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Special Issue of Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (AJFS 2021 December Issue)

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Special Issue of
Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies

-Advances in the Regional Capital Market: Korea


                'Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies(AJFS 2021 December Issue)' 수논문 지원사업

            ​     선정결과(무순)



​               - Value-destroying Mergers: Evidence from Korean Business Groups

               - The role of second-tier exchange in corporate valuation: Evidence from Korea

               - An Extension of the Five-factor Affine Term Structure Model: Predicting Future Bond Returns

               - Managerial overoptimism and research and development investment: Evidence from Korean

                 initial public offering firms

  ​             - Media Coverage and Cash Holding Adjustments





               2021.  12. 23 

           한국증권학회 사무국

한 국 증 권 학 회
