Smiling Bear in the Equity Options Market and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns Hye Hyun Park (Korea Univ.)
Baeho Kim (Korea Univ.)
Hyeongsop Shim (UNIST)
Keehwan Park (Kookmin Univ.)
The Brilliant Mind of Investors Kristjan Liivamägi (Tallinn Univ. of Technology)
Tõnn Talpsepp (Tallinn Univ. of Technology)
Tarvo Vaarmets (Tallinn Univ. of Technology)
Byoung-Kyu Min (The Univ. of Sydney)
Local Twitter Activity and Stock Returns Bok Baik (Seoul National Univ.)
Qing Cao (Texas Tech Univ.)
Sunhwa Choi (Lancaster Univ.)
Jin-Mo Kim (Rutgers Univ.)
Young Sang Kim (Northern Kentucky Univ.)
Overconfidence in Cross-Sectional Asset Returns Soosung Hwang (Sungkyunkwan Univ.) Haejung Na (Korea Univ.)

▶ Session 10:Investment

  • Chair : Hyuk Choe (Seoul National Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Does Macro-News Help to Interpret Micro-News? Evidence from Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift Linda H. Chen (Washington State Univ.)
George J. Jiang (Washington State Univ.)
Kevin X. Zhu (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Yongsik Kim (KAIST)
The Effect of Option Transaction Costs on Informed Trading in the Option Market around Earnings Announcements Suresh Govindaraj (Rutgers Univ.)
Yubin Li (Rutgers Univ.)
Chen Zhao (Rutgers Univ.)
Sol Kim (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Closing Price Manipulation in Call Auctions: Evidence from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Wing Suen (Univ. of Hong Kong)
Kam-Ming Wan (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Tõnn Talpsepp (Tallinn Univ. of Technology)
Information Discovery by Analysts Naveen Daniel (Drexel Univ.)
Sang Mook Lee (Penn State Univ.)
Lalitha Naveen (Temple Univ.)
Andy Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)

▶ Session 11:International Finance

  • Chair : Sung C. Bae (Bowling Green State Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Profitability of Trades from Tax Havens: Stock Picking Ability or Insider Information? Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Cheol-Won Yang (Dankook Univ.)
Suk-Joong Kim (The Univ. of Sydney)
Bidders, Rivals, and Wealth Creation of the Banking Market Consolidation Process in the Asia-Pacific Region Sascha Kolaric (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Dirk Schiereck (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Jeongsun Yun (Kookmin Univ.)
Foreign Currency Debt Financing, Firm Value, and Risk: Evidence from Korea Surrounding Global Financial Crisis Sung C. Bae (Bowling Green State Univ.)
Hyeon Sook Kim (Chungnam National Univ.)
Taek Ho Kwon (Chungnam National Univ.)
Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh (Hanyang Univ.)
Corporate Environmental Responsibility and the Cost of Capital: International Evidence Sadok El Ghoul (Univ. of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami (Univ. of South Carolina)
Hakkon Kim (KAIST)
Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)
Hyeongsop Shim (UNIST)

▶ Session 12:Ph.D. Session

  • Chair : Myung-Jig Kim (Hanyang Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Does Product Market Competition Affect Corporate Governance? Evidence from Corporate Takeovers Frederick Dongchuhl Oh (KAIST)
Seunghun Shin (KAIST)
Chune Young Chung (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Political Proximity and U.S Media Sentiment Thomas Ruf (Univ. of New South Wales)
Jun Myung Song (Univ. of New South Wales)
Bohui Zhang (Univ. of New South Wales)
In Huh (Catholic Univ. of Korea)
Impact of Truncation on Model-Free Implied Moment Estimator Geul Lee (Univ. of New South Wales)
Li Yang (Univ. of New South Wales)
Jungmu Kim (Yeungnam Univ.)

◆ 3차 정기학술발표회(경영관련학회 통합학술대회)

  • - 일시 : 2015년 8월 17일(월)~19일(수)
  • - 장소 : 여수 엑스포
  • - 발표 논문 : 18편

▶ 기업재무 1

  • 사회자 : 길재욱(한양대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Tunneling through Intragroup Transactions Evidence from Korean Chaebols 김산월(국민대)*
이지숙 (한국생산성기술연구원)
전철희(Univ. of Macau)
Identifying Empirically Robust Board Characteristics 전철희(Univ. of Macau)*
George D. Cashman (Texas Tech Univ.)
Stuart L. Gillan (Univ. of Georgia)
자금조달 및 운전자본 변동성의 결정요인 : 신용등급의 정보효과 및 확증효과 분석 정병욱(서울시립대)*

▶ 투자론 1

  • 사회자 : 최종범(성균관대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
한국 주식시장의 규모 프리미엄과 자기자본비용의 추정 오세경(건국대)
한국 주식 시장에서의 투자자간 정보의 비대칭 조재범(KAIST)*
최원호 (증권금융연구소)
한국형 헤지펀드 평가모형 도출 및 성과분석 이준서(동국대)* 배광일(전남대)

▶ 투자론 2

  • 사회자 : 박진우(한국외대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
현금배당 공시사건이 주가수익률에 미치는 비대칭적 영향에 관한 연구:
행태재무적 관점에서
주상철 (국민연금연구원)
KOSPI 200 지수변경과 주식수익률의 동조화에 관한 연구구 박순홍(충남대)
임병권 (경제·인문사회연구회)*
연기금의 해외투자시 적정 환헤지 비율 추정 주상철 (국민연금연구원)* 윤선중(동국대)

▶ 기업재무 2

  • 사회자 : 이준서(동국대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
경영자 인센티브 스톡옵션의 민감도와 기업의 위험관리 특성 정성창(전남대)
The Effect of the Directors & Officers Insurance on the Firm Value 배창현(연세대)*
부채가계의 포트폴리오 최원호 (증권금융연구소)* 박래수(숙명여대)

▶ 자본시장

  • 사회자 : 김명직(한양대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
자본시장의 발달과 피인수기업국가의 세계경제성장기여도가 신흥자본시장에서 다국간 인수합병에 미치는 영향 김병진(인하대)*
개인청약률과 IPO 주식의 일시적 과열 김주환(한국외대)*
임병권 (경제·인문사회연구회)
Information Content of Confidence Interval of Diebold-Yilmaz Spillover index 이상헌(한양대)

▶ 금융시장

  • 사회자 : 정병욱(서울시립대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
건강상태가 가계 금융자산 포트폴리오 결정에 미치는 영향 연구 전성주(보험연구원)* 한중호(성균관대)
회사채 등급차이에 관한 연구 박래수(숙명여대)
재무적 제약과 신용등급: BIR을 중심으로 박래수(숙명여대)

◆ 2차 정기학술발표회(재무관리학회,재무학회,증권학회,파생상품학회,한미재무학회 공동)

  • - 일시 : 2015. 5. 29(금)~5. 30(토)
  • - 장소 :KB국민은행 천안연수원
  • - 발표 논문 : 81편

▶ 제1분과 : 기업재무 1

  • 사회자 : 안희준(성균관대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Cash Holdings for Korean Chaebols:
Financial Turmoil and Valuation
김한준(호서대)* 정진영(인하대)
지배구조와 인력구조가 수출기업 성과에 미치는 영향 김미나(경북대)*
김 해(경북대)
김형석 (한국기업지배구조원)
시장경쟁 및 재무제약이 기업의 현금보유에 어떻게 영향을 미치는가?: 이론 및 검증 손판도(동아대)* 정재만(숭실대)

▶ 제2분과 : 투자론 1

  • 사회자 : 노희진(KOSCOM)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Asset Market Equilibrium with Information Acquisition under Ambiguity 한광석(POSTECH)
사전 정보유출이 주가에 미치는 영향 분석:
증자 공시를 대상으로
Lame Duck Presidency and Stock Returns 김영수(Univ.of Regina)*
박정철(Auburn Univ.)
김 범(숭실대)

▶ 제3분과 : 파생상품 1

  • 사회자 : 김인준(서울대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Securitizing Green 신동훈(인하대)*
ELS 발행 및 헤지에 따른 주식시장의 영향과 녹-인 효과 연구 임현철(KB증권)
조 담(전남대)
금 현물시장(gold spot market)의 가격변동위험관리 및 가격발견기능 연구 홍정효(경남대)* 조승현(서울대)

▶ 제4분과 : 연기금 1

  • 사회자 : 길재욱(한양대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
연기금의 채권형 펀드 적정위탁규모와 위탁운용사 수에 관한 연구 박영규(성균관대)
포트폴리오 관리를 위한 펀드지수의 도입과 활용에 관한 연구 정완호(한국리스크관리(주))*
한국형 헤지펀드 성과평가 모형도출 및 성과분석 이준서(동국대)* 최홍석(공군사관학교)

▶ 제5분과 : 금융기관1

  • 사회자 : 황선웅(중앙대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Bank Funding Structure, Market Discipline, and Credit Supply 조성욱(서울대)
기업의 은행차입금이 회사채 발행만기에 미치는 영향 송형상(국민연금연구원)*
김 범(숭실대)
Financial Support Measures for SMEs and Efficiency in OECD Countries 이건희(국민대)*

▶ 제6분과 : 기업재무 2

  • 사회자 : 김병기(충북대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
산업집중도와 기업의 재무적 특성이 종업원보상에 미치는 영향 이명기(경북대)
Product Market Competition and Corporate Investment: Evidence from China Fuxiu Jiang(Renmin Univ.of China)
Bing Zhu(Renmin Univ.of China)
Kenneth A. Kim (State Univ.of New York at Buffalo)
김석희* (Univ.of Detroit Mercy)
Market-Based CEO Compensation with Ambiguity-Averse Traders 한광석(POSTECH)*

▶ 제7분과 : 국제재무

  • 사회자 : 박춘광(동명대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Correlation Spillover Effect over Crises: Evidence from Chinese Sectors Lingxia Sun(고려대)
국제유가와 러시아 금융시장 간 인과관계에 관한 연구 백재승(한국외대)
소유구조가 중국기업의 주식유동성에 미치는 영향 추 원(경북대)*
김 용(경북대)

▶ 제8분과 : 박사과정 컨소시엄 1

  • 사회자 : 변진호(이화여대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Institutional Investment Horizons and Corporate Innovation 김현동(KAIST)*
Investment Horizon of Shareholders and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift 권민경(KAIST)*
Cross-border M&As Involving Emerging Markets 김병진(인하대)*

▶ 제9분과 : 기업재무 3

  • 사회자 : 김석희(Univ.of Detroit Mercy)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Does Corporate Board Diversity Affect Corporate Payout Policy? 변석구(Baylor Univ.)*
장기영 (Univ.of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee)
김영상(Northern Kentucky Univ.)
Foreign Currency Denominated Debt and Dividend Policy 최영목(청주대)*
박근수 (Univ.of Hawaii at Manoa)
Information Asymmetry, Corporate Dividend Policies, and Risky Firms 김선현(인하대)*

▶ 제10분과 : 투자론 2

  • 사회자 : 박경서(고려대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Short-Selling with a Short Wait: Trade- and Account-Level Analyses in Korean Stock Market 이관휘(서울대)
거래비용이 차익거래시장에 미치는 영향: 증권거래세 과세 사례를 중심으로 박종원(서울시립대)
An Intertemporal CAPM with Higher-Order Moments 장지원(KAIST)*

▶ 제11분과 : 투자론 3

  • 사회자 : 최종범(성균관대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Liquidation Shocks and Transaction Costs 장봉규(POSTECH)
코스피 유가증권 시장과 코스닥 시장간의 추정된 거래비용 비교하기 박기봉(한국외대)* 빈기범(명지대)
A Combination Rule for Portfolio Selection with Transaction Costs 서상원(중앙대)* 한광석(POSTECH)

▶ 제12분과 : 파생상품 2

  • 사회자 : 최종연(한양대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Skewness vs. Kurtosis for Pricing and Hedging S&P 500 Options 김 솔(한국외대)* 강병진(숭실대)
코스피 200 지수옵션의 내재변동성 조 담(전남대)* 김수현(숭실대)
국내 주식시장의 날씨효과 분석- 수익률/변동성/거래행태를 중심으로 - 박영규(성균관대)

▶ 제13분과 : 연기금 2

  • 사회자 : 박영규(성균관대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
국민연금의 전략적자산배분시 Shortfall Risk 척도 및 목표수익률 설정방식의 개선방안 연구 오세경(건국대)
미국 공적 연기금 운용사례에 기초한 국내연기금 운용 자산 배분 분석 정진영(인하대)
국민연금기금의 주주행동주의와 시장반응 박영석(서강대)

▶ 제14분과 : 금융공학 1

  • 사회자 : 이장우(부산대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
기업의 성장과 다각화효과 권택호(충남대)* 박래수(숙명여대)
국내은행들의 수익성결정요인분석: 중개기능을 중심으로 윤석헌(숭실대)
김 범(숭실대)
Entrepreneurial Business Plan under Undiversifiable Idiosyncratic Risk 장봉규(POSTECH)
외국인 지분율이 기업의 위험 및 기업가치에 미치는 영향 정찬식(동아대)* 최승두(동의대)

▶ 제15분과 : 이봉수 교수 Memorial

  • 사회자 : 고광수(부산대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Margin Buying as an Individual Investor Sentiment 이봉수(Florida State Univ.)
국민연금기금의 국내주식투자성과와 시점선택능력 길재욱(한양대)
이봉수(Florida State Univ.)
The Effect of Corporate Governance on Post-Reverse Merger Survival 김현동(KAIST)*
이봉수(Florida State Univ.)

