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Call for Papers: 18th Annual Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets(CAFM 2023)

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18th Annual Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM)

Seoul, Korea, December 8-9, 2023


Korean Securities Association (KSA) is pleased to announce its 18th Annual Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM), to be held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Seoul, Korea, from December 8th (Friday) to December 9th (Saturday), 2023. We welcome interested scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to submit research papers in all areas of finance for presentation at the conference. 



The keynote speaker for the 18th CAFM will be Stefan Nagel, the Fama Family Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at University of Chicago. Professor Nagel’s research focuses on asset pricing, investor behavior, and the formation of investor expectations. His most recent works explore the role of personal experiences in shaping expectations about the macroeconomy and financial market returns, models of investor learning about long-run growth with decaying memory, and the application of machine learning techniques to understand the risk and return of investment strategies in the stock market. Professor Nagel has won various awards for his research, among them the Smith-Breeden Prize of the American Finance Association for the best paper in the Journal of Finance and the Fama/DFA prize for the best asset pricing paper in the Journal of Financial Economics. Professor Nagel served as Executive Editor of the Journal of Finance from 2016 to 2022. Previously, he was an editor at the Review of Financial Studies from 2014-2015 and an associate editor at various top journals. He is also a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a research fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research and CESifo. He is vice-president-elect of the Western Finance Association.



Papers written in English must be submitted via https://www.conftool.net/cafm2023, using MS Word or Adobe pdf file format from May 8th, 2023.  The deadline for paper submission is August 22nd, 2023. The submitted papers will be reviewed for selection by the review committee in a double-blind referee process. The results will be notified to the author via email by September 30th, 2023. If you have any questions with the paper submission, please let us know via email at cafm2023@gmail.com.



All papers must be accompanied by an abstract of a maximum of 200 words. The cover page of the paper should contain the paper’s title as well as name, affiliation, address, phone number, and email address of all authors. The second page should contain the paper’s title and abstract only. The programs for the previous CAFM conferences can be accessed at http://www.apjfs.org.




If your paper is accepted for presentation at the conference, your paper is eligible to compete for a Best Paper Award of US$2,000 (or KRW 2,000,000). Eight (8) best papers will be awarded at the Gala dinner to each presenting author. The awarded papers will also be invited for fast-track review and publication in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (AJFS), the first finance journal to be SSCI-indexed in the Asia-Pacific region.




Sudipto Dasgupta, Professor of Finance at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, will lead the special guest lecture session for the 18th CAFM. He has broad research interests with a focus on corporate finance. Professor Dasgupta’s recent works explore a diverse set of issues such as the role of socially responsible investors in mitigating the environmental impact of emissions, how air pollution affects cross-border mobility, capital flows, and asset prices, how social connections between upstream and downstream managers encourage innovation, and what M&A conference call transcripts reveal about issues that matter for mergers involved in M&A deals. Professor Dasgupta was the Managing Editor of the International Review of Finance from 2008 to 2020, and is a Senior Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research, the European Corporate Governance Institute, and the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economics Research. He is currently a board member of the Financial Management Association and Academic Director for the Asia-Oceania region. He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Southern California in 1988.



Doctoral students are also welcomed to present their dissertations at the doctoral student workshop of the conference, which will be led by active and renowned scholars to be announced later. The Best Dissertation Award of US$ 1,000 (or KRW 1,000,000) will be given to the best thesis.



The 18th annual CAFM will feature a dual submission option with AJFS. If you choose the option at the time of paper submission, your paper accepted for the conference will be additionally invited for submission and considered for publication by the editors of AJFS with the journal submission fee waived. For further details about the Journal, please visit http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ajfs. 


The applicants can also choose to submit for the Korean Journal of Financial Studies (KJFS), SCOPUS-indexed official journal of KSA. For further details about the Journal, please visit https://www.e-kjfs.org 



Seoul is the capital and largest metropolis in South Korea, and has been the capital for more than 600 years. With a municipal population over 9.9 million, the city is one of the largest financial and cultural centers in East Asia. Situated on the Han River, Seoul is considered a leading and rising global city, filled with a fascinating blend of ancient traditions and cutting-edge digital technology, home to endless street food vendors, beautiful royal palaces, and serene Buddhist temples. As the birthplace of K-pop and Korean Wave, Seoul receives over 10 million international visitors every year, making it one of the world’s most visited cities.



The Four Seasons Seoul is one of the leading hotels in Korea. The hotel, situated at the historic center overlooking the Gwanghwamun entrance to the Gyeongbokgung palace, brings the Four Seasons experience to Korea for the first time.



Junesuh Yi, Dongguk University



For additional information, please contact us via email at cafm2023@gmail.com.