2014년도 증권학회 연구비 지원사업 선정 논문

1. 정기 지원사업 부문

  • ▶ Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 우수영문논문: 6편
    1. (1) Size, Value, and Momentum in Emerging Market Stock Returns: Integrated or Segmented Pricing?
    2. (2) Conditional volatility spillover effects across emerging financial markets
    3. (3) Debt and Taxes: Evidence from Foreign vs. Domestic Subsidiaries in an Emerging Market
    4. (4) Foreign Direct Investment, Rule of Law and Corruption
    5. (5) Who Overreacts to Overnight News? Empirical Evidence from the Korean Stock Market
    6. (6) Investor Information Processing and Trading Volume
  • ▶ 에프앤가이드 연구지원 4편
    1. (1) 기관투자자 거래와 IPO 장기성과
    2. (2) 주식공매도가 호재실적공시에 대한 주가지연반응(positive PEAD)에 미치는 영향
    3. (3) 신용등급과 기업의 투자의사결정
    4. (4) 전환사채(CB) 가격 결정요인 분석: 이론적 예측에 대한 실증적 검증
  • ▶ 국제컨퍼런스(CAFM 2014) 우수논문: 9편
    1. (1) Maxing out Globally: MAX-Premium, Uncertainty Avoidance, and the Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns
    2. (2) Excessive Arbitrage Trading by Overconfidence
    3. (3) Systematic Cyclicality of Systemic Bubbles: Evidence from the U.S. Commercial Banking System
    4. (4) Experienced Independent Directors
    5. (5) Slow Diffusion of Information and Price Momentum in Stocks: Evidence from Options Markets
    6. (6) Why do Executives Commit ‘Fraud on the Market’? Executive Overconfidence and Securities Class Actions
    7. (7) Financial Flexibility and Corporate Cash Policy
    8. (8) Does Competition Affect Earnings Management? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
    9. (9) An Intertemporal CAPM with Higher-Order Moments

2. 2014년도 특별연구지원 사업

  • ▶ 지정과제연구
    • · 통합 위험관리 방안 연구
    • · 통합 위험관리 개선 세부 실행방안 연구

◆ 국제컨퍼런스(2013년도 제4차 정기학술발표회)The 8th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets(CAFM 2013)

  • - 일시 : 2013. 12. 7(토)
  • - 장소 : 조선호텔(서울 소공동)
  • - 발표논문 : 47편(아카데미세션 44편, 플리너리세션 3편)

▶ Session 1:Banking

  • Chair : Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Internationalization and Bank Risk Allen N. Berger (Univ. of South Carolina)
Sadok El Ghoul (Univ. of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami (Univ. of South Carolina)
Raluca A. Roman (Univ. of South Carolina)
Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)
Bank Funding Structure and Lending under Liquidity Shocks in Korea Hosung Jung (Bank of Korea)
Dongcheol Kim (Korea Univ.)
Sooyoung Song (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Informational Frictions, Syndicate Structure, and Loan Pricing: New Evidence from International Lending Sung C. Bae (Bowling Green State Univ.)
Byung-Uk Chong (Univ. of Seoul)
Yura Kim (Kookmin Univ.)
Joong Ho Han (KDI School)

▶ Session 2:Capital Markets

  • Chair : Bong Soo Lee (Florida State Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Contagion of Ambiguity: Bond Insurance and Systemic Rating Downgrades Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh (Korea Military Academy) Jongsub Lee (Univ. of Florida)
A Forward-looking Model of the Term Structure of Interest Rates Albert Lee Chun (Copenhagen Business School) Daehwan Kim (Konkuk Univ.)
The Subprime Asset-Backed Securities Market and the Equity Prices of Large Complex Financial Institutions Giovanni Calice (Univ. of Southampton) Baeho Kim (Korea Univ.)

▶ Session 3:Funds

  • Chair : Hyuk Choe (Seoul National Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
The Impact of Idiosyncratic Risk on Mutual Fund Fees Lorenzo Casavecchia (Univ. of Technolog y Sydney)
Hardy Hulley (Univ. of Technology Sydney)
Sun-Joong Yoon (Dongguk Univ.)
Hedge Fund Piggyback Investing Jin-Mo Kim (Rutgers Univ.)
Xin Zhang (Fudan Univ.)
Francis In (Monash Univ.)
Do Sovereign Wealth Funds Stabilize Stock Markets? Francis In (Monash Univ.)
Raphael Jonghyeon Park (Monash Univ)
Philip Inyeob Ji (Monash Univ.)
Bong Soo Lee (Florida State Univ.)
Jin-Mo Kim (Rutgers Univ.)

▶ Session 4:Ph.D. Session

  • Chair : Kee-Hong Bae (York Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Free Lunches for Insiders under Investor Inertia and Limited Arbitrage Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Shu-Feng Wang (Seoul National Univ.)
Inmoo Lee (KAIST)
Environmental Costs and Firm Performance in the Financial Services Sector Hoje Jo (Santa Clara Univ.)
Hakkon Kim (KAIST)
Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)
Kee-Hong Bae (York Univ.)
The Power of Asking Questions: Resolving Financial Market Rumors through Public Inquiries Seongkyu “Gilbert” Park (Univ. of Chicago) Jhin Young Shin (Yonsei Univ.)

▶ Session 5:Corporate Governance

  • Chair : Kyung Suh Park (Korea Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
The Impact of Governance Reform on Board Functioning and Firm Value: Evidence from the Post-SOX Directorial Labor Market Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Jungmin Kim (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Angie Low (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Kasper Meisner Nielsen (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Cash Holdings, Corporate Governance and Acquirer Returns Seoungpil Ahn (Sogang Univ.)
Jaiho Chung (Korea Univ.)
Sadok El Ghoul (Univ. of Alberta)
When Blockholders Leave Feet First: Do Ownership and Control Affect Firm Value? Bang Dang Nguyen (Univ. of Cambridge)
Kasper Meisner Nielsen (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Seoungpil Ahn (Sogang Univ.)
Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance and Corporate Risk-Taking Joon Ho Hwang (Korea Univ.)
Byungmo Kim (Dankook Univ.)
Shinwoo Kang (Hitotsubashi Univ.)

▶ Session 6:Investments

  • Chair : Cheol S. Eun (Georgia Institute of Technology.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
How Important are Foreign Ownership Linkages for International Stock Returns? Sohnke M. Bartram (Warwick Business School)
John Griffin (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Tae-Hoon Lim (Cornell Univ.)
David T. Ng (Cornell Univ.)
Jay M. Chung (Soongsil Univ.)
Herding Among Local Individual Investors Sujung Choi(Ulsan National Institute for Science and Technology) Shu-Feng Wang(Seoul National Univ.)
Culture and R² Cheol S. Eun(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Lingling Wang (Tulane Univ.)
Steven Xiao (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Junesuh Yi(Dongguk Univ.)
Are Foreign Short-Sellers to Blame? Evidence from Daily Short-Selling in Korean Stock Market Kuan-Hui Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
Shu-Feng Wang (Seoul National Univ.)
Tae-Hoon Lim(Cornell Univ.)

▶ Session 7:Corporate Finance

  • Chair : Sun-Wung Hwang (Chung-Ang Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Agency Costs and Equity Mispricing Christos Pantzalis (Univ. of South Florida)
Jung Chul Park (Auburn Univ.)
James L. Park(Korea Univ.)
Equity Issuance, Distress, and Agency Problems: The 20% Rule for Privately Issued Equity James L. Park (Korea Univ.) Hyeongsop Shim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Dividend Catering, Investor Protection, and Sentiment: A Cross-Country Analysis Kihun Kim (State Univ. of New Jersey)
Jinho Byun (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Sung Won Seo (KAIST)
The Value of Corporate Coinsurance to the Shareholders of Diversifying Firms: Evidence from Marginal Tax Rate Hyeongsop Shim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) Jung Chul Park (Auburn Univ.)

▶ Session 8:Derivatives

  • Chair : In Joon Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Lead-Lag Relationship and Informed Trading in the Japanese CDS Market Jinwoo Park (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Kengo Shiroshita (Yamaguchi Univ.)
Naili Sun (Yamaguchi Univ.)
Eun Jung Lee (Hanyang Univ.)
The Relation between Counter-Party Default and Interest Rate Volatility, and Its Impact on Collateralized Interest Rate Swaps Geoffrey R. Harris (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Tao L. Wu (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Jiarui Yang (Factset)
Youngsoo Choi (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Default Probabilities and Interest Expenses of Privately Held Firms Jin-Chuan Duan (National Univ. of Singapore)
Baeho Kim (Korea Univ.)
Changki Kim (Korea Univ.)
Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Donghwa Shin (Princeton Univ.)
Suk-Joong Kim (Univ. of Sydney)
Spillover News Effects from the US, the Eurozone and China in Sovereign CDS Markets Suk-Joong Kim (Univ. of Sydney)
Leith Salem (Univ. of Sydney)
Eliza Wu (Univ. of Technology Sydney)
Jaehoon Hahn (Yonsei Univ.)

▶ Session 9: Asset Pricing

  • Chair : Francis In (Monash Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
CEO Interviews on CNBC Young Han Kim (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Felix Meschke (Univ. of Kansas)
Martin J. Dierker (KAIST)
Maximum Drawdown and Asset Pricing Daehwan Kim (Konkuk Univ.) Dong Wook Lee (Korea Univ.)
Explaining the Volatility Surface: A Closed-Form Solution to Option Pricing in a Fractional Jump-Diffusion Market Stefan Rostek (Univ. of Tubingen) Changki Kim (Korea Univ.)
Is Mispricing in Asset Prices due to the Inflation Illusion? Bong Soo Lee (Florida State Univ.) Jaewon Choi (Univ. of Illinois)

▶ Session 10:Capital Structure

  • Chair : Myung-Jig Kim (Hanyang Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Family Firms, Antitakeover Provisions, and Costs of Bank Financing Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Jungmin Kim (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Hyun Seung Na (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Do Firms Adjust Capital Structures to Manage Risk? Martin J. Dierker (KAIST)
Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Inmoo Lee (KAIST)
Sung Won Seo (KAIST)
S. Katie Moon (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)
Outsourcing Supply Contracts, Human Capital and Firm Financing Decisions S. Katie Moon (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)
Gordon Phillips (Univ. of Southern California)
Ji-Woong Chung (Korea Univ.)
Control beyond Ownership: Subcontractors of Large Business Groups Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Jongsub Lee (Univ. of Florida)
Yunxiao Liu (Korea Univ.)
Hyun Seung Na (City Univ. of Hong Kong)

▶ Corporate Finance Ⅱ

  • Chair : J. B. Chay (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
What Drives Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity around the World? Fariborz Moshirian (The Univ. of New South Wales)
Vikram Nanda (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Alexander Vadilyev (The Univ. of New South Wales)
Bohui Zhang (The Univ. of New South Wales)
Jungmin Kim (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Competition, Capital Market Feedback, and Earnings Management: Evidence from Economic Deregulation Jongsub Lee (Univ. of Florida)
Xiaoding Liu (Univ. of Oregon)
Jin Q. Jeon (Dongguk Univ.)
Multiple Lead Underwriter IPOs and Firm Visibility Jin Q. Jeon (Dongguk Univ.)
Cheolwoo Lee (Ferris State Univ.)
Tareque Nasser (Kansas State Univ.)
M. Tony Via (Univ. of Alabama)
Y. Han (Andy)
Kim (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
The Impact of Media on Corporate Social Responsibility Jingoo Kang (Korea Univ.)
Y. Han (Andy)
Kim (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Jongsub Lee (Univ. of Florida)

▶ Session 12:Investors Trading

  • Chair : Dongcheol Kim (Korea Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Did Liquidity Providers Become Liquidity Seekers? Jaewon Choi (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Or Shachar (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Changfeng Ma (Zhejiang Gongshang Univ.)
Short-sale Constraints, Price Efficiency, and Investor Trading William T. Lin (Tamkang Univ.)
Shih-Chuan Tsai (National Taiwan Normal Univ.)
Pei-Yau Lung (Tamkang Univ.)
Hassan Naqvi (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Individual Investor Trading around Earnings Announcements: Noise or Information? Evidence from an Emerging Market Zhijuan Chen (Zhejiang Gongshang Univ.)
William T. Lin (Tamkang Univ.)
Changfeng Ma (Zhejiang Gongshang Univ.)
Doojin Ryu (Chung-Ang Univ.)
The Role of Trading Volume in the “Volatility Puzzle” Dong Wook Lee (Korea Univ.) Pei-Yau Lung (Tamkang Univ.)

▶ Plenary Session : “Regulatory Issues in Asian Capital Market”

- Moderator : Jaehoon Yoo (Chairman and CEO, Korea Securities Depository)

논 제 토론자
Why Do More Asian Firms Now Issue Onshore? Lessons for Capital Market Development Eli Remolona (Chief Representative, BIS Hong Kong)
Provision of Risk Capital through Hometown Investment Trust Fund and Basel Capital Requirement Naoyuki Yoshino (Director of Financial Institute, Financial Services Agency, Japan Prof. of Economics, Keio Univ.)
Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking Bonghan Kim (Head of Financial Investment Supervision Department, Financial Supervisory Service)

◆ 3차 정기학술발표회(경영관련학회 통합학술대회)

  • - 일시 :2013년 8월 19일(월)~21일(수)
  • - 장소 :강원도 정선 하이원리조트
  • - 발표 논문 : 18편

▶ 자본시장 I

- 사회자 :: 연강흠(연세대)

논 제 발표자 토론자
A Study on Information Contents in the Volatility Spread in KOSPI Market 남건우(한양대)
고빈도거래에 대한 스펙트럼 분석 조중리(아주대)
Shorting costs and asymmetry in mispricing 강장구(KAIST)

▶ 투자론

- 사회자 :: 박진우(한국외대)

논 제 발표자 토론자
투자주의환기종목 지정 및 히든챔피언 선정이 주가와 매매패턴에 미치는 영향 김학겸(한국거래소)
Robust Survival and Equilibrium in Incomplete Markets 한광석(포항공대)
국고채시장의 시장조성 활동이 가격발견기능과 유동성에 미치는 영향 안희준(성균관대)

▶ 자본시장Ⅱ

- 사회자 :: 김명직(한양대)

논 제 발표자 토론자
한국주식시장의 고유변동성 퍼즐에 대한 연구 엄철준(부산대)
차익거래 비대칭이 고유변동성 퍼즐에 미치는 영향 박래수(숙명여대)
한국주식시장의 규모효과에 대한 재검증 엄철준(부산대)

▶ 기업재무 I

- 사회자 :: 김창수(연세대)

논 제 발표자 토론자
기업지배구조가 투자기회와 배당정책의 관계에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 패널자료회귀모형과 내생적 전환회귀 모형을 응용하여 김동욱(부산경제진흥원)
Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Governance Around the World 조호제(Santa Clara Univ)
송문현(San Diego State Univ)
Albert Tsang(Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
기업인수목적회사(SPAC) 제도 도입의 효과 이호선(부산가톨릭대) 전영환(경남개발공사)

▶ 자본시장 III

- 사회자 :: 길재욱(한양대)

논 제 발표자 토론자
한국주식시장 개인, 기관, 외국인의 주문선택행동 분석 윤선흠(서울대)
교차 상장기업의 변동성 전이: 한국기업의 경우 최완수(평택대) 서정원(성균관대)
확률 할인 요인(SDF)과 (무)조건부 CAPM 한상일(한국기술교육대)

▶ 기업재무 II

- 사회자 :: 오세경(건국대)

논 제 발표자 토론자
대규모기업집단과 중견기업집단의 계열사간 거래 비교연구와 규제정책의 실효성 평가 이윤아(연세대)
Informed trading before positive vs. negative earnings surprises 박태준(성균관대)
Different Motives and Different Market Reactions to Convertible Bonds and Bonds with Warrants Issuance in Korea 오세경(건국대)

◆ 2차 정기학술발표회(재무관리학회,재무학회,증권학회,파생상품학회,한미재무학회 공동)

  • - 일시 : 2013. 5. 31(금)~6. 1(토)
  • - 장소 :KB국민은행 천안연수원
  • - 발표 논문 : 85편

▶ 제1분과 : 기업재무 1

  • 좌장 : 박종원(서울시립대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
외국인투자자의 투자기간과 기업의 투자-현금흐름 민감도 김성민(한양대)
Control Beyond Ownership: Subcontractors of Large Business Groups 김우진(서울대)
이종섭(Univ. of Florida)
Yunxiao Liu(고려대)
배기홍(York Univ.)
Free Lunches for Insiders under Investor Inertia and Limited Arbitrage 김우진(서울대)
김 범(숭실대)

▶ 제2분과 : 투자론 1

  • 좌장 : 이해영(강남대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
지정가주문의 옵션가치평가와 정보내용 이우백(한국방송통신대) 윤선흠(서울대)
외국인 주문불균형의 단기 수익률예측력 윤선흠(서울대)
KRX 단일가매매 임의종료방식(Random-End) 메커니즘의 가격안정화 및 가격발견 효과 박종호(국립순천대)

▶ 제3분과 : 파생/위험관리 1

  • 좌장 : 최종연(한양대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Default Probabilities and Interest Expenses of Privately Held Firms Jin-Chuan Duan(National Univ. of Singapore)
신동화(Princeton Univ.)
Covered Interest Parity Deviation and Counterparty Default Risk: US Dollar/Korean Won FX Swap Market 최한복(우리투자증권)
Fast Swaption Pricing in Gaussian Term Structure Model 최재혁(MIT)

▶ 제4분과 : 투자론 2

  • 좌장 : 황선웅(중앙대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Which Anomalies are more Popular? And Why? Byoung-Hyoun Hwang (Purdue Univ.)
Baixiao Liu(Purdue Univ.)
Measurement and Management of Exchange Rate Exposure: New Approach and Evidence Sung C. Bae(Bowling Green State Univ.)
Taek Ho Kwon(Chungnam National Univ.)
Rae Soo Park(Sookmyung Women’s Univ.)
Byoung-Hyoun Hwang (Purdue Univ.)
베이지안 알파와 뮤추얼 펀드의 현금 유출입: 펀드 투자자의 위험 선호 행동과 디스포지션 효과 하연정(부산대)

▶ 제5분과 : 연기금

  • 좌장 : 김병기(충북대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Net Contribution, Liquidity, and Optimal Pension Management 최창희(케이웨더주식회사)
Behaviors of Interested Parties and Guarantee Option Costs of Variable Insurance Funds 김융희(고려대)
New Liquidity Risk in a Multi-period Investment Horizon 김순호(국민연금연구원) 조중리(아주대)

▶ 박사과정 컨소시엄 1

  • 좌장 : 엄영호(연세대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Environmental Costs and Performance in the Financial Services Industries: Evidence around the World 김학건(KAIST)
개인투자자의 거래불균형과 기관투자자의 종목집중현상 김범(숭실대)

▶ 제6분과 : 금융공학

  • 좌장 : 남수현(동의대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
기업의 현금흐름이 현금보유에 미치는 비대칭적 영향 신민식(경북대)
KOSPI200 상장지수 펀드의 정보효율성에 관한 비교연구 박종해(경남과학기술대)
The Impact of Sudden Changes on Volatility Spillover Effect in Japanese Financial Markets 윤성민(부산대)
노동자와의 단체교섭 시 자본구조의 역할 손판도(동아대) 변영태(경성대)

▶ 제7분과 : 한국FP학회 1

  • 좌장 : 주소현(이화여대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Financial Knowledge and High Cost Borrowing Martin Seay(Kansas State Univ.)
Cliff Robb(Kansas State Univ.)
Workaholism and Well-Being Sonya L. Britt(Kansas State Univ.)
Jaime M. Blue(Kansas State Univ.)
Sarah Asebedo(Kansas State Univ.)
애널리스트의 목표주가 설정에서 나타나는 준거점 효과(Anchoring Effect) 이승희(한국FPSB)

▶ 제8분과 : 기업재무 2

  • 좌장 : 김대식(한양대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
IPO 저가 발행의 저주: 공모주 상장 초기 주가행태 분석 곽노걸(한양대)
신규상장기업의 배당정책 김진산(경북대)
Further Investigations on the Financial Attributes of the Firms Listed in the KOSDAQ Stock Market 김한준(호서대) 정현재(서강대)

▶ 제9분과 : 기업재무 3

  • 좌장 : 박성태(원광대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
CEO 및 지배주주의 터널링 행위에 관한 실험 연구 이재현(숭실대)
When Shareholder Approval Matters: 20 Percent Rule for Privately Issued Equity 박진관(고려대) 이교임(서울대)

▶ 제10분과 : 투자론 3

  • 좌장 : 오세경(건국대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
펀드매니저의 성과를 결정하는 매니저 특성은 무엇인가?: 펀드매니저의 학력, 전공, 경력 등과 운용성과와의 관계 연구 박영규(성균관대)
주효근(KG 제로인)
Who Destabilizes the Korean Stock Market in the 2008 Global Financial Crisis? 양철원(단국대) 배성철(Bowling Green State Univ.)
상장폐지와 정보비대칭 박진우(한국외대)

▶ 제11분과 : 투자론 4

  • 좌장 : 이봉수(Florida State Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
High Frequency Trading in the Korean Index Futures Market 이은정(한양대) 빈기범(명지대)
Investor Misvaluation, Signaling, and Takeovers: Evidence from Closed-End Fund Discounts 최수정(울산과학기술대) 심명화(KAIST)
개인투자자의 투자심리와 주식수익률 강장구(KAIST)
최수정 (울산과학기술대)

▶ 제12분과 : 투자론 5

  • 좌장 : 배기홍(York Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
The Costs of ETF Membership: The Valuation Effect of ETFs on Underlying Firms Kee-Hong Bae(York Univ.)
Jun-Koo Kang(Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Jin Wang(Wilfrid Laurier Univ.)
Global Financial Crisis and Stock Market Integration: The Case of Northeast Asia and Europe 정진호(고려대)
Low-High Basis Factor in the Commodity Futures Market 김대환(건국대) 김규형(중앙대)

▶ 제13분과 : 금융기관

  • 좌장 : 변석구(Baylor Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
단위신협의 부실위험에 관한 연구 권일숙(숙명여대)
Non-Core Bank Liabilities and Financial Vulnerability 함준호(연세대)
신현송(Princeton Univ.)
은행 외화차입과 주식시장 및 외환시장의 변동성에 관한 연구 - 장외파생상품과의 관계를 중심으로 - 장범식(숭실대)

▶ 제14분과 : 파생/위험관리 2

  • 좌장 : 최 혁(서울대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Does the Korean Cash and Futures Market React Differently to U.S. Shocks? 조담(전남대)
가격발견지수(PDI)의 제안과 가격발견요인에 관한 연구 백재승(한국외대)
시스템리스크 관리를 위한 금융감독기구와 한국은행 간 거시건전성정책 협력 김진호(이화여대) 김우찬(고려대)

◆ 제4차 정기학술발표회 (국제컨퍼런스)The 7th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets(CAFM 2012)

  • - 일시 : 2012. 12. 8(토)
  • - 장소 : 조선호텔(서울 소공동)
  • - 발표논문 : 43편

▶ Session 1 : Corporate Governance

  • Chair : Jun-Koo Kang(Nanyang Technological Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Are Institutional Investors with Multiple Blockholdings Effective Monitors? Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Juan Luo (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Hyun Seung Na (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
Omrane Guedhami (Univ. of South Carolina)
Congruence within the Top Management: How “Old Boy Network” Affects Executive Appointment and Performance Daemin Ahn (Korea Univ.)
Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Eun Jung Lee (Hanyang Univ.)
Kyung Suh Park (Korea Univ.)
Hyun Seung Na (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
Does Corporate Governance Affect Earnings Management? Evidence from an Exogenous Shock to Governance in Korea Julia Nasev (Univ. of Cologne)
Bernard Black (Northwestern Univ.)
Woochan Kim (Korea Univ.)
Martin Dierker (KAIST)
Does Competition Enhance Independent Director Productivity? Shinwoo Kang (Univ. of Michigan)
E. Han Kim (Univ. of Michigan)
Yao Lu (Tsinghua Univ.)
Woochan Kim (Korea Univ.)

▶ Session 2 : Banking

  • Chair : Beom-Sik Jang (Soongsil Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Sovereign Credit Risk, Banks’ Government Support, and Bank Stock Returns around the World Ricardo Correa (Federal Reserve Board)
Kuan-Hui Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
Horacio Sapriza (Federal Reserve Board)
Gustavo Suarez (Federal Reserve Board)
Olfa Maalaoui Chun (KAIST)
Testing for Competition in the South Korean and Chinese Commercial Banking Markets Kang H. Park (Missouri State Univ.) Sunghwan Kim (Kyungpook National Univ.)
Too Many To Fail: The Effect of Regulatory Forbearance on Market Discipline Wook Sohn (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)
Hyosoon Choi (Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation)
Sun Eae Chun (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Collectivism and Corruption in Bank Lending Xiaolan Zheng (Univ. of South Carolina)
Sadok El Ghoul (Univ. of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami (Univ. of South Carolina)
Chuck C.Y. Kwok (Univ. of South Carolina)
Wook Sohn (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)

▶ Session 3 : Funds

  • Chair : Yong-Cheol Kim (Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Modelling and Forecasting Failure of Hedge Funds and Funds-of-Hedge Funds Hee Soo Lee (Yonsei Univ.)
Maxwell Stevenson (Univ. of Sydney)
Juan Yao (Univ. of Sydney)
Junesuh Yi (Dongguk Univ.)
The Costs of ETF Membership: Valuation Effect of ETFs on Underlying Firms Kee-Hong Bae (York Univ.)
Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Jin Wang (Wilfrid Laurier Univ.)
Jae Hyun Lee (Soongsil Univ.)
Performance Persistence and Flow Restrictions in Hedge Funds Kee-Hong Bae (York Univ.)
Junesuh Yi (Dongguk Univ.)
Jee Hyun Kim (Hallym Univ.)
Competition of Socially Responsible and Conventional Mutual Funds and its Impact on Fund Performance Martin Kim (Monash Univ.)
Francis In (Monash Univ.)
Sangbae Kim (Kyungpook National Univ.)
Tong Suk Kim (KAIST)
Jungsoon Shin (Ewha Womans Univ.)

▶ Session 4 : Derivatives

  • Chair : Sang Bin Lee (Hanyang Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Can Derivatives Information Predict Stock Price Jumps? Noe-Keol Kwark (Hanyang Univ.)
Sang-Gyung Jun (Hanyang Univ.)
Hyoung-Goo Kang (Hanyang Univ.)
Sol Kim (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
A Unified Model: Arbitrage-free Term Structure Movements of Flow Risks Thomas S. Y. Ho (Thomas Ho Co., Ltd.)
Sang Bin Lee (Hanyang Univ.)
Kwangil Bae (Chonnam National Univ.)
Asymmetric Sneers & Forecasting Implied Volatility within an Ad Hoc Black-Scholes Framework Youngsoo Choi (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Steven J. Jordan (Econometric Solutions)
Wonchang Lee (Hi Investment & Securities Co., Ltd.)
Hyoung-goo Kang (Hanyang Univ.)
Roll-Over Parameters and Option Pricing Sol Kim (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies) Youngsoo Choi (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)

▶ Session 5 : Ph.D. Session

  • Chair : Sun-Wung Hwang (Chung-Ang Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Improving the Predictability of Stock Market Returns with the Growth of Options Open Interest Suk Joon Byun (KAIST)
Jun Sik Kim (KAIST)
Hyo Seob Lee (Korea Capital Market Institute)
Does Competition Affect the Role of Banks as Liquidity Providers? Sung Wook Joh (Seoul National Univ.)
Jeongsim Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Yuenjung Park (KAIST)
Business Cycle and Credit Risk Modeling with Jump Risks Bong-Gyu Jang (POSTECH)
Yuna Rhee (POSTECH)
Ji Hee Yoon (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
Gyoocheol Shim (Ajou Univ.)

▶ Session 6 : Credit Ratings

  • Chair : In Joon Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Systematic Risk and Credit Ratings Daniel Rosch (Leibniz Univ. of Hannover)
Harald Scheule (Univ. of Technology, Sydney)
Tao Wang (National Univ. of Singapore)
Can Reputation Concerns always Discipline Credit Rating Agencies? Evidence from Corporate bond Issuance Ratings Tao Wang (National Univ. of Singapore) Harald Scheule (Univ. of Technology, Sydney)
Credit Rating Changes and Earnings Management Young S. Kim (Northern Kentucky Univ.)
Yura Kim (Kookmin Univ.)
Kyojik “Roy” Song (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Soku Byoun (Baylor Univ.)

▶ Session 7 : Investments

  • Chair : Dongcheol Kim (Korea Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Investor Sentiment from Internet Message Postings and Predictability of Stock Returns Dongcheol Kim (Korea Univ.)
Soon-Ho Kim (Korea Univ.)
Jae Joon Han (Inha Univ.)
Momentum and Investor Sentiment: Evidence from Asian Stock Markets Shangkari V. Anusakumar (Univ. Sains Malaysia)
Ruhani Ali (Univ. Sains Malaysia)
Hooy Chee Wooi (Univ. Sains Malaysia)
Cheol-Won Yang (Dankook Univ.)
Time-Varying Expected Momentum Profits Dongcheol Kim (Korea Univ.)
Tai-Young Roh (KAIST)
Byoung-Kyu Min (Univ. of Neuchatel)
Suk-Joon Byun (KAIST)
Hyoung-Jin Park (Seoul Women’s Univ.)

▶ Session 8 : International Finance

  • Chair : Hyuk Choe (Seoul National Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
The Efficiency of the Information Processing in the Australian Dollar Market: Price Discovery following Scheduled and Unscheduled News Lawrence Daniel (Univ. of Sydney)
Suk-Joong Kim (Univ. of Sydney)
Michael D. McKenzie (Cambridge Univ.)
Jin-Wan Cho (Korea Univ.)
Flight-to-Quality and Correlation between Currency and Stock Returns Jin-Wan Cho (Korea Univ.)
Joung Hwa Choi (Seoul National Univ.)
Taeyong Kim (Morningstar Associates Korea)
Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Vidhan K. Goyal (Hong Kong Univ.of Science and Technology)
Price Spillover and Dynamic Correlation in the Shanghai A- and B- share Stock Markets: Evidence from the B-share’s Opening to Chinese Citizens Jung-Lieh Hsiao (National Taipei Univ.)
Teng-Tsai Tu (National Taipei Univ.)
Paul M.S. Choi (Ewha Womans Univ.)

▶ Session 9 : Managerial Incentives

  • Chair : J. B. Chay (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Does Engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility Provide Insurance-like Effects? Yung-Ming Shiu (National Chengchi Univ.)
Shou-Lin Yang (National Cheng Kung Univ.)
Jon Jungbien Moon (Korea Univ.)
Provision of Management Incentives in Bankrupt Firms Vidhan K. Goyal (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Wei Wang (Queen’s Univ.)
Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Founding-Family Firm and Top Executive Option Portfolio Sensitivities Mieszko Mazur (IESEG School of Managemant)
Betty (H.T.)
Wu (Yonsei Univ.)
Ji-Woong Chung (Korea Univ.)
Why Do Some Firms Go Debt-Free? Soku Byoun (Baylor Univ.)
William T. Moore (Univ. of South Carolina)
Zhaoxia Xu (Polytechnic Institute of New York Univ.)
James L. Park (Korea Univ.)

▶ Session 10 : Asset Pricing

  • Chair : Bong Soo Lee (Florida State Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
An Analysis of Stock Returns and Aggregate Earnings Yunhao Chen (Florida International Univ.)
Xiaoquan Jiang (Florida International Univ.)
Bong Soo Lee (Florida State Univ.)
Jay M. Chung (Soongsil Univ.)
Time Variations in Expected Illiquidity Premium Jeewon Jang (KAIST)
Jangkoo Kang (KAIST)
Changjun Lee (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Yunsung Eom (Hansung Univ.)
The Role of Structural Uncertainty in Asset Returns Young Il Kim (KDI) Woonwook Jang (Yonsei Univ.)
The Volatility of Firm’s Assets and the Leverage Effect Jaewon Choi (Univ. of Illinois)
Matthew Richardson (New York Univ. and NBER)
Young Il Kim (KDI)

▶ Session 11 : M&A

  • Chair : E. Han Kim (Univ. of Michigan)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Positive Feedback Trading, Short Sale Constraint, and IPO Underpricing: Theory and Empirical Evidence Ming Guo (Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.) Joon Ho Hwang (Korea Univ.)
Weak Firms follow Strong Firms in Hot IPO Markets Kiyoung Chang (Univ. of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee)
Yong-Cheol Kim (Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Hyeongsop Shim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Jungwon Suh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Liquidity and Returns to Target Shareholders in the Market for Corporate Control Kaun Y. Lee (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Kee H. Chung (State Univ. of New York at Buffalo)
Kuan-Hui Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
Do Banks Monitor Corporate Decisions? Evidence from Bank Financing of Mergers and Acquisitions Sheng Huang (Singapore Management Univ.)
Ruichang Lu (National Univ. of Singapore)
Anand Srinivasan (National Univ. of Singapore)
Jaewon Choi (Univ. of Illinois)

▶ Session 12 : Trading

  • Chair : Sang Lyong Joo (Hongik Univ.)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Public News Arrival and Cross-Asset Correlation Breakdown: Implications for Algorithmic Trading Kin-Yip Ho (Australian National Univ.)
Wai-Man (Raymond)
Liu (Australian National Univ.)
Jing Yu (The Univ. of Western Australia)
Kyong Shik Eom (Univ. of Seoul)
Trading Responses to Analyst Reports by Investor Types: A Study of Korea’s Unique Data Set Kyung Soon Kim (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Yun Woo Park (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Jin Woo Park (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Kin-Yip Ho (Australian National Univ.)
The Effect of a Listing Switch from a New Market to a Main Board: Market Macrostructure Evidence Jong-Ho Park (Sunchon National Univ.)
Ki Beom Binh (Myungji Univ.)
Kyong Shik Eom (Univ. of Seoul)
Doojin Ryu (Chung-Ang Univ.)

◆ 3차 정기학술발표회(경영관련학회 통합학술대회)

  • - 일시 : 2012년 8월 20일(월)~22일(수)
  • - 장소 : 경주 현대호텔
  • - 발표 논문 : 20편

▶ 자본시장 1

  • 사회자 : 공재식(대구대)
논제 발표자 토론자
Who Mimics Whom in the Mutual Fund Market?:
Evidence from the Korean Mutual Fund Market
김세완(이화여대), 이봉수(Florida State Univ.)
계열 자산운용사 판매집중도가 펀드 판매시장에 미치는 영향 실증분석:
국내 펀드 판매사의 판매보수를 중심으로
굿딜바운드를 이용한 기업규모 및 장부가-시장가 비율 효과에 관한 연구 이한경(경상대)

▶ 재무관리 1

  • 사회자 : 김지수(영남대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
DECO-DCC모형을 통한 조건부 상관성의 결정요인에 관한 연구 최완수(평택대) 현종석(아주대)
외국계 은행과 기업의 경영성과 이상욱(서울과학기술대) 김상배(경북대)
온라인 개인 간(P2P) 대출의 상환 성공 요인에 관한 연구 최은호(FnGuide)

▶ 기업재무

  • 사회자 : 고봉찬(서울대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
The Impact of Earnings Guidance Cessation on Information Asymmetry:
Evidence from Transaction Data
Bill Hu (Arkansas State Univ.)
Christine Jiang (Univ of Memphis)
Does Corporate Social Responsibility Reduce Information Asymmetry? 조호제 (Santa Clara Univ)
Jinhua Cui(고려대)
횡령·배임 조회공시와 투자자간 정보비대칭 박진우(한국외대)
Initial Public Offerings, Earnings Management and Venture Capital:
Evidence in Bull and Bear Market Conditions

▶ 금융위험관리

  • 사회자 : 김명직(한양대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Nonparametric Factor Analytic Risk Measure in Common Stocks in Korean Financial Firms:
An Empirical Perspective
백승호 (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Joseph D. Cursio (Illinois Institute of Technology)
홍기훈 (자본시장연구원)
금리 재정거래 유인이 주가지수 옵션의 변동성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 오주연(아주대)
투자자 유형별 거래행태와 단기주가수익률에 대한 실증분석 송형상(숭실대)
The Sensitivity of Beta to the Time Horizon when Log Prices follow an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process 홍기훈(자본시장연구원)
S.Satchell (Univ. of Cambridge)

▶ 자본시장 2

  • 사회자 : 김병호(국민대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
Foreign Ownership and Exchange Rate Risks:
Evidence from Korean Stock Returns
과세제도의 변경으로 인한 프로그램 매매의 영향력 및 투자자 거래행태의 구조적 변화:
코스피 시장에 대한 실증분석
한국주식시장의 유동성과 시장효율성 최혁(서울대)

▶ 재무관리 2

  • 사회자 : 신정순(이화여대)
논 제 발표자 토론자
역사적 관점에서 본 이탈리아 북부 도시국가금융:
창조적 파괴 혹은 파괴적 창조
고대와 현재의 화폐금융론에 관한 연구:
관자를 중심으로
Economic Catastrophe Bonds: Commnet 변석준(KAIST)

◆ 2차 정기학술발표회(재무관리학회,재무학회,증권학회,파생상품학회,한미재무학회 공동)

  • - 일시 : 2012. 5. 25(금)~26(토)
  • - 장소 : KB국민은행 천안연수원
  • - 발표 논문 : 85편

▶ 제1분과 : 기업재무 1

  • 좌장 : 정무권(국민대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
강형철(서울시립대) 사외이사가 기업가치에 미치는 영향 :
독립적 사외이사의 중요성
김남곤(동덕여대) 공모가 밴드가 신규공모주(IPO) 저평가에 미치는 영향
정병욱 (서울시립대)
이하진(Texas State Univ.)
정무권(국민대) Bank Revolving Line and Vendor Financing in Corporate Debt Market:
Screening Model and Empirical Evidence

▶ 제2분과 : 투자론 1

  • 좌장 : 길재욱(한양대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
최 혁(서울대)
김진우(부산대) Fund Concentration and Its Determinants in the Korean Active Fund Market
김지현(서울대) 액티브펀드의 종목선택능력 구성요인들의 상대적 중요성 검증
우민철(한국거래소) 투자자의 권리변동을 반영한 수정주가 구축 및 활용방안에 대한 연구

▶ 제3분과 : 파생/위험관리 1

  • 좌장 : 장대홍(한림대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
장봉규(POSTECH) A Systematic Diagnosis of Systemic Risk
민병규(Univ. of Neuchatel)
김서경(서경대) Time-Varying Expected Momentum Profits

▶ 제4분과 : 파생/위험관리 2

  • 좌장 : 위정범(경희대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김서경(서경대) 빈기범(명지대) 선물저평가현상에 대한 일중고찰과 투기거래자
윤정선(국민대) 환위험노출의 실물옵션모형
최영수(한국외대) 바나볼가(Vanna-Volga) 방법을 이용한 한국 외환 장외파생시장의 분석

▶ 박사과정 컨소시엄 1

  • 좌장 : 변진호(이화여대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
이현탁(POSTECH) Forecasting Carbon Futures Volatility:
The Predictive Power of GARCH Models with Energy Volatilities
박철호(충북대) ELW시장의 LP 호가패턴 분석
양철원(단국대) Sovereign Credit Risk, Macroeconomic Variables and Change of Market Conditions
이윤희(서울대) Asymmetric Information Flow between Industry Sectors in Korean Stock Market using Symbolic Transfer Entropy

▶ 제5분과 : 한국금융공학회

  • 좌장 : 이기환(한국해양대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
조영석(목포대) 한국의 날씨파생상품 기준지수 : 개발 및 적용
김명희(한국해양대) 한국기업의 소유구조와 기업가치 : 경영자지분율의 동태적 분석
문성주(경상대) 증권대차거래를 활용한 펀드수익률 제고 방안
손판도(동아대) 실물옵션을 이용한 항만배후단지 가치평가

▶ 제6분과 : 한국FP학회 1

  • 좌장 : 김도성(서강대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
Kristy L. Archuleta (Kansas State Univ.) 양혜경(건국대) Financial Therapy:
A New Area of Research,Practice, & Collaboration
John E. Grable (Univ. of Georgia)
Sonya L. Britt (Kansas State Univ.)
주소현(이화여대) Financial News and Client Stress:
Understanding the Association from a Financial Planning Perspective

▶ 제7분과 : 기업재무 2

  • 좌장 : 김인준(연세대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김문태(조선대) 박종원(서울시립대) 코스닥의 IPO 전후 신용평점과 상장폐지의 관련성에 관한 연구
Pornsit Jiraporn (Pennsylvania State Univ.)
김영상 (Northern Kentucky Univ./국민대)
안성필(서강대) Analyst Following, Board Classification, and Managerial Entrenchment
정병욱(서울시립대) 애널리스트 이직 전후의 이익예측치 변화에 대한 분석

▶ 제8분과 : 기업재무 3

  • 좌장 : 김동철(고려대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
남두우(인하대) 외국인투자자의 투자기간과 기업의 배당정책
강병진(서울여대) Different Motives and Different Market Reactions to Convertible Bonds and Bonds with Warrants Issuance in Korea
Martin J. Dierker(KAIST)
강준구(Nanyang Technological Univ.)
박래수(숙명여대) Do Firms Adjust Their Capital Structures to Control Their Risks?

▶ 제9분과 : 투자론 2

  • 좌장 : 박진우(한국외대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
이은정(한양대) 코스닥시장에서 유가증권시장으로 상장이전과 시장의 질적 수준 : 시장거시구조 관점의 논의
최승두(동의대) Informed Trading before Positive vs. Negative Earnings Surprises
양철원(단국대) 한규식(전북대) 시장급락기의 개별주식 유동성의 시계열에 대한 연구

▶ 제10분과 : 투자론 3

  • 좌장 : 황선웅(중앙대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
이동욱(고려대) A Dark Side of International Diversification:
Implications for Inefficient Portfolio Holders
김성태(동의대) Analysis of Bond Fund:
Macro Factor-Model Approach
김용철(Univ. of Wisconsin)
최영민(서울대) Super-size Banks:
Efficiency or Moral Hazard

▶ 제11분과 : 투자론 4

  • 좌장 : 강장구(KAIST)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
현종석(아주대) The Role of High Frequency Traders in Electronic Limit Order Markets
Michael Brennan (Univ. of California)
허산욱(SUNY at Buffalo)
Avanidhar Subrahmanyam (Univ. of California)
선정훈(건국대) An Analysis of the Amihud Illiquidity Premium
이동욱(고려대) 빈기범(명지대) Discount-Rate Uncertainty, Holding Period, and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns

▶ 제12분과 : 투자론 5

  • 좌장 : 김창수(연세대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김홍석(아주대) Liquidity Risk and Expected Stock Returns in Korea:
A New Approach
김대원(Univ. of Memphis)
변종수(Univ. of Memphis)
손판도(동아대) Investor Disagreement on Corporate Spin-Offs News:
Confluence of Trading Volume and Abnormal Return
신정우(KAIST) Statistical Properties of Order Books in the KOSPI200 Futures Market

▶ 제13분과 : 파생/위험관리 3

  • 좌장 : 김동순(중앙대)

◆ 국제컨퍼런스(2011년도 제4차 정기학술발표회)The 6th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM 2011)

  • - 일시 : 2011. 12. 3(토)
  • - 장소 : 조선호텔(서울 소공동)
  • - 발표논문 : 40편

▶ Session 1 : IPO and M&A

  • Chair : Beom-Sik Jang (Soongsil Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Heated Negotiation within the Syndicate and IPOs Jin Q Jeon (Dongguk Univ.)
Jin S. Kim (Kyungpook National Univ.)
Cheolwoo Lee (Ferris State Univ.)
Jung-Wook Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
The Market for Corporate Control in Emerging Economy: Disciplining Mechanism or Tunneling Device? Hee Sub Byun (Korea Univ.)
Woojin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Eun Jung Lee (Hanyang Univ.)
Kyung Suh Park (Korea Univ.)
Kyojik “Roy” Song (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Private Equity Investors as Monitors: Evidence from the Partial Acquisitions Market Yun W. Park (Chung-Ang Univ.) Ji-Woong Chung (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Pay for Performance from Future Fund Flows: The Case of Private Equity Ji-Woong Chung (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Berk A. Sensoy (Ohio State Univ.)
Lea H. Stern (Ohio State Univ.)
Michael S. Weisbach (Ohio State Univ. and NBER)
Kuan-Hui Lee (Seoul National Univ.)

▶ Session 2 : Derivatives

  • Chair : Robert Webb (KAIST)
Title Author Discussant
Dividend-rollover Effect & the Ad Hoc Black Scholes Model Youngsoo Choi (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Steven J. Jordan (Econometric Solutions)
Soon Chan Ok (e*Value)
Hyun Kyung Kim (Statistics Korea)
What Drives Option Prices? Riadh Zaatour (Ecole Centrale Paris)
Frederic Abergel (Ecole Centrale Paris)
Youngsoo Choi (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Cross-section of Option Returns and Stock Volatility Jie Cao (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Bing Han (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Sol Kim (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Asymmetric Price Distribution and Bid-Ask Quotes in the Stock Options Market Kalok Chan (Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology)
Y. Peter Chung (Univ. of California)
Jaehyun Lee (Soongsil Univ.)

▶ Session 3 : International Finance

  • Chair : J. B. Chay (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Sources of Momentum Profits in International Stock Markets Kyung-In Park (Korea Univ.)
Dongcheol Kim (Korea Univ.)
Daehwan Kim (Konkuk Univ.)
Creditor Rights and Capital Structure: Evidence from International Data Sadok El Ghoul (Univ. of Alberta)
Omrane Guedhami (Univ. of South Carolina)
Seong-Soon Cho (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Jungwon Suh (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Jang Woo Lee (Pusan National Univ.)
Information Asymmetry and the Timing of Capital Issuance: An International Examination April M. Knill (Florida State Univ.)
Bong-Soo Lee (Florida State Univ.)
Eun Jung Lee (Hanyang Univ.)

▶ Session 4 : Liquidity and Information

  • Chair : Dosoung Choi (Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of Korea)
Title Author Discussant
Pricing of Liquidity Risks by Alternative Liquidity Measures Sunho Kim (Korea Univ.)
Kuan-Hui Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
Paul Moon Sub Choi (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Liquidity Crisis and Risk Premiums Jaehoon Lee (Univ. of Illinois) Jay M. Chung (Soongsil Univ.)
Market Inefficiency and Learning Behavior: The Case of Sports Lottery Joon Ho Hwang (Korea Univ.) Albert Lee Chun (Copenhagen Business School)
Information Content of Unsolicited Ratings: Evidence from Japanese Firms Soku Byoun (Baylor Univ.)
Yoon S. Shin (Loyola Univ.)
Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)

▶ Session 5 : Boards

  • Chair : Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed: The Role of Outside Directors Sung Wook Joh (Seoul National Univ.)
Jin-Young Jung (Cornell Univ.)
Dong Wook Lee (Korea Univ.)
From Backroom to BoardRoom : Role of Government Directors in Corporate Governance and Firm Performance Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Le Zhang (Univ. of New South Wales)
Jungwon Suh (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Do Older Boards Affect Firm Performance? An Empirical Analysis Based on Japanese Firms Makoto Nakano (Hitotsubashi Univ.)
Pascal Nguyen (Univ. of Technology Sydney)
Young Sang Kim (Northern Kentucky Univ.)

▶ Session 6 : Funds

  • Chair : Sang Lyong Joo (Hongik Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Partial Adjustment, Learning, and the Smart Money Effect in Young Funds in the Korean Marketplace Sungbin Cho (Korea Development Institute)
Inseok Shin (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Lorenzo Casavecchia (Univ. of Technology Sydney)
Cross Trading and the Cost of Conflicts of Interest of Mutual Fund Advisers Lorenzo Casavecchia (Univ. of Technology Sydney)
Ashish Tiwari (Univ. of Iowa)
Inseok Shin (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Do Hedge Funds Have Information Advantages? Evidence from Hedge Fund Stock Holdings Kee-Hong Bae (York Univ.)
Bok Baik (Seoul National Univ.)
Jin-Mo Kim (Rutgers Univ.)
Noolee Kim (Hanyang Univ.)

▶ Session 7 : Corporate Governance

  • Chair : Chang-Soo Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
How Does Cross-Holding Affect Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting? Hyo Jin Kim (Jeonju Univ.)
Soon Suk Yoon (Chonnam National Univ.)
Yan Li (Korea Univ.)
Is Business Group Structure Inefficient?: A Long-Term Perspective Chang-Soo Kim (Yonsei Univ.) Soon Suk Yoon (Chonnam National Univ.)
Corporate Governance and Diversification Kimberly C. Gleason (Florida Atlantic Univ.)
Inho Kim (Univ. of Cincinnati)
Yong H. Kim (Univ. of Cincinnati)
Young Sang Kim (Northern Kentucky Univ.)
Joon Ho Hwang (Korea Univ.)

▶ Session 8 : Investments

  • Chair : Dongcheol Kim (Korea Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Returns to Buying Positive Attention and Selling Negative Attention Suk Joon Byun (KAIST)
Sang Hyun Yun (KAIST)
Jianfeng Hu (Baruch College CUNY, National Univ. of Singapore)
Technical Analysis, Momentum and Autocorrelation K. J. Hong (Univ. of Cambridge)
S. Satchell (Univ. of Cambridge)
Jaehoon Lee (Univ. of Illinois)
Does Option Trading Convey Stock Price Information? Jianfeng Hu (Baruch College CUNY, National Univ. of Singapore) Olfa Maalaoui (KAIST)

▶ Session 9 : Financing and Payout

  • Chair : Sang Bin Lee (Hanyang Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Does National Culture Influence the Firm’s Choice of Debt Maturity? Kiyoung Chang (Univ. of South Florida-Sarasota)
Jung Bum Wee (Kyung Hee Univ.)
Ha-Chin Yi (Texas State Univ. and Kyung Hee Univ.)
Jungsoon Shin (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Managerial Entrenchment and Open-Market Share Repurchases: The Case of Taiwan Ruei-Shian Wu (Yuan Ze Univ.) Changmin Lee (Kookmin Univ.)
The Value of Option to Pay Dividend Chaehwan Won (Sogang Univ.) Jung Bum Wee (Kyung Hee Univ.)
Has the Value of Cash Increased Over Time? Ji-Woong Chung (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Boochun Jung (Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa)
DuRi Park (Ohio State Univ.)
Kaun Y. Lee (Chung-Ang Univ.)

▶ Session 10 : Portfolio Performance and Asset Allocation

  • Chair : Chang-Soo Hur (Univ. of Seoul)
Title Author Discussant
Portfolio Performance Evaluation with Leptokurtic Asset Returns Chou-Wen Wang (National Kaohsiung First Univ. of Science and Technology)
Chin-Wen Wu (Nanhua Univ.)
Yang-Cheng Chen (National Kaohsiung First Univ. of Science and Technology)
Changjun Lee (Kwangwoon Univ.)
Out-of-sample Predictions of Bond Excess Returns and Forward Rates: An Asset-Allocation Perspective Daniel L. Thornton (Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis)
Giorgio Valente (Univ. of Essex)
Hyoung-Jin Park (Seoul Women’s Univ.)
Fund Size and Performance in a Market Crowded with Many Small Funds Hyuk Choe (Seoul National Univ.)
Juil Ban (Seoul National Univ.)
Seoung Ju Moon (Gyeongsang National Univ.)

▶ Session 11 : Asset Pricing

  • Chair : Bong-Soo Lee (Florida State Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Inference for Stochastic Bubble Trend in Stock Price under Error Correction Model Yun-Yeong Kim (Dankook Univ.) Jinyong Kim (KAIST)
Bias in Stock Price Forecast and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns Dong Wook Lee (Korea Univ.) K. J. Hong (Univ. of Cambridge)
Productivity Growth and Stock Return: Firm- and Aggregate-Level Analyses Hyunbae Chun (Sogang Univ.)
Jung-Wook Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Randall Morck (Univ. of Alberta)
Martin J. Dierker (KAIST)

▶ Session 12 : Credit Risk

  • Chair : In Joon Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Information Content of Unsolicited Credit Ratings and Incentives of Rating Agencies: A Theory Soku Byoun (Baylor Univ.) Kyeong-Hoon Kang (Dongguk Univ.)
A Systematic Diagnosis of Systemic Risk Baeho Kim (Korea Univ.)
Myeong Hyeon Kim (Korea Univ.)
Sun Eae Chun (Chung-Ang Univ.)
The Information Content of Individual Put Option-Implied Volatility for Credit Default Swap Spread in Korea Market Tong Suk Kim (KAIST)
Yuen Jung Park (KAIST)
Baeho Kim (Korea Univ.)

◆ 3차 정기학술발표회(경영관련학회 통합학술대회)

  • - 일시 : 2011년 8월 16일(화)~18일(목)
  • - 장소 : 강원도 용평리조트
  • - 발표 논문 : 27편

▶ 제1분과 : 기업재무 1

  • 사회자 : 박진우(한국외대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
정찬식(고려대) 서정원(이화여대) 인수합병으로 인한 계열편입 사건을 통한 대기업집단의 기능에 관한 연구
오희장 (한국경영정책연구원) 이화진(호남대) 어두상호와 재무적 특성 및 결정요인
이호선(국민연금연구원), 강윤식(한국기업지배구조원), 최운열(서강대) 이장우(부산대) 가족친화경영의 재무적성과

▶ 제2분과 : 투자론 1

  • 사회자 : 김명직(한양대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
전용호(서울대) 김규형(중앙대) 기관 및 외국인투자자의 군집거래가 주식수익률에 미치는 영향
이관휘(서울대) 무차익 거래를 이용한 주식형 펀드의 성과 평가
김은영(부산대) 우리나라 및 미국의 주식거래량의 변화가 우리나라 주식수익률의 변동성 예측에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

▶ 제3분과 : 파생상품, 금융기관 1

  • 사회자 : 홍정훈(국민대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
최영민(서울대) 박형진(서울여대) Which Process is Valid in Pricing and Hedging a Complex Equity Structured Product?
강대일(서울대) Analysis of Excess Premium in Complex Structured Products
박형진(서울여대) 임경원(건국대) 금선물 거래량에 대한 실증 분석

▶ 제4분과 : 투자론 2

  • 사회자 : 김동순(중앙대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
최문섭(이화여대) Are Foreign Short-Sellers Informed? Evidence from Korean Stock Exchange
최승두(동의대) R²와 기업가치의 관계에 관한 실증연구
김은영(부산대) 박정민(서울대) 비선형모형을 포함한 범위 변동성 추정량의 예측성과 비교연구

▶ 제5분과 : 기업재무 2

  • 사회자 : 김동석(KAIST)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
Lewis Tam (Univ. of Macau)
김지연(서울대) Takeovers and Operational Performance: Where Is Operational Synergy?
권택호(충남대) 지배주주의 지분율과 저축은행의 경영행태간의 관계에 관한 연구
이화진(호남대) 오희장 (한국경영정책연구원) 신호동기와 기회주의 동기에 따른 주주지분의 상대가치

▶ 제6분과 : 투자론 3

  • 사회자 : 김병기(충북대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김범(숭실대) 광고를 통한 투자자인지도 상승이 기업가치에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
이호선 (국민연금연구원) The Best Analyst for the Buy-Side Institution may not be Your Best Analyst:Investor Response and Relationship between Optimistic Bias and Ex-post Votes
William Megginson (Univ. of Oklahoma)
위정범(경희대) Does Ownership Matter? Evidences from Operating Performance of Privatization IPOs around the World

▶ 제7분과 : 기업재무 3

  • 사회자 : 김동철(고려대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김현아(전남대) 기업의 지배구조가 기부금 지출에 미치는 영향
정찬식(고려대) 주식유동성이 배당정책에 미치는 효과
김진산(경북대) 자산재평가이익 지속성이 배당정책에 미치는 영향
강상구(고려대) 풋백옵션 폐지 전·후 IPO 저평가가 초과수익률에 미치는 영향

▶ 제8분과 : 투자론 4

  • 사회자 : 김규형(중앙대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김경순(한국외대) 투자확신이 회전율과 수익률에 미치는 영향
김중혁(고려대) 애널리스트보고서의 정보효과와 투자주체별 정보비대칭
최영수(한국외대) 이자율기간구조모형 설정의 유효성 분석

▶ 제9분과 : 파생상품, 금융기관 2

  • 사회자 : 위정범(경희대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
배성철(Bowling Green State Univ.)
이건희(경기대) 한국 제조기업의 환노출과 파생상품을 이용한 헤지
김은영(부산대) 전용호(서울대) Which one DOES better in WTI crude oil markets: linear or nonlinear models?

◆ 2차 정기학술발표회(재무관리학회,재무학회,증권학회,파생상품학회,한미재무학회 공동)

  • - 일시 : 2011. 5. 27(금)~28(토)
  • - 장소 : 한국금융투자협회 금융투자교육원(충남 아산)
  • - 발표 논문 : 80편

▶ 제1분과 : 기업재무 1

  • 좌장 : 송문현(San Diego State Univ.)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
채 준(서울대)
변석구 (Baylor Univ.) Does a Firm’s takeover vulnerability cause Its Stock Price to Deviate from Random walks?
위정범(경희대) 송교직(성균관대) Pyramidal Structures and Competitive Strategies of Business Groups
김영상 (Northern Kentucky Univ.) Is Cross-Listing a Commitment Mechanism? : Evidence from Cross-Listings around the World
전진규(동국대) 우회상장 결정요인에 관한 실증연구

▶ 제2분과 : 투자론 1

  • 좌장 : 박강훈 (Missouri State Univ.)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김영상 (Northern Kentucky Univ.)
Pornsit Jiraporn(Pennsylvania State Univ.)
Yixin Liu (Univ. of New Hampshire)
김용철(Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) The Impact of CEO Power on Analyst Following
Jun Cai (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
유승동 (Univ. of British Columbia) Which Liquidity Proxy Measures Liquidity Best in Emerging Markets?
Robert I Webb(KAIST)
이봉수 (Florida State Univ.) Does Trading Volume Matters to Price Discovery?

▶ 제3분과 : 투자론 2

  • 좌장 : 김병기 (충북대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김성신(고려대) 주식 시장과 주식형 펀드 수익률 및 현금흐름의 동태적 관계 : 개별 펀드 분석
박영규(성균관대) 펀드매니저의 포트폴리오 펌핑행위가 존재하는가? : 한국 펀드시장으로부터 증거
김인호(Univ. of Cincinnati)
최영목(청주대) 그룹 계열사 간의 정보우위는 존재하는가? - 자산운용사들의 계열사 투자성과를 통한 검증

▶ 제4분과 : 파생상품 1

  • 좌장 : 오세경 (건국대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
박윤식 (George Washington Univ.)
현종석(아주대) Determinants of Credit Default Swap Spreads : The Case of Korean Firms
구형건(아주대) 옵션변동성을 고려한 체제별 CDS 스프레드 결정요인
김홍배(동서대) The Crisis and Financial Engineering

▶ 박사과정 컨소시엄 1

  • 좌장 : 최영수 (한국외대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
이종용(강원대) 새로운 모수추정법을 사용한 구조형 기업부도확률모형간 예측성과
박형진(서울여대) The Information Content Of The Risk-Neutral Skewness For Volatility Forecasting
윤선중(한림대) 옵션리스크(VaR) 측정기법 및 적정성 평가에 관한 연구 - Quadratic Portfolio Model을 중심으로 -

▶ 박사과정 컨소시엄 2

  • 좌장 : 안희준 (성균관대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
전진규(동국대) A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
윤정선(국민대) 대주주지분이 기업의 타인자본비용에 미치는 영향
김성환(경북대) 운전자본관리가 자본적 지출에 미치는 영향
이우백 (방송통신대) R&D Investment and Internal Finance : Evidence from Korean Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

▶ 제5분과 : 기업재무 2

  • 좌장 : 주상룡 (홍익대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
전진규(동국대) 양철원(단국대) Post Signing Market Check or Window Dressing? The Role of Go-Shop Provisions in M&A Transactions
윤정선(국민대) 강경훈(동국대) Inefficient Corporate Takeovers under Multidimensional Signals
Kai Chen (Mount Olive College)
김용철(Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Richard D. Marcus(Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
김봉준(경상대) Corporate Control Through Management Buyouts

▶ 제6분과 : 투자론 3

  • 좌장 : 김명직 (한양대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
고광수(부산대) 개인의 은퇴자산 인출전략에 관한 분석적 연구 - 손실확률 평가를 중심으로 -
A. Rubesam(Principia Capital Management)
김현경(통계청) The Disappearance of Momentum
김은영(부산대) The Momentum Effect in the Korean Stock Market

▶ 제7분과 : 투자론 4

  • 좌장 : 이해영 (강남대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
최병욱(건국대) 장우애(부산대) 옵션거래량 정보는 현물가격을 예측하는가? KOSPI 200 옵션시장에 대한 실증분석
박기봉(계명대) 우리나라 및 미국의 주식거래량의 변화가 우리나라 주식수익률의 변동성예측에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
김규형(중앙대) KRX 섹터별 수익률 변동성과 거래량에 관한 연구 - GJR모형을 이용하여 -

▶ 제8분과 : 재무이론

  • 좌장 : 황선웅 (중앙대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
이종용(강원대) Optimal Retirement with Unemployment Risks and Market Completion
신용현(한남대) Optimal Stopping Time In Incomplete Market With Regime Switching
Xuhu Wan (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
오갑진(조선대) A General Equilibrium Model of a Multi-Firm Moral-Hazard Economy with Financial Markets
장봉규 (POSTECH) General Equilibrium with Uninsurable Labor Income

▶ 제9분과 : 투자론 5

  • 좌장 : 김동철 (고려대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
윤선중(한림대) 김순호(고려대) Time-Varying Risk Aversion and Expected Stock Returns
김세권(국민대) Evaluating Asset Pricing Models in the Korean Stock Market
하연정(부산대) Risk Premium and Convexity Premium In the Stock Return

▶ 박사과정 컨소시엄 3

  • 좌장 : 길재욱 (한양대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
이관영(중앙대) 우회상장의 장기성과 및 생존결정요인
유승동(Univ. of British Columbia)
Tsur Somerville(Univ. of British Columbia)
이현철(경북대) The Leveraged City : The Timing of Development in the Presence of a Defaultable Mortgage
최 혁(서울대)
고광수(부산대) 자투리펀드와 대리인갈등
김한준(호서대) 거시경제변수가 소상공인 신용위험에 미치는 영향

▶ 제10분과 : 기업재무 3

  • 좌장 : 박종원 (서울시립대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
전상경(한양대) 김진산(경북대) IPO기업들의 조기 상장폐지
도영호 (신용보증기금) 풋백옵션 폐지가 IPO 저평가에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
전상경(한양대) R&D투자가 신규공모주 이상현상에 미치는 효과
William Meggison(Univ. of Oklahoma)
강윤식 (한국기업지배구조원) The Long-Run Operating Performance of Newly Privatized firms : International Evidence

▶ 제11분과 : 투자론 6

  • 좌장 : 최 혁 (서울대)

◆ 국제컨퍼런스(2010년도 제4차 정기학술발표회)The 5th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM 2010)

  • - 일시 : 2010. 12. 4(토)
  • - 장소 : 조선호텔(서울 소공동)
  • - 발표논문 : 44편

▶ Session 1 : Corporate Governance

  • Chair : Beom-Sik Jang (Soongsil Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Block Premium and Shareholder Litigation Jaiho Chung (Korea Univ.)
Joon Ho Hwang (Korea Univ.)
Joon-Seok Kim (Korea Capital Market Institute)
Woochan Kim (KDI School)
Do Controlling Shareholders’Expropriation Incentives Imply a Link between Corporate Governance and Firm Value? Theory and Evidence Kee-Hong Bae (York Univ.)
Jae-Seung Baek (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Wei-Lin Liu (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Betty Wu (Yonsei Univ.)
Corporate Governance Reforms and Firm-Level Allocation of International Capital Flows Yao Lu (Tsinghua Univ.) Seoungpil Ahn (Sogang Univ.)
An Economic Theory of Constitutional Governance Sankarshan Acharya (Univ. of Illinois, Chicago and Research Center for Finance and Governance (India)) Sooyoung Song (Chung-Ang Univ.)

▶ Session 2 : Derivatives

  • Chair : Robert Webb (KAIST)
Title Author Discussant
Which one is better? A study on the pricing kernel-based option valuation approaches Jangkoo Kang (KAIST)
Doojin Ryu (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Shiyong Yoo (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Model-Free Volatility Expectations and Risk Perceptions During Financial Crises Kazuhiko Nishina (Meiji Gakuin Univ.)
Nabil Maghrebi (Wakayama Univ.)
Moo-Sung Kim (Pusan National Univ.)
Hyo Seob Lee (Korea Capital Market Institute)
Credit Derivatives and the Default Risk of Large Complex Financial Institutions Giovanni Calice (Univ. of Southampton)
Christos Ioannidis (Univ. of Bath)
Julian Williams (Univ. of Aberdee)
Baeho Kim (Korea Univ.)
Effects of Rollover Strategies and Information Stability on the Performance Measures in Option Market Youngsoo Choi (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Soon Chan Ok (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Byung Jin Kang (Seoul Women’s Univ.)

▶ Session 3 : Market Microstructure

  • Chair : S. Ghon Rhee (Sungkyunkwan Univ. and Univ. of Hawai’i)
Title Author Discussant
Effects of Short-sale Constraints on Stock Prices and Trading Activity:
Evidence from Hong Kong and Mainland China
Kalok Chan (Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology)
Hung Wan Kot (Hong Kong Baptist Univ.)
Zhishu Yang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Jay M. Chung (Soongsil Univ.)
Order Submission Dynamics in Order-driven Markets Pei-Han Hsin (Cheng Shiu Univ.)
Ming-Chang Wang (National Chung Cheng Univ.)
Chin-Shun Wu (Univ. of the WEST)
Alin Chen (National Sun Yat-Sen Univ.)
Jin Yoo (Hanyang Univ.)
Why Do Stocks Move Together?:
Evidence from Commonality in Order Imbalances
Y. Peter Chung (Univ. of California, Riverside)
Thomas Kim (Univ. of California, Riverside)
Yunsung Eom (Hansung Univ.)
Short Selling by Individual Investors: Vice or Virtue? Chan-Shik Jung (Korea Univ.)
Woojin Kim (Korea Univ.)
Dong Wook Lee (Korea Univ.)
Hyoungjin Park (Seoul Women's Univ.)

▶ Session 4 : Financial Intermediation

  • Chair : Sun-Wung Hwang (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Bank Loans, Trade Credits, and Borrower Characteristics:
Theory and Empirical Analysis
Byung-Uk Chong (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Ha-Chin Yi (Texas State Univ. San Marcos)
Yan Li (Korea Univ.)
Monetary Liquidity, Market Liquidity, and Financial Intermediation Ujjal Chatterjee (Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Yong-Cheol Kim (Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Yun Woo Park (Chung-Ang Univ.)
Corporate Taxes and Securitization Joong Ho Han (KDI School)
Kwangwoo Park (KAIST)
George Pennacchi (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana Champaign)
Hyoungsik Noh (Korea Institute of Finance)
The Impact of Organizational and Incentive Structures on Soft Information:
Evidence from Bank Lending
Jun “QJ” Qian (Boston College)
Philip E. Strahan (Boston College and NBER)
Zhishu Yang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Joong Ho Han (KDI School)

▶ Session 5 : IPO and M&A

  • Chair : Hyosuk Kang (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Title Author Discussant
Bookbuilding, Price Revision and Initial Returns of IPOs Sung Wook Joh (Seoul National Univ.)
Yoo-Hwan Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Wilson Wonho Choi (KAIST)
New Evidence on the Underperformance of Initial Public Offerings:
Analyses of Earnings Announcements Returns
Henk Berkman (Univ. of Auckland)
Yapei Li (Univ. of Auckland)
Jinho Byun (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Dividend Policy and the Method of Payment in Mergers and Acquisitions Jin Q Jeon (Dongguk Univ.)
James A. Ligon (Univ. of Alabama)
Charn Soranakom (Mahidol Univ.)
Ha-Chin Yi (Texas State Univ., San Marcos)

▶ Session 6 : Funds

  • Chair : Myung-Jig Kim (Hanyang Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Dynamic Prediction of Financial Distress in Hedge Funds and Funds-of-Hedge Funds Hee Soo Lee (Univ. of Sydney) Giorgio Valente (Univ. of Essex)
The Performance of Currency Hedge Funds and Foreign Exchange Risk Premia Federico Nucera (Bocconi Univ.)
Giorgio Valente (Univ. of Essex)
Hee Soo Lee (Univ. of Sydney)
The Role of Organizational Structure:
Between Hierarchy and Specialization
Massimo Massa (INSEAD)
Lei Zhang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Junesuh Yi (Dongguk Univ.)

▶ Session 7 : Investments

  • Chair : Chang-Soo Hur (Univ. of Seoul)
Title Author Discussant
Investor Perceptions of Earnings Processes and Post-Announcement Drifts Bong-Soo Lee (Florida State Univ.)
Oliver M. Rui (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Jang Woo Lee (Pusan National Univ.)
Local Equity Market Participation and Stock Liquidity Lei Zhang (Nanyang Technological Univ.) Ahmed Marhfor (Univ. of Quebec, Montreal)
Stock price informativeness and analyst coverage Ahmed Marhfor (Univ. of Quebec, Montreal)
Bouchra M’Zali (Univ. of Quebec, Montreal)
Guy Charest (Univ. of Quebec, Montreal)
Woojin Kim (Korea Univ.)

▶ Session 8 : International Finance

  • Chair : Dongcheol Kim (Korea Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Asymmetric Information or Asymmetric Reputation?:
A Theory on Why Foreigners Earn So Much in a Small Open Emerging Market
Jin Yoo (Hanyang Univ.) Jeongsun Yun (Kookmin Univ.)
Financial Liberalization and Liquidity Commonality Chunmei Lin (National Univ. of Singapore) Olfa Maalaoui (KAIST)
Country, Industry and Idiosyncratic Components in Valuation Ratios Jiyoun An (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy)
Sanjeev Bhojraj (Cornell Univ.)
David T. Ng (Wharton School and Cornell Univ.)
Hyung-Suk Choi (Hongik Univ.)

▶ Session 9 : Internal and External Financing

  • Chair : Yong-Cheol Kim (Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Title Author Discussant
When Does Foreign Portfolio Investment Increase Corporate Value in an Emerging Market Economy? Woochan Kim (KDI School)
Taeyoon Sung (Yonsei Univ.)
Shang-Jin Wei (Columbia Univ.)
Jungwon Suh (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Managerial Incentives for Risk-Taking and Internal Capital Allocation Ja Young Suh (Univ. of Technology, Sydney) Yao Lu (Tsinghua Univ.)
Debt Covenants and the Value of Cash Holdings Boochun Jung (Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa)
Woo-Jong Lee (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.)
Sunny Yang (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Jong Il So (Korea Univ.)
The Sensitivities of Corporate Investments to Internal and External Sources of Funds J. B. Chay (Sungkyungkwan Univ.)
Soojung Kim (Kyung Hee Cyber Univ.)
Jungwon Suh (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Jung-Wook Kim (Seoul National Univ.)

▶ Session 10 : Risk Management

  • Chair : Harald Scheule (Univ. of Melbourne)
Title Author Discussant
Dynamic Hedging Turned Friendly Fire:
Perils of Hedging Foreign Currency Risks
Jin-Wan Cho (Korea Univ.)
Taeyong Kim (Morningstar Associates Korea)
Woojin Kim (Korea Univ.)
Wenchao Liao (Shih Chien Univ.)
Risk Taking of ‘Too Big To Fail’ Banks:
Evidence from Surviving Banks after a Financial Crisis
Hyungkwon Jeong (Bank of Korea)
Sung Wook Joh (Seoul National Univ.)
Jung-Bum Wee (Kyung Hee Univ.)
Segment Disclosure Quality, Information Asymmetry, and Corporate Bond Yield Spreads Tsung-Kang Chen (Fu Jen Catholic Univ.)
Yi-Ping Liao (Ming Chuan Univ.)
Jungsoon Shin (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Speculators versus Hedgers:
Evidence from Treasury Futures VAR Analysis of the Volume-Volatility Relations
Wenchao Liao (Shih Chien Univ.) Yongjae Kwon (Kookmin Univ.)

▶ Session 11 : Asset Pricing

  • Chair : Bong-Soo Lee (Florida State Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
On the Ex-Ante Cross-Sectional Relation Between Risk and Return Using Option-Implied Information Ren-Raw Chen (Fordham Univ.)
Dongcheol Kim (Korea Univ.)
Durga Panda (Rutgers Univ.)
Changjun Lee (Kwangwoon Univ.)
Time-Varying Risk Premia for Size Effects on Equity REITs G.D. Chang (National Taiwan Univ. of Science and Technology)
Y.T. Chang (National Taiwan Univ. of Science and Technology)
Dong Wook Lee (Korea Univ.)
When Does Idiosyncratic Risk Really Matter? Tony Ruan (Xiamen Univ.)
Qian Sun (Fudan Univ.)
Yexiao Xu (Univ. of Texas, Dallas)
Daehwan Kim (Konkuk Univ.)
On the Relation between the Chen-Zhang Factors and the Macroeconomy Byoung-Kyu Min (Ohio State Univ.)
Jangkoo Kang (KAIST)
Changjun Lee (Kwangwoon Univ.)
Jaehoon Hahn (Yonsei Univ.)

▶ Session 12 : Credit Risk

  • Chair : In Joon Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
Title Author Discussant
Credit rating inflation or deflation? Tests of two competing views on credit rating standard changes Kee-Hong Bae (York Univ.)
Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
Jin Wang (Queen's Univ.)
Kuan-Hui Lee (Korea Univ.)
Securitization rating performance and agency incentives Daniel Rosch (Leibniz Univ. of Hannover)
Harald Scheule (Univ. of Melbourne)
Don H. Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
Sovereign debt ratings changes and stock liquidity around the world Kuan-Hui Lee (Korea Univ.)
Horacio Sapriza (Rutgers Business School and FRB)
Yangru Wu (Rutgers Business School)
Junghoon Seon (Konkuk Univ.)
Effects of Macroeconomic News Announcements on the Risk-Neutral Distribution:
Evidence From KOSPI200 Intraday Options Data
Sol Kim (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Geul Lee (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Doojin Ryu (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)

◆ 3차 정기학술발표회(경영관련학회 통합학술대회)

  • - 일시 : 2010. 8. 16(월)~18(수)
  • - 장소 : 인천 송도컨벤시아
  • - 발표 논문 : 28편

▶ 제1분과 : 기업재무 1

  • 사회자 : 최 혁(서울대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
황재호(한국외대) 기업분할의 공시효과와 운전자본
이 근(서울대)
서재웅(한국외대) 한국기업집단의 인수활동과 피인수기업의 성과변화
정재만(서울시립대) 파생상품 사용이 국내 은행의 위험관리와 기업가치에 미치는 영향

▶ 제2분과 : 투자론1

  • 사회자 : 최종범(성균관대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
배광일(KAIST) 주식시장 변이와 볼록성 효과
류혁선(미래에셋증권) The Effect of Changes in Index Constitution : Evidence from the Korean Stock Market
선정훈(건국대) KOSPI 200 변경기업 이례현상

▶ 제3분과 : 기업재무 2

  • 사회자 : 주상룡(홍익대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
이장우(부산대) Does the Leverage Policy of?Multinationals Differ from That of Domestic Corporations?
서정원(이화여대) Market Timing이 자본구조에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
강대일(서울대) 박래수(숙명여대) 새로운 모수추정법을 사용한 구조형 기업부도확률모형간 예측성과

▶ 제4분과 : 투자론 2

  • 사회자 : 홍정훈(국민대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
이우백(한국방송통신대) 이호선(국민연금연구원) 보통주의 가격발견은 우선주보다 선행하는가?
원종현(국회입법조사처) 송수영(중앙대) 장수위험의 가격측정
원종현 (국회입법조사처) 공적연금 자산배분 결정요인의 국제 비교

▶ 제5분과 : 기업재무 3

  • 사회자 : 김대식(한양대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
서상원(중앙대) On Incentives of Executive Stock Options
서정원(이화여대) Liquidity, Corporate Governance and Firm Value: Evidence Around the World
김명애(서울대) 이은정(한양대) 주요주주 지분율이 기업의 이익배분에 미치는 영향 : 개인대주주를 중심으로

▶ 제6분과 : 투자론 3

  • 사회자 : 황선웅(중앙대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
박상균(K D I) 이우백 (한국방송통신대) 비유동성 프리미엄의 시계열 변화에 대한 연구
최문섭(이화여대) Short Selling by Individual Investors: Vice or Virtue?
조영현(고려대) 엄윤성(한성대) 시장성과를 능가하는 데이트레이더에 관한 연구

▶ 제7분과 : 국제재무

  • 사회자 : 강효석(한국외대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김권식 (국제금융센터) 아시아 외환위기와 글로벌 금융위기에서의 중국, 한국, 미국 주식시장사이의 spillover 효과에 관한 연구
김권식(국제금융센터) 김규형(중앙대) 신흥시장 채권스프레드의 글로벌 공통요인 분해
이재웅 (고려대) 황희정(단국대) Foreigners' Investment Behavior Change After Subprime Mortgage Crisis

▶ 제8분과 : 기업재무 4

  • 사회자 : 박진우(한국외대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김유환(서울대) 이진호 (자본시장연구원) Returns and Information Disclosures Surrounding IPO Lockup Expirations
김유환(서울대) IPO인수주간사의 이해상충에 관한 연구: 주간사의 조사분석업무를 중심으로
정재만(서울시립대) 파생상품 사용이 국내 은행의 위험관리와 기업가치에 미치는 영향

▶ 제9분과 : 투자론 4

  • 사회자 : 김동순(중앙대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
서상원(중앙대) 윤주영(KAIST) Control of Luck in Measuring Investment Fund Performance
이재현 (국민연금연구원) 국내 자산운용사들의 군집행동에 관한 연구
김우진(고려대) 펀드산업의 발전이 경제성장에 미치는 영향 : 한국의 사례연구

▶ 제10분과 : 금융

  • 사회자 : 이준행(서울여대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
최영민(서울대) 과열시장에서 주택담보대출이 아파트가격에 미치는 영향
박형진(서울여대) Engineering For Whom? Evidence in Retail Structured Equity Products?

◆ 2차 정기학술발표회(재무관리학회,재무학회,증권학회,파생상품학회,한미재무학회 공동)

  • - 일시 : 2010. 5. 28(금)~29(토)
  • - 장소 : 금융투자협회 금융투자교육원(충남 아산)
  • - 발표 논문 : 76편

▶ 제1분과 : 투자론1

  • 좌장 : 황선웅 (중앙대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김진우(부산대) On the Relation between the Chen-Zhang Factors and the Macroeconomy
최 혁(서울대)
이우백 (방송통신대) 적립식(Dollar Cost Averaging) 투자전략이 투자성과를 개선하는가?
이창준(KAIST) 기업특성변수들의 주식수익률에 대한 설명력 검증

▶ 제2분과 : 기업재무 1

  • 좌장 : 김철중 (홍익대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
김한나(연세대) 주식분할 후 변동성 증가와 거래행태의 변화
Sung C. Bae (Bowling Green tate University)
Kiyoung Chang (Indiana University)
Doseong Kim(Sogang University)
Yong-Cheol Kim (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee) Determinants of Target Selection and Acquirer Returns : Evidence from Cross-Border Acquisitions

▶ 제3분과 : 파생상품1

  • 좌장 : 최종연 (한양대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
윤선중(한림대) 최병욱(건국대) Information in In-The-Money Options for Future Volatility
김 솔(한국외대) 최영수(한국외대) Is It Useful to Consider the Traders’ Rules for Pricing Options? Evidence from Intraday Data
이현석(성신여대) Dynamic Hedging or Friendly Fire? Perils of Hedging Foreign Currency Risks

▶ 제4분과 : 투자론2

  • 좌장 : 김인준 (연세대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
신용재(숭의여대) 주식대차거래가 자본시장 유동성에 미치는 영향
김홍석 (POSTECH) 주문불균형이 KOSPI200 개별 주식 수익률에 미치는 영향 분석
오갑진(조선대) 정우성 (POSTECH) Grouping Properties of Industry Sectors : KOSPI and S&P 500 Markets

▶ 제5분과 : 기업재무 2

  • 좌장 : 감형규 (청운대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
황보라(연세대) 투자자보호가 경영위험 선호에 미치는 영향
강윤식(서강대) 유상증자유형의 선택결정요인에 관한 연구
Guojun Chen(Michigan University)
Jun-Koo Kang (Nanyang Technological University)
Jin-Mo Kim (University of Rutgers)
김우진(고려대) Private Equity Blockholders

▶ 제6분과 : 금융기관1

  • 좌장 : 김대호 (건국대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
Hinh Khieu (University of Southern Indiana)
Donald Mullineaux (University of Kentucky)
Ha-Chin Yi (Texas State University)
손판도(동아대) The Determinants of Bank Loan Recovery Rates
Liu, Xuguang(경북대)
남두우(인하대) Effects of Competition and Ownership Structure on Chinese and Korean Bank’s Profitability
방두완(창원대) 새마을금고의 효율성과 생산성분석에 관한 연구
정진호(고려대) 한국 모기지시장의 채무불이행 및 조기상환 분석

▶ 박사과정 컨소시엄1

  • 좌장 : 이준행 (서울여대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
양승호 (POSTECH) Matching Asymptotics in Path-Dependent Option Pricing
김규형(중앙대) Robust Portfolio Choice with External Habit Formation and Countercyclical Uncertainty Aversion
이우백 (방송통신대) Conditional Volatility and the GARCH Option Pricing Model with Non-Normal Innovations

▶ 제7분과 : 투자론3

  • 좌장 : 주상룡 (홍익대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
최 혁(서울대)
장봉규 (POSTECH) 유동성공급자 제도의 도입 효과 분석
이우백(방송통신대) 유 진(한양대) 보통주의 가격발견은 우선주보다 우선하는가?
유 진(한양대) 이준행(서울여대) 금융거래의 투기, 도덕적 해이 및 역선택
김 솔(한국외대) Asset Demand and Consumption with Longevity Risk

▶ 제8분과 : 기업재무 3

  • 좌장 : 정진호 (고려대)
발표자 토론자 논 문 제 목
최종연(한양대) Unyong Pyo (Brock University) 외상매출가격 대비 현금가격 할인율의 결정에 관한 연구 : 교환옵션 모형
Unyong Pyo (Brock University)
Howard E. hompson (University of Wisconsin- Madison)
Sung C. Bae (Bowling Green State University) Resolving the Underinvestment and Asymmetric Information Problems with Target Debt Ratios
Vivek Mande (California State University)
Myungsoo Son (California State Universit